《just for him. ~ Notti Osama》Chapter 22


Envy woke up at 7:00 Am sharp the next day , she woke up both Lani and Malia .

The three got ready took Envy and Malias car to Envy's house and waited , the lady got there at 7:15 Sharp as said .

Envy signed all the papers and was finished by 8AM , "Alright let go to the UHAUL" Malia says.

Lani gets in with Envy and Malia drives her car , they make it to the UHAUL, "hi I'd like a medium size moving truck please." Envy says with a smile , Envy does everything and gets in the truck , Lani takes her car and the three drive.

Lani calls the gc with the two girls , Envy and Malia pick up "Yo can we stop somewhere I'm hungry." Lani says making both girls laugh.

They ended up getting Dunkin' and continuing.

They made it to Connecticut after 2hrs , then an extra 30minutes to Envy's house , they got there .

"Envy why is there a moving truck outside my damn house at 11:32AM." Koshi asks "Because I bought my own house." Envy says smiling , Koshi gasps "Oh my last baby is leaving." Koshi says smiling and tearing up.

"Alright mom." Envy says laughing, Koshi hugs Lani and Malia and the 4 start bringing everything from Envy's room into the truck , Envy has the basement to herself and her room upstairs.

She had a King size bed in the room upstairs and a Queen in the basement , she had Two couches in the basement and a vanity in her room upstairs, and a bunch of other things .

They finished loading at 1:31 PM , "alright mom see you tmr for thanksgiving." Envy says "Bye my loves." Koshi says "bye momma." Lani and Malia says smiling.

The three girls hop on the road and stop at Olive Garden on the way , the three are eating then Envy gets a call from 'Bestie.'


Envy picks up the ft call "Yes David." Envy says making Malia and Lani laugh "Stop laughing , where ya niggas went and why can't I see my gfs location." Dd says mugging Envy .

"Ah ha you mad , wait ... Lani I'm not playing withchu turn ya location back on." Ddot says making all three girls laugh "Notti you got Emvy location?" Dd asks "I turned it off stupidsss." Envy says laughing.

"where ya at fr?" Dd asks "We in CT bae." Malia answers "CT?" All three boys yell,

"Yes we came to see my mom and dad bro." Envy says "So why turn ya location off?" Dd asks .

"because-" envy says getting cut off by Malia hanging up "Alr put ya phones on dnd." Lani says , all three girls put they phones on Dnd .

They ate and then drove back to Envy's house , they got there at 4:53PM .

They unpacked and also went to get more stuff for the house and overall they were done at 9:12PM. "Yayyyy bestie is officially back." Malia says smiling .

"I'm so happy this is literally my dream house in my home place." Envy says smiling, the three hug , They talk and order food take the UHAUL back then around 11:35PM Decide to go back to the Reyes home.

Kitchen in her house .

Living room .


1st bedroom upstairs .

Envy's bedroom upstairs.

Third bedroom upstairs.

Basement bedroom.

Her personal room upstairs .

(Imagine the bathrooms and stuff)

The three girls make it to the house , once they get out the car and get in the home they see everyone inside , Everyone , Edot(rip) Dudeylo , Roscoe Jay , Dalia , Saint , Amani , Keem , Heaven , Quan , Deliane & Issac Melz Bria Carmen Dd Notti Ddot Amir .

"oh my god Envy . You look so good." Dalia says shocked at the girls body "Yo when did you get that fat of an ass." Saint says making everyone laugh.


Envy laughs "Hello to everyone to." Envy says , everyone gets up and hugs the three girls , Envy goes to the back towards Nottis room , She closes his door and then hears his door open again.

She turns around to see Notti "Hey Ethan." Envy says smiling "hey hermosa , you okay?" Notti says putting his hands on her waist .

She puts her hands around his neck "Yeah I'm good , I'm just tired." Envy says smiling "Why what you was doing?" Notti says suspiciously.

"We was helping my mom move mad stuff around like from the basement and my room and stuff so it was annoying." Envy says sighing.

The boy nods "You want me to run you a bath and put those sea salts and everything you like ?" Notti asks smiling at the girl .

Envy smiles "Yes please hermoso." Envy says , he nods and goes into his bathroom.

Envy gets everything and Notti comes back "Alright come on." Notti says , Envy smiles , "Just let me know when your done okay ma?" Notti says , Envy frowns "Get in with me." Envy says making Notti smile.

They both get in after taking off their clothes , Envy sat in front of Notti "I missed you so much Envy" Notti says smiling.

"You know considering all we've been through I can't help but still feel love for you." Envy says looking up and Notti .

"I love you Envy." Notti says kissing her forhead "I love you more Ethan." Envy says kissing his lips .

The two continued to chat and kiss and eventually finished their bath then their shower then they came out and Layed down.

"why can't you move back , after tommorw it's your last day here , then I won't know what to do." Notti says frowning "Will you wait for me this time?" Envy asks .

"Yes 1000% yes." Notti says mugging Envy.

"I'll think abt moving back I promise." Envy says making Notti smile .

The two watch the movie and end up falling asleep .

The next day , 6PM .

Everyone's getting ready to start eating , "Okay Okay so before we eat , I have some news to share." Envy says smiling making everyone look at her .

"holy shit your pregnant." Amani says smiling, Envy sucks her teeth "Bro what." Envy says with a straight face making everyone laugh.

"Say it ma." Notti says laughing "I'm moving back to the hill or technically I'm already moved back." Envy says laughing.

Everyone stops "now bestfriend , yk i love your whole soul but if you playing with us rn I will disown you." Dd says making Everyone laugh.

Envy holds up her keys "I'm not playing." Envy says laughing, everyone starts screaming "MY BABY IS BACK." Mama Carmen screamed .

Everyone laughed "When we was in CT it's because we was moving her stuff." Lani says making Dd and Ddot nod .

"after talking to Keem and Heaven they made me realize that my home is here and I felt so sad without ya fr." Envy says smiling.

"See , me and my wife really like that." Keem says patting his chest , Heaven laughs .

Everyone laughs "Okay that's it." Envy says sitting back down , Notti kisses her cheek "Thank God you back for good , I missed yo fine ass." Notti says licking his lips.

"You gon be kissing this fine ass tonight." Envy says making Nottis eyes widen "say dat ma." Notti says smiling and kissing her .

The two laugh.



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