《Just go with it | Falice fanfiction》Chapter eleven


The plane ride was long, and extremely excruciating. But once they entered the big luxurious hotel, their annoyance seemed to have faded away.

The five of the bunch sat down and waited, as FP went up to the front desk to get some rooms.

"Hey, I didn't have time to make any reservations, but I need two rooms please and thank you." FP tells the man.

"Of course." He smiles back as he starts typing in his computer. "Sir, unfortunately we only have our suits left."

"Oh boy." FP sighs, knowing that he wasn't going to like this.

"The Master-suite at $8,000 per night, and the Presidential at $12,000." The man smiles.

"12,000 dollars per night?" The man nods.

"Do the Rolling Stones come and play for me while I'm there? What the hell is it so much for? Is it made out of panda?" FP rambles on at how ridiculous the price was.

"No, but you've made some terrific suggestions, and I'm going to jot them down... are you a member of the Hilton Honours Rewards program?" The man asks rudely.

"No, I am not."

"Oh, that sucks... you should really join." The man grins sassily.

FP rolls his eyes before handing over his credit card. The man chuckles lowly at his furiousness as he grabs his card, and makes the reservations for FP.

"Have a nice stay." FP shakes his head at that as he turns around to face his dysfunctional, fake family.

"Just got robbed! I mean I got the rooms." FP waves the keys up in the air.

"Who wants to go to the beach?" Gladys exclaims and the kids jump up in excitement.

They take off, leaving the three oldest people there.


"Who wants to start drinking?" FP asks.

"Me!" Ben and Alice say at the same time as they stand up.

- - - - - - - - -

They all make their way down to the beach. Gladys, Betty and Charles were all having fun as they played in the water. FP, Alice and Ben were all sitting in little beach chairs in the sand as they watched them, with drinks in hand.

Gladys emerged from the water, and started walking to them almost as if in slow motion. Her brown hair soaked, her small bikini barley covering anything made Ben's eyes pop out of his head.

"Okay, yeah. I would definitely create a fake family for that, oh my god she's hot." Ben let's out with a small laugh.

"You know what? You are disgusting." Alice rolls her eyes as she leans back in her chair.

"Mumsy, please do come in! The water is lovely." Betty smiles as she runs towards her mother.

"No honey, I'm good. I don't really feel like swimming right now. " Alice smiles at her daughter.

"What is this from my Hermie? Don't be intimidated by this whole thing she's got going right there." Ben says motioning to Gladys.

"Oh come on, like she's intimidated. I hope I look that good when I'm her age." Gladys exclaims truthfully.

She wasn't wrong. Gladys may be quite younger than Alice, but you wouldn't be able to tell. Alice didn't look a day over thirty.

"Well you can look that good! If you don't take the elevator and only take the stairs, like Cary Grant!" FP mimics Alice from their conversation a few weeks ago.

He could remember everything Alice told him. He'd never get tired of listening to her, even if her stories bored him to death, he always listened. Because it was Alice.


Alice bits her lip to stifle a grin as she shakes her head at him. FP always knew how to make her feel better, no matter what the situation was.

"I'm going to go look for some treats for everyone, Fred why don't you come with me?" FP announces and the kids squeal in excitement.

FP kisses Gladys cheek before him and Ben make their way to the stores that were only about five minutes away from the beach.

FP notices a jewelry store, and a few sparkly engagement rings catch his eye. He stops as he eyes them, looking for the perfect one.

"Hey, why did we stop here?" Ben confusingly asks.

"What's the matter? I can't look at engagement rings?" FP says, not tearing his eyes off of them.

"Engagement rings?" Ben's shocked expression doesn't go unnoticed by FP.

"Yeah, you heard what I said." FP scoffs before turning his attention back to the rings.

"Look all you want, but you and I both know that you're going to get tired of this hottie and you're going to be back in the game next week." Ben states as he follows FP to the next set of rings in another window.

"Nope, I'm telling you. Isn't this girl cute?"

"Yeah, she's really cute." Ben chuckles.

"Is she not the sweetest?"

"The nicest person I've ever met."

"Did you ever see her lips?"

"I think she has the best lips I've ever seen!" Ben states with a grin.

FP nods and chuckles as he turns his head back to the rings.

"You know, this whole situation reminds me of a song...

FP's a big plastic surgeon,

who never had time for a wife.

And he's friends with Benny

Who doesn't have a penny-"

"Piano man? Why piano man?" FP asks unamused at his song choice, and singing.

"Just because, man. It's based on your life, it's my own remix." Ben smirks.

"Really? Okay. Ahem.

Benny used to have an Afro,

And pimples all over his face.

So he popped and he poked em,

And clearasil soaked em,

But ladies still think he's a disgrace." FP sings, sticking his tongue out at the end and making a fart noise.

"You got me there." Ben rolls his eyes.

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