《Freaks & Geek》Chapter 20: Talk Dirty
Harlow wasn't sure how she got dry and dressed, but she woke up at 5 am in Wes' bed. His arm was wrapped possessively around her as if she were going to disappear in the night. She whispered the intent that he wouldn't wake up as she moved him and smiled when he magically rolled over without interruption.
She tiptoed out of the room and made her way downstairs slowly. She was beyond sore and knew she had bruises on her hips from Aries pounding. She found her way into the kitchen and opened the fridge. There waiting for her was a plate of rotisserie chicken, mac and cheese and corn.
Harlow didn't even want to think about the time that will come when she would be with all of them. Her body ached just thinking of it. She warmed up her food and took it into the breakfast nook they hardly used. Alistair jumped on the seat beside her before looking at her thoroughly.
"You look like someone whose been ffuuuccckkeedd!" Harlow rolled her eyes at his crazy self. "You need to make sure you're taking time for yourself, Mama. You're going to see your father in a couple days and you haven't even unpacked what that might look like." She knew he was right. She wanted to mate with her men, because they were all walking temptations that left her in a constant state of horniness. However, she acknowledged that she also used them as a distraction.
Harlow didn't want to think about her meeting with Beelzebub who may or may not acknowledge her as his daughter. "Push come to shove, Kali can talk to him. She's apparently figured out a way to get passed the cloaking restrictions." Alistair thought on it. "I think your mates are the cause of that. You all are stronger together and it feeds into all of your parts. The mating process has just solidified that."
It made sense and she was appreciative. She liked Kali more now that she could see what she was up to and talking to her and Ayla freely made her feel complete. Harlow let out a yawn not even half way through with her meal. "Go sleep, Mama. You've got work in a few hours."
Harlow nodded before petting behind his large ears. "I love you, Ali." He purred loudly in response. Harlow knew she should go back to Wes' room, but it just seemed so far at the moment. She made her way to her room and crashed immediately letting the darkness take over.
The next day flew by. Word spread quickly about her newly mated status, as well as, Lydia's demise. The men knew it would be a lot for Harlow, but hoped she would handle it in stride and show her new subjects that she was more than equipped to handle the role. As far as anyone knew she was very much so a mortal and they wanted to keep it that way until their visit to Hell on Sunday.
Harlow could get over the stares and the subtle whispers, but she couldn't get over being called Luna, Queen or Princess by the supernatural creatures present throughout the building. She also struggled with facing Liam. She was ready for him to confront her and ask to fight to the death, but he didn't. He didn't even seem upset about it.
When she flat out asked him what his deal was, he chuckled. "My sister was a bitch, Harlow. A bitch who thought too highly of herself. She actually thought she could disrespect the Queen simply because she kept the King's dick wet a few times. Please. Of course the King was going to kill her. She got what was coming to her and I just hope that her folly isn't reflected on me."
Harlow was shocked at his response and simply nodded. She felt a weight lift knowing that Lydia's death hadn't scarred him for life or made an enemy out of him. Declan was still oblivious and when he overheard someone calling her Queen or Princess, she just made up some lie that had him believing her.
The weirdest person throughout the whole reveal was James. She found him staring at her throughout the day and it unnerved her. She wanted to say something to her mates, but she didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing either.
It was finally Friday afternoon and almost everyone had left. Harlow found herself closing up when she watched James walk out of his office and towards her. "My Queen," he said with a slight bow that came off condescending. "How can I help you, James?" Harlow wasn't in the mood for his bullshit.
She had peeped the sly comments and snarky remarks but let them slide, because she realized that James was a man jealous of everyone and everything. "I just wanted to say how happy I am that you're the new vampire Queen. I think you're going to do great." Harlow looked at him with a bored expression. "Thanks."
She moved to pass him and he grabbed her arm. Instantly a vision popped into Harlow's head. She watched as James and a few vampires tried to ambush her in the parking garage. She tried to use her magic, but couldn't for some reason. James got close to her and wrapped his fingers around her neck. "I'm going to have so much fun with you, meat bag." He said before knocking her out. Just like that the vision was gone.
She looked at his confused face before pulling her arm away from him. "Do not touch me. Ever. Comprende?" She didn't even wait for him to respond she just left. Harlow knew she most definitely had to tell her mates what has been happening and what she saw. "Visions now," Harlow whispered to herself before making it over to Mrs. Clara.
The two talked merrily as they waited for her men to wrap up. "I'm so happy for you, sweetie pie." Harlow smiled at the older woman in thanks. They walked her to her car before heading home together. They could sense something was on her mind and asked, but she wouldn't divulge anything. Harlow wanted to enjoy tonight. She, Declan and Calypso were going to the club much to her mates' chagrin.
"I'll be fine," Harlow whispered against Val's lips as he grabbed a handful of her bare ass. He loved how her lace thong got swallowed whole. "I don't understand why we can't come." Wes pouted looking at his fiancé in her underwear. "You can't come, because no one wants to party with their bosses."
Harlow threw on the white body con dress that stopped mid-thigh and looked at her reflection. Her natural hair was let out into a big and bouncy mass of curls. She could have sworn her hips had gotten wider after just a couple of days with her mates. Her breast sat high thanks to the expensive strapless bra Val got her. She paired the outfit with some strappy red heels that matched her lipstick perfectly and smiled.
"You look too good. You're not going." Damien started causing her to roll her eyes. "I don't have time to fight with you right now, Damien. My uber will be here any minute." He shook his head no. "Cancel it. We're going to take you." Harlow huffed but saw the look he gave her and relented. He was almost as bad as Aries with the whole domineering / Daddy Dom persona.
They drove to Seven and Damien had a list of rules for her. "I want you to be careful, Harlow. I mean it. This club is owned by demons that I know very well and since the news of our courtship has spread like wildfire, I know and trust that they'll be looking out for you. It doesn't mean, however, that you get to be lax and not vigilant. The first sign of trouble rub any of your marks and we'll be here."
Harlow nodded before giving them all sensual kisses. "I love you." She said with a smile before hopping out of the car and meeting up with Declan. "You look great," he smiled at her before looking around. "She'll be here," Harlow smiled at him before bumping his shoulder. "When are you going to ask her out?" Declan sighed heavily.
"The moment I learn how to breathe when I'm around her." Harlow shook her head. "Just go for it. Don't think about anything but your objective and then from there move." Declan nodded before looking over. Harlow watched as Calypso stepped out of an uber and smiled at them.
"Damn," Declan whispered transfixed. Calypso wore a red crop top and matching high waisted skirt with black pumps. She looked amazing and Harlow could see Declan's airways begin to close up.
"Ask her." Harlow whisper yelled. Declan hyped himself up as Calypso made her way towards them. He felt like all of the air in the world was being sucked out as she got closer, but he heard Harlow's voice in his head and found resolve.
"Hey guys," Calypso said with a smile. "Will you go out with me?" Declan blurted out before his eyes widened. "I'm sorry. I meant to say it smoother than that. I don't know why I just blurted it out like that. I'm sorry. Just forget it. I didn't..."
Calypso silenced him by placing a finger near his lips and smiled. Her almost touch seemed to set his body ablaze. Calypso quickly removed her finger before she accidentally touched him and made him climax right then and there. "I'd love to go out with you, Declan. You plan something and I'll be there." Harlow watched it all unfold with a smile wider than the Cheshire cat.
"Come on," Calypso said linking arms with Harlow and making their way towards the club. Declan couldn't help but watch as her hips switched and her ass bounced and sent a prayer to God himself for being so lucky. They didn't have to wait in line like Declan prepared for. The bouncer took one look at Harlow and let them in. He was even certain that the 6'5" mammoth bowed to her.
The club was full and thumping. Harlow seemed to rock to the beat as they waited for drinks at the bar. Calypso ordered something fruity for all of them making Declan blush. "You don't need to throw back bourbons to be considered a man's man." She whispered in his ear. "Besides, I like for my man to know how I'll taste beforehand." She quickly pulled his earlobe into her mouth before pulling back with a wink. Declan had a feeling he'd be edging for the remainder of the night. Harlow chuckled at his awestruck expression as she sipped her drink.
Calypso found a table for them to stand at as they finished their drinks. They yelled over the music a bit before a Megan Thee Stallion hit came on. "Let's go," Calypso chuckled as she watched Harlow all but bounce to the dance floor. Declan watched as the girls grinded on one another and moved to the beat. He couldn't help but see how captivating they both were.
Harlow could tell Kali wanted to come out. She was the queen of all things hip-hop and twerking mixtapes. 'Just your eyes.' Harlow said to her before taking the back seat. Kali was in the zone as she dipped, twerked and popped her ass to the beat. She made sure to keep her eyes low just in case anyone was paying too close attention to her.
When the song was over, she gave Harlow the reigns with a happy sigh. 'I needed that, bestie. Thanks.' Harlow chuckled causing Calypso to look at her. "What's so funny?" Harlow motioned over to Declan who still watched her with an intensity so strong. Calypso sighed before looking at Harlow. "I need to feed." Harlow widened her eyes. "What does that look like?" Calypso explained that a succubus feeds off of sexual energy and the heartiest meal is through sex. However, she really liked Declan and didn't want to feed the traditional way with some random.
"What is the other option?" Calypso sighed before looking around. "Incite an orgy." Harlow gawked at her. "I just put out a scent that lowers inhibitions more than alcohol for both men and women and makes everyone horny. Once people start going at it, I can get my fill and then pull back the scent." Harlow wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not. "What about Declan?" Calypso smiled widely. "I'll take care of him without draining him too much." Harlow nodded reluctantly as the DJ began playing a hip-hop classic that got everyone hype.
"Now?" Calypso nodded. "Now." Harlow watched as her brown eyes glowed a bright green. She looked around and it seemed as though time slowed down. She began to feel stupidly aroused and wished in that moment that her mates were present.
Calypso pulled Harlow over to their table as one by one people began coupling up or grouping up. Declan was at a loss for words being that close to Calypso and smiled. "Come here, mi amor." Calypso whispered, but he somehow heard her over the loud music. Calypso pressed her pouty lips against his and soaked in the feeling.
It had been a while since she fed and the energy in the club was equivalent to a Thanksgiving feast. Harlow watched them make out feverishly and found herself getting turned on further. She knew she shouldn't. She knew that Calypso would lift the scent and all would go back to normal, but as her clit throbbed and her pussy clenched, she knew she needed her mates. All of them.
Harlow rubbed on the angel wing on her left wrist and the raised symbol on her neck with fervor as she felt herself leak down her thighs. She would've rubbed Wes' mark if it wasn't in such an awkward place. In moments she watched as her mates came out of a dark hallway.
Harlow made her way over to them and threw her arms around Damien. "What is it, dove?" He asked concerned checking her over. "I need you three to fuck me. Right now!" They looked at her startled until they smelt it. "Fucking succubus." Val grumbled taking in his mate's appearance.
She was panting and they could not only smell her arousal but that of everyone in the club. "Please Daddy," Harlow said to Wes with a pout that made him want to give her anything she asked. "Come on, Princess." They led her back to the dark hallway where Damien opened a portal.
In seconds they were back in her room. They chuckled as Harlow giggled and ripped herself out of her fitted dress. "Keep the heels on." She looked up to see Aries smirking at her. "Who do you want where, dove?" Harlow shook her head. "I don't care just fuck me please." They could see her essence all over her thighs and wondered just how powerful Calypso was.
Val laid down pulling her on top of him. He quickly filled her core to get just the right amount of lubricant. They watched and listened as she panted like a dog in heat. She was soaking and they all knew it as Val damn near crossed his eyes as he refrained from just taking her right there alone. Val pulled out reluctantly before gently poking her backdoor. He let Damien get situated before the two made eye contact and slowly entered her.
Harlow had never felt so full in her life. Her senses were in overdrive. She felt so alive and happy and satiated. "Yes!" She cried out as they began moving in and out of her. "Give me that pretty little mouth so I can fuck it." Harlow expected to see amber eyes looking at her, but when she was met with blue ones she was startled. She tilted her head and opened wide as Wes slid into her. She moaned happily around him causing him to grunt and thrust unexpectedly. The sound of slurping, wetness and skin slapping skin could be heard throughout the room.
Harlow felt like she could fuck them all for hours to come and as they began pounding into her relentlessly, she knew she would. She screamed around Wes' member and they felt the ground shake violently. Wes finished in her mouth right as Val and Damien filled her. She screamed louder as another orgasm plowed through her.
They all felt and watched her shake as objects around the room went flying. They didn't want the first time they all took her together to be under the influence of a succubus' feeding, but she was relaxed and open which was all they could ask for. Harlow caught her breath and with that the ground and room settled.
That night Harlow was taken by a smorgasbord of pairing. Aries, Val and Damien. Wes, Val and Bael. Aries and Bael. Val and Wes. Damien and Aries. They were shocked at her stamina and knew they had Calypso to thank for that.
It was 4 am when they finally showered together and then passed out. Harlow found herself sandwiched between Wes and Val, while Damien left to his office to further prepare for their trip. They were only staying in Hell for a day, but he wanted to ensure that the visit was as pleasant as possible.
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