《Help me please...》Chapter Four



I was sitting outside of the tents that Tommy made us all billed for some reason, I heard Rustling in the bushes and I went to investigate it "Hello there..." someone said in the bushes "ah! Oh it's you... what are you doing here" I asked them and they smiled at me sweetly like always "not worry about it old friend~" they walk up to me and rubbed my head where me ears use to me "stop." I grabbed there hand and they rolled their eyes "oh please you use to love it when I petted your ears" They said pulling away from my grip "but." They continued "what am I going to do with you now..." they asked them and I tried to back away "oh no!" They grabbed me and it all went black

I left my tent in the morning and couldn't find Ein so I told Kim "what?" She said putting her book down "I cant find him anywhere..." I said sitting down next to her "don't worry about that Tommy he'll be back as long as they don't..." she trailed off and looked at me "never mind about that he'll be back" she spoke softly to me like I was a child and I looked at her "oh sorry big man" I smile when she said that I left to tell Aphmau that I couldn't find her brother and her Reaction was well... different?

"HOLY IRENE YOU MEAN HES NOT HERE THEN WHERE HE COULD BE OH MY IRENE THIS IS NOT GOOD AT ALL THIS COULD GO REALLY REALLY BAD!" I patted her on the back as she panics a lot "hey he'll be find we'll find him I promise ok?" I say as she started crying onto my shoulder I hugged her


"Hello Tommy." I hear a voice and I turned around and I glared at him "hello Wilbur..." I turned back to aphmau "are you ok now Aph?" I asked and she nodded "I'm fine I'm fine" she patted me on the back and look up at Wilbur "hi!" Wilbur glares at her "Hello" He spoke In a evil way it sent shivers down my spine

"What do you want Wilbur?" I ask stepping in front of Aphmau just so Wilbur doesn't get to violent "wanted to see my little brother Tommy." He said "but I find out that you're hanging out with Aphmau?!" He's starting to yell "What's so wrong with me?" Aphmau spoke out loudly at Wilbur.

He pushed passed me and grabbed Aphmau by her neck "I wasn't talking to you" that's what he said before he got kicked by Aphmau in the "Owch!" He screamed as he dropped her to the floor (she landed on her feet) and went to hit her, "Hey!" I yelled at Wilbur and he turned around "what Tommy?" He said starting at me with eyes that say 'I'm going to kill you.' "Leave my friend alone!" I take a deep breath "you fucking dickhead" I yell out and Wilbur got really mad and well let's just say...

It didn't end well for me...

"Ok! OK! I'm sorry!" I yelled blood dripping out of the gash on my head "good." He said smiling then he looked up just in time for Kim to break his nose "PISS OFF!" she yells at Wilbur "tommy are you ok?" She asks me putting her hand on my cut "you want me to take you to Lucinda?" She asks and I just cried into her

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