《Help me please...》Chapter three



Oh no this isn't going to go well at all... I turn my attention back to my brother laying there in his own crimson blood running down his neck and his chest "Ein can you hear me!" I ask him praying to my mother Irene that he responds "yeah I hear ya.." he says weakly and I hug him tightly and I cry into him, I couldn't lose him not after... losing my husband i couldn't lose anyone else i looked up at dream and pierce and like I knew he'd do Pierce is killing dream... he did run away though. Oh well at least Eins Ok, Tommy ran up to Ein and cried into his hands for like an hour and a half meanwhile Ein was just sat there rubbing his back trying to calm him down

I left to clear my head after what just happened so I told the group and went for a walk in the woods alone, it felt good to be alone in the first time in forever i walked along the Pollatha of trees and bushes, I sat down next to a oak tree and a man walked up to me or I think he was a man "hello can I help you?" I ask the stranger standing up and all they said was "⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜ ⌰⏃⎅⊬ ⟟⍀⟒⋏⟒" they said their voice twisting into a demonic laughter "how do you know that name!?" I yell at the figure it's demonic laughter growing louder "I am not ⌰⏃⎅⊬ ⟟⍀⟒⋏⟒ trust me!" I yelled

"Sure you're not and I'm not XD!" He joked, now I know who he is....

I cursed under my breath and ran off before he could do anything to me. I found my friends again Ein is screaming and Tommy keeps scaring him I laugh to myself and walk up to them "hey guys!" I said laughing a little bit more as Ein accidentally hit Tommy in the face "OH MY IRENE IM SORRY TOMMY!" He yelled getting on one knee to reach tommy on the floor "owch." Tommy said softly holding his noise in one of his hands and hitting Ein in the arm with the other.


"Umm Ein?" I said grabbing his arm "yeah what's up Aph?" He asks standing up "we need to talk." I said to him strikingly "ok?" Ein said then followed me into the woods away from the group "what's wrong?" Ein asked his voice laced with Curiosity and a bit of Conson in his grey eyes as he leaned against a tree "someone called me...well they called me Irene..." I said sitting down resting my head on his leg. "What!? They called you What!" Ein said his eyes turned into terrified that you would see only if he died "they called me Irene..." I spoke softly putting my head in my hands "who's Irene?" I looked up at saw Tommy, he had followed us "our crazy goddess mother." Ein said patting Tommy on his head "come on let's go back to the others." He said pulling me and tommy out of the woods and back to the group so we could sleep and he could keep watch for dream just incase he tried to take Tommy away.

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