《just for him. ~ Notti Osama》Chapter 21


Envy Woke up with Nottis arms around her and with a smile on her face she looked on her phone it read 7:21 .

She removed his hands and goes to the bathroom , she brushes her teeth shower, and does her hair , she comes out the bathroom , walks to the kitchen and she sees Carmen.

"mamaaaa." Envy said smiling making the woman turn around and smile "Envy mi Bebe" Carmen said smiling , the two hug .

"And where are you going ?" Carmen asks "I was going to get Darliene and Issac from from Heaven and Keem." Envy says smiling .

"you love your neice and nephew." Carmen says "Yes and I would've took Amir but he has school so imma drive him to school then go get the other two." Envy says smiling .

Carmen smiles "titiii." Amir says smiling "You ready mir mir ?" Envy asks "Yeah im ready I got everything." Amir says smiling .

Envy nods grabs her keys and they walk tg , They walk to her car that's parked in front of her house Amir was gonna sit in the back "Sit in the front I gotta put the booster seat for Darliene and the car seat for Isaac." Envy explains .

Amir smiles and nods, the two get in the car and she immediately drives off "You got a gf??" envy asks smiling, Amir nods "You turn 11 and don't know how to act , she better be pretty." Envy says laughing.

Amir laughs "Yk ion do ugly girls." Amir says making envy laugh "You sound like ur uncles little boy." Envy says , "Are you and Tio notti gonna get back tg?" Amir asks making envy's eyes widen .

"I don't know." Envy says "He talked abt you the whole time you were gone titi , it was so annoying at one point." Amir says making Envy frown a bit.

The two make it to Keem and Heavens House , Keem and Heaven were downstairs with the car seats and everything .

Envy open the back seat door and sets up both the car seat and booster seat , She hugs Darliene and then Issac and puts them in the car.

She turn around and hugs both Keem and Heaven "Please move out here." Heaven says "Heaven ." Envy says "Come on Gigi , ya life is here baby sis , ya sisters ya friends ya cousins ya neice ya nephews, Gigi." Keem says .

Envy sighs and smiles "I'll think abt it." Envy says laughing, Heaven smiles and hugs her again . "now if you'd excuse us we bouta go have some fun." Keem says taking Heaven "Ew." Envy says laughing.

Envy got in the car and drove to Amir's school , she got there he kissed her cheek and went inside , once he was fully in she drove off.

Envy then drove around seeing if she could find a house & suprisngly on the good side of sugarhill there was many.

She seen a Grey and White House , she got in front and seen they were having an open house for it , Envy double parked, got out the car opened the trunk pulled the double stroller out and took her neice and nephew out the car.


She put them in and went to the open house , when she went inside she immediately loved it , "Hello what's your name , I'm the home owner my name Nia." Nia said with a smile.

Envy smiled "Hello my name is Envy im really loving this house so far." Envy says smiling, Nia nods "this house is a beautiful three bedroom , 3 bathrooms in each room , there's a basement with an extra room in it , the basement is wide and clean." Nia explains .

"the house has a attic and the attic is nice and spacious, the kitchen is white marbeled and everything new." Nia says smiling .

Envy smiles "This sounds amazing." Envy says "Are these you're kids." Nia asks smiling at the kids "oh no these are my neice and nephew." Envy says smiling "How much is the house under?" Envy asks .

Envy was always a smart teen , her parents have given her Allowance since she was 10 , and she saved that for college but after not getting into UCLA she saved 5M and spent some on her car .

She was gonna buy a house in CT but she didn't feel at home there & her Job pays amazingly so 5M in her savings plus her job she's pretty much set for life rn.

"the house is under 1.5 M." Nia says "But there's also a pool and hot tub and out back the Yard is pretty big so yeah." Nia explains .

Envy nods "Can I get it rn?" Envy asks "Oh Um Yeah." Nia says shocked Envy really wants to pay it on the spot .

"Here's a check of 1.5M." Envy says writing on her check book , Nia smiles "and here are your keys , the paper work will be brought tmr." Nia says smiling.

Envy nods , Nia walks out , Envy notices there's even a Garage she smiles .

"thank you Jesus." Envy says smiling, "Look at titi new house my babies." She says to Darliene and Issac .

"titi this is your house, it's really big." Darliene says making Issac Nod.

Envy smiles "Alright let's go to the mall and get some stuff." Envy says taking the stroller and walking out the door aswell .

She locks the door and walks back to car , she puts the babies in then the stroller then she gets in the car and drives to the mall .

Envy goes to Palaces Mall considering Bay Plaza is in the Bronx and she don't wanna run into one of The boys Opps especially not with her Neice and Nephew .

As soon as Envy arrives she parks and takes the kids out car putting them in the stroller .

She goes into the mall and gets everything the kids want and she wants .

5,000$ later , she looks at her Apple Watch and the time reads 12:30 , She walks back to car puts the kids in then loads everything else in the trunk .

"when we get back to the block we could get smth to eat because i wanna feed your cousin Amir too oky?" Envy says to the kids .


They smile "Yayy mir mir." Isaac says clapping Envy smiles and starts to drive back .

Once she gets back her time reads 2:15 on her watch , she immediately starts speeding to Amir's school and she gets there on time 2:30 exact .

Amir comes out and gets in the front seat "Hey Titiiiii." Amir says "Hey My babyyyy." Envy says smiling, Amir smiles "Hey D hey Issac." Amir says to the kids "Cousin Mir mir." They say smiling .

"What ya wanna eat." Envy asks smiling "Mc.Donald's." All three kids say in sync.

"Okayyyy." Envy says pulling out and driving off , the get to Mc.Donald's and she gets the kids food and herself , she eats and tells the kids to wait .

"oh Amir I gotchu those Sneakers you wanted the Jordan's." Envy says smiling , Amir gasps "Omg really ??? THANK YOU TITII." Amir says hugging her .

She laughs , once the reach the Reyes home , she parks in their driveway and her and Amir get out , She gets the kids out and the bags for Amir and hands the food to Amir so he can carry it .

They walk inside and hear everyone talking in the living room "Ma Ma." Amir says hugging Melz , "Hi my baby." Melz says .

Envy smiles "Omg that's my Twin little Dd." Dd says referring to Darliene "Tio Dd." Darliene says getting out of Envy's arms and running to Dd , he catches her and kisses her face.

"omgggggg Issaccccc." Ddot says taking him.

"Hello to ya too." Envy says putting the bags and keys on the table "hi hermosa." Notti says hugging her , Envy smiles and hugs him.

"Amir put ya stuff in the room." Envy says smiling while Notti still had his arm around her shoulder .

"Envy what I told you abt spoiling this child." Melz says , Envy shushes her "that's titis baby and all of titis baby's will get spoiled." Envy says shrugging .

Amir takes his stuff to the room "I got a bunch of stuff for D and Iz to." Envy says smiling "Keem gon beat yo ass ma." Notti says smiling .

"Idc." Envy says smiling at him , "Imma be back tho I gotta go take something somewhere , can ya watch D and Iz for me?" Envy asks , Envy didn't wanna tell them abt the house just yet.

Everyone looked at her suspiciously "I'll watch them." Dd says staring at envy "Where you going ma?" Notti asks "Jus to run some errands." Envy says smiling.

"Take Malia with you then & Lani." Dd says with a suspicious eyebrow "Okay , Malia Lani let's go hoes." Envy says making the boys sigh.

Lani and Malia walk out with her , "Where we actually going?" Lani asks "Ya gon see." Envy says , the girls get in Envys car and drive to the good side of Sugarhill , they make it there and Envy drives up to the Grey and White House.

"Envy why we here bitch." Malia asks confused and scared "What you mean this my house now." Envy says smiling , Malia and Lanis mouths drop.

"you're lying this big ass shit?" Lani says , Envy nods , Envy drives into the driveway & the three walk out , Envy unlocks the door making Lani and Malia Gasp.

"BITCH THIS IS BIGGG." Malia says "I wanted to check out the full house and bring some stuff I bought for it here." Envy says smiling.

The three explore the whole house and it's exactly what Nia described "how much was this whole house Envy." Lani asks smiling.

"One point 5 millón." Envy says laughing , the girls eyes widen "Nfs that's good price for this big ass shit." Malia says nodding.

"Omg wait . This means you're back ? Like for good?" Lani asks smiling "Yes Im backkkk." Envy says laughing, the three scream and hug.


(Lemme stop)

"this is amazing , the trio is back , wait plus Jaini." Malia says smiling , Envy and Lani nod .

"Let's bring some stuff in from my car." Envy says , the girls nod .

They bring the stuff in and it was mostly stuff for Envy's room and her bathroom .

"When you gonna get you're stuff from CT shipped out ?" Malia asks "Imma get a UHAUL truck and just bring it myself , ion trust nby with my stuff bro." Envy says laughing .

"When you gon do that? Thanksgiving is literally in 2 days gang?" Lani says laughing, "Tommorw the lady is coming with the papers early in the morning , so imma just come here fill them out , go to the UHAUL place rent a truck drive to CT but I need one of ya to drive my car too... and prolly ya own car to if we want all my stuff in one trip." Envy explains

"Okay so what time is early?" Malia asks "Imma be here at 7Am she said 7:15 so once she gets here I should be done at 7:30 then we can go straight to the UHAUL place get the truck and drive straight to CT get all my stuff bring it here , unpack go back to DDs and the next day is thanksgiving so we gotta stay in they House either way cus they doing it there."

Envy explains "Then the day after we'll invite them over here and tell everyone." Envy says smiling, Lani and Malia smile "I'm down."Lani says "Our niggas prolly gon think we cheating." Malia says laughing "Ya niggas." Envy says laughing.

"Don't think we ain't hear you and Notti." Lani says laughing "Word ya was going crazy , in the sala ain't ode?" Malia says , Envy starts laughing making both girls laugh.


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