《》Before We Begin


Current readers: Yes, you probably expected a chapter. This note isn't for you. It's for new readers.

I have started adding this as a separate part instead of just cluttering up the beginning of the first chapter since I often have more to say.

Additional notes and warnings:

• out of character (I know most people don't care, but I do, so I'm putting this here.)

• no smut

• mentions of abuse (not a lot)

• I encourage you to read the tags (unless you want to be surprised, then obviously you can disregard this note).

• Try to ignore typos unless they change the sentence drastically. A real example: "sentiment" instead of "sentient" (for once, I was glad someone commented on it).

• And please do not ask for updates. I am a busy college student with priorities (that are often skewed but shush).

• Leave a hate comment and I'll mute you. Don't like, don't read. Remember that I'm doing this for free.

• Not accepting translations for this fic (or any of the chaptered ones really).

• Sometimes, I go back and edit chapters. You'll know by the note at the top.

And the most important bit for any new readers:

If, for whatever reason, you didn't read the description and/or read the tags and saw discontinued but clicked anyway, this fic is only technically discontinued. I say technically because I'm finished with it, but I also don't want to leave anyone hanging, so I've started posting in bullet point format. Don't like it, fine, I don't blame you, but I'm giving you a warning if you don't want to read that when it starts (which is at the end of Year 5).

Also, this fic is messy. People like it, and I'm happy they do, but objectively, it's... meh compared to my other fics. Very rushed, poorly planned, all that not-so-good stuff.

So proceed at your own risk.

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