《Freaks & Geek》Chapter 2: Small Things
Harlow stood center stage and breathed in and out. It had been a long while since she sang in front of a crowd. She never liked it when she did, but she couldn't help but be addicted to the rush she received every time she had. The level of adrenaline that ran through her seemed unhealthy but she just breathed through it.
She took a deep breath before turning around to the band and nodding. She slowly turned her head back and looked out into the crowd. She thought as she took another breath. The music began and she allowed herself to get lost like so many times before.
The instrumental to 'Stay' by Emmy Rossum began playing and Harlow let out an airy harmony before singing. This was one of her happy places. When Harlow sang, she felt as though her emotions magnified. She looked out into the crowd and found that they all seemed to share in her current feeling of satiated happiness. She belted out the words as her eyes scanned the crowd to make sure everyone was enjoying themselves and saw nothing but transfixed eyes all on her. It seemed to feed her high.
When her eyes landed on three men in the middle of the room, she couldn't help but falter for a millisecond at the sight of them. They were gorgeous in their own ways and it made her want to catalog their faces to memory. The man on the left had long sandy blond hair with a full beard that just begged to be stroked and pulled. Harlow didn't know if her eyes were playing tricks on her, but it seemed as though his eyes went from a vibrant blue to a glowing amber.
The man in the middle had medium length blond hair with a clean-shaven face that she just knew for some strange reason would showcase dimples. His eyes seemed to flicker from a rich hazel green to red and she knew it should've frightened her, but it didn't for some reason. It oddly enough brought her comfort. The man on the right, like the rest, seemed to call to her. His dark brown hair was styled in such a way that seemed effortless and meant for him. She couldn't help but be captivated by his vibrant green eyes, but soon she realized they were black. All black. The whites of his eyes just disappeared.
She closed her eyes before opening them back up and looking into blue, hazel and green eyes once more. As she sang out the end of the song her eyes watched them intently. Harlow couldn't explain the feelings that washed over her, but for the first time in her 25 years she felt whole. She also felt crazy though. Harlow had to be seeing things when it came to their eyes, but chalked it up to the two tequila shots she downed before getting on stage.
She snapped out of her staring when she noticed the audience on their feet clapping. She smiled shyly before finding Ian to the right of the stage. "One more, dearie." He whispered loudly before she nodded her head and chuckled. Harlow turned to the band and whispered the song she'd be singing next before turning back around. The instrumental to 'De Una Vez' by Selena Gomez began playing and Harlow couldn't help but rock to the beat. Like the first time the crowd was mesmerized. She sang with such passion and found herself willing everyone to just let go of their cares and worries and enjoy the night.
She noticed couples cuddling up and kissing, while others either found someone to speak to or dance with. As the song came to a close, Harlow wasn't sure if it was the tequila or what but she felt warm all of a sudden. Her head seemed like it wanted to spin and she knew she needed to sit down and collect herself. The crowd again stood for a round of applause which she thanked them for before getting off stage. Ian walked up to her as she descended the last step. "One more, dearie." Harlow shook her head no.
"I'm good, Mr. Ian. I don't really feel up to it." She said giving a tight-lipped smile trying not to fall over. She was never drinking tequila again, but she knew that was a lie. That was her drink of choice before performing despite always having this effect. "Please," he begged, but Harlow could feel her irritation building. She had provided the allotted break for the real singer of the lounge to handle her business and now she was done.
"Harlow, just one more song." Ian begged causing Harlow to pull at her fingers. A sign that she was getting more and more annoyed by the second and was trying to calm down. "Ian, my friend, I think she's had enough of the spotlight." The voice was so deep Harlow visibly trembled. She was almost afraid to turn around, but the bass in the voice had her eager to see who spoke. She turned and met effervescent green eyes. The two stared at one another for a moment oblivious to everyone around them.
Ian cleared his throat and Harlow could see Mr. Green Eyes' jaw tick at the interruption. "Damien, you see how the crowd responded. Harlow, you're a natural." Ian said with a wide smile. Ian could already see Harlow singing for the lounge on Fridays or Saturdays and almost foamed at the mouth at the prospect of a fuller house and more money. Harlow didn't know what to say to him, but she knew she was done singing. Her senses were in overdrive for some reason and it was overwhelming.
"She is quite talented, but it's obvious she is done here. Let's not get greedy, Ian." Harlow was staring at Ian, so she didn't see Damien's expression or eyes. She wasn't sure what happened, but she watched as Ian's facial expression and demeanor changed drastically. "Thank you so much for singing, Harlow," Ian returned quickly with a small smile. "I appreciate it." Harlow nodded at him before giving him a smile of her own.
Ian walked away quickly leaving her alone with who she now knew was Damien. She all of a sudden felt anxious and looked down at her hands that she pulled nervously wanting to simultaneously run away and stay put. "Look at me, dove." Damien whispered lowly, but despite the noise and conversations around Harlow had heard him perfectly. It was as if his voice added to the heat she was already feeling.
Harlow turned around and slowly lifted her head to look into green eyes that soaked her up. "Hello Harlow." She couldn't help the smile that adorned her face. The way her name flowed off of his plump lips made her ridiculously happy. "Hi Damien." He stared at her with an expression she couldn't read until a small smirk graced his lips. "Would you like to have dinner with me and my friends?" It was the first time Harlow looked away from him and back to the table with the striking men. Their eyes never once leaving her.
She watched as the waitress took their plates while flirting and gave a slight pout. "It seems like y'all are done with dinner." She said looking back at him. "We don't mind keeping you company. If it's not too much we'd love to get acquainted." Harlow eyed him suspiciously, but couldn't help the positive emotions that blossomed within her. She didn't feel pressured or put out, which was a plus. "Dinner is on me." Damien added looking into her eyes. He did the one thing he'd never done in his entire existence. He smiled.
Harlow was speechless. She had never seen a smile so beautiful or kind. "He's perfect." She thought to herself until his smile got wider. "You're the perfect one, dove." Harlow's eyes widened. "Damn it I said that out loud!" She exclaimed wiping her hand over her face. Damien realized tonight would be the night of many firsts and let out a hearty laugh. Wes and Val watched the whole encounter from their seats and looked at each other with shocked expressions.
"What do you say, dove? Dinner with me and my best friends, or no?" Harlow didn't understand this sudden feeling that washed over her but she felt a level of security that she didn't even think they had at the pentagon. "Sure," she whispered causing him to smile once more. He walked her over to their table where a fourth chair was already waiting.
"Wes, Val this is Ms. Harlow Allen. She'll be joining us." Damien pulled out her chair which she smiled and thanked him. Harlow looked at the men she now knew as Wes and Val and tried to calm down. They were so gorgeous, but they were intimidating. The aura around them seemed to personify dominance. "Hi Harlow," Val said to her and she couldn't help but smile. He seemed nervous and she had no idea why, but it didn't match the man in front of her.
"Hi Val," she gave him a wide smile before the waitress came over and handed her a menu somewhat aggressively. Harlow looked at her confusedly before opening the menu. The guys noticed the waitress' rude interaction with Harlow and grew angry. "I'll have the chicken fettucine alfredo." Harlow ordered with a smile. "Of course, you will." The waitress quipped back before grabbing the menu and leaving.
Harlow couldn't help but feel slightly upset. She wasn't oblivious to her body and the assumptions people made before getting to know her. She was on the thicker side of things and though her mother told her to cherish her curves she couldn't help but see them as flaws at times.
Her arms were soft, while her somewhat flat stomach held onto a small bit of pudge. Her thick thighs may indeed one day save a life, but at the moment they were too busy ruining the inside of her jeans. She was thankful for her small waist, but other than giving her a somewhat hourglass figure it didn't seem to match. She couldn't even comment on her breasts and ass. They had their own area and zip codes.
Damien took in Harlow's upset and angered eyes and fumed. He fought with his demon who wanted to take over and rip the waitress to shreds. He looked at his friends and they all seemed to match his energy. He could see Wes fighting his wolf as his eyes flared from blue to amber. Val was no longer hiding his red eyes as his fangs descended. 'We have to keep ourselves together.' Damien thought through their shared mind link. 'I want to drain that bitch dry!' Val exclaimed angrily. 'Look at her. She's upset.'
They could feel her so strongly. "Harlow," Wes said causing her to slowly look into his blue eyes. "You're a goddess." She widened her eyes in surprise. There wasn't a single guy in her teens and early 20's that had ever complimented her without wanting something in return. She had almost been a victim a few times too many to unwanted advances and she wasn't going to fall for it now.
Harlow's face turned into a slight frown. "What do you want?" The question shocked them. "I don't want anything," Wes said. Before he could follow up Harlow interrupted. "You don't know me. None of you do, but you invite a perfect stranger to have dinner with you. It's weird. You three are gorgeous. You are literally immaculate perfection and I'm..." Val grabbed her hand before he could stop himself. "You are quite literally flawless, querida. Never talk down on yourself ever again."
Harlow couldn't hang on to her insecurities. She believed his words and their honest gaze. "Sorry," Harlow whispered. "Usually, I wait until I'm alone to let my insecurities run rampant." Val let out a sigh before continuing to stroke her hand that now rested in his. Harlow felt a comfort like no other as Val stroked her hand, but she couldn't help but shiver at how cold he was. It seemed unnatural and she couldn't help but wonder if he had a serious iron deficiency.
"Tell us about yourself, Princess," Wes said with a smile trying to steer the conversation to a lighter topic. Harlow looked down a bit trying to rack her brain for something that would sound remotely interesting as she removed her hand from Val's embrace. Val pouted at the loss of contact, but relented. "Where are you from, querida?" He asked giving her a smile.
Harlow exhaled thankful for a conversation prompt. "I'm originally from Decatur, Georgia. I lived there until about three weeks ago. I decided to move here after getting a great job offer." They each nodded their head already wanting to know everything about her. "What do you do?" Damien asked looking deep in her eyes. He knew he could find out everything he wanted by just touching her or reading her thoughts, but he wanted it to be organic. He wanted to know her the consensual way.
"I'm a software engineer." Harlow answered with a smile and it was apparent she loved what she did. "Cool, you're a geek." Val chuckled. Harlow leveled him with a glare before chuckling. "Where are y'all from?" She asked as she took them in. "I'm from Greece originally, but I've lived in the United States for a while." Wes answered with a smile.
Harlow nodded at him with a smile taking in his features. She could see the Greek influence. "I'm from Italy originally, but like Wes I've lived in the US for a while." Val looked at her with a smirk and wink causing her to send up a thanks for her dark skin and hidden blush. "Where are you from Damien?" He cleared his throat. "I'm from down south."
Harlow cheered up at the fact that she was in the presence of another southerner. "Where from? Texas? Alabama?" Wes and Val couldn't help but quietly chuckle. "Florida." Damien offered causing Harlow to scrunch up her nose. "Florida is weird. There are too many crazy things that go on there. You'd think the people were possessed with the amount of 'Florida Man' news stories of something wild going on. I've been to Miami once though and that was nice."
Damien couldn't help but look at her. She had no idea just how possessed the people of Florida could be. The temperature and history made it every demon's favorite spring break hangout. He didn't like the idea of her being there without his protection, but Miami wasn't as tormented as the other cities. It held a good bit of Christian energy thanks to the natives that comforted him in this case.
"Here," the waitress interrupted dropping her plate and water. She gave Harlow a glare before turning a sickeningly sweet smile on the guys. "What can I get you guys?" Val smiled at her and Harlow couldn't help but feel her heart slip. Of course, he'd be into her. She was blond with a big chest and creamy white skin. She turned her attention to her food, but found herself no longer hungry.
'Val, you're upsetting her!' Wes said over mind link. 'There's a method to my madness.' Val confirmed before turning his attention back to the rude waitress. "You can actually." The waitress smiled wider pushing her fake breasts out. "You can get us Ian. I want to have a talk with him about your behavior and service." Her smile faltered and Harlow took in the look of fear on her face and smirked. "I don't think you need to do that," she stammered.
"I think I do. See you disrespected my lady more than once and that's not acceptable. You can go get Ian yourself or I can go get him, but either way you're getting fired tonight." Harlow's eyes were wide for various reasons, but mainly because this Adonis referred to her as his lady. "Go," Damien said in a voice Harlow was certain wasn't human. He naturally had a deep voice, but this was something entirely different.
The waitress was gone in seconds looking for Ian. "You didn't have to do that," Harlow said with a slight smile on her face. "But thank you." They couldn't help but smile at the happy expression on her face. "Eat up, dove." Damien said motioning to her full plate. They spent the time learning small things about one another as she ate her food. "What are your plans tonight, Harlow?" Wes asked as she finished her dinner.
"I was going to go home. It's way past my bedtime and I really don't like being out so late. Plus, I need to get back to my son, Alistair." The expression on their faces were hard to read, but Harlow definitely got an angered vibe. "You have a son," Wes stated more like a question. Harlow nodded getting up. They exchanged a look that Harlow couldn't decipher.
"Can we take you home?" Val finally asked a little too seductively for her not to notice. Harlow shook her head no causing him to pout and her to laugh. "You're strangers, so no but thanks. It was nice meeting you all," Harlow said. "How will you get home?" Damien asked concerned. "Oh, I was going to walk..." Harlow saw the expression on their face and nervously chuckled.
"I mean Uber. I'm going to Uber." They nodded apprehensively as she ordered a car before walking her to the front. "Can we get your number, querida?" Val asked looking hopeful. Harlow couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was.
"Sure," she said despite herself. She told herself she needed friends in this new city, but knew deep down she was willing to be more than friends with any one of these gods. She took his phone from him and entered her number. Her Uber pulled up at that moment causing her to wave goodbye.
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