《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy in my Bed - 23


My hand stops, resting just above the door, my heartbeat rising as I inhale in - pushing the impending fear away. The vibrations transcend through my wrist, reverberating as my fist knocks against the door - the thumps echoing, splintering the soft morning tranquility.

The door stays shut, no reply - my knock failing to evoke any answer. I try again, the similar knocking sound echoing again, met by the familiar quietness.

I bite my lip. Pause. Inhale; and lean against the door, my weight shifting it open with ease - the familiar coolness of the hallway tackling me; refreshing me; comforting me?

"Hello? Anyone home? It's me Danté?" I call out into the dimly lit hallway, met with a clinical silence - the natural light streaming through the window attempting to breathe a breath of life into the cold, lifeless room.

My legs follow my eyes, walking the route to Casey's room somewhat instinctively - strides of determination. I stop, resting before his closed bedroom door, the pulsating blood driving through my veins creating a deafening silence; a jolt of adrenalin shooting through my arm as I twist the handle, swinging it open to reveal the grey toned room.

My eyes wander over the room hungrily, curiously, the same bland decorations adorning the space; except one thing: the golden photo frame gone. Good.

I slink over to the edge of his bed, devouring his sleeping face, taking in all his features; all his chiseled lines of beauty. Little wispy snores leave his nostrils, his eyebrows furrowing as he nuzzles back into his pillow - unaware of my presence.

"Casey. Are you awake? It's me Danté." My whisper falls dead to his sleeping ears, his eyes clenched closed. I trace my finger lightly over his shoulder, receiving no response in return, his soft breathing continuing with no termination. Well, how the fuck am I gonna wake him up now?

I shake his shoulder sprightly, his eyes snapping open as he grabs my wrist and yanks me over his chest - a scream leaving my lips as I scrape over his bare chest and fall onto the other side of the bed - the familiarly soft duvet cushioning my fall.


His eyes flutter open as he wakes up, scanning over me in confusion - the clouded daze fading away from his eyes as the green vibrancy re-illuminates his orbs, life returning to his face.

"Danté? What are you doing here?" His husky morning voice whispers out, nearing as he pushes himself up, the blanket falling away to reveal his muscular chest. I rearrange myself, slightly frazzled by the tumble, forcing my eyes to keep contact and not wander down to his pecs...his sexy, strong muscular pecs...

"Um, I was on my way to Elliot's and I just wanted to stop in, to make sure you're alright. Harvey told me about you and Annabelle, and that you weren't feeling good." He blinks, almost unimpressed by my answer, his eyes rolling over me in boredom.

"I feel like shit. But, I'm alright." The blankets falls further down as he inches himself up onto the backboard - his abs revealed. Damn it Casey, if only you weren't so oblivious to your natural charm. The short chat falls into silence, my eyes locked onto his - daring to not go any lower.

"Why didn't you tell me that you and Annabelle broke up?" I force it out of my mouth, not wanting to start the conversation - turning down the inevitable tangent.

"I was gonna, when I came over that night. You know, that night that you said you hated me or something." His giggle bubbles over the underlying somber tone, his eyes breaking away and staring down at the duvet. "And then you started talking about Elliot...I just...never got the chance to tell you I guess."

"Oh." The pathetic response falls out of my lips, his confession eroding all of my thoughts away. All of a sudden, my brain has forgotten how to make sentences.

"But that doesn't matter now. I'm over it." He pushes the last past through his teeth, still maintaining his eyes on the duvet. He's over it? He's over what? He's over me?


"What would've happened if that night was different? If I would've let you speak...what do you think would've happened with us?" The question drifts out of my mouth, drawing his attention back to me - his eyes filled with a whirlwind of feelings; emotionally tumultuous while simultaneously unreadable.

"I think...you should go now. To Elliot's. You should go there." He deflects the question, cutting it off harshly - stifling the conversation in its tracks, not even daring to hypotherthise the scenario. "Goodbye Danté." The whispers flows through his lips as he pushes off the backboard, turning his back to me as he shimmies under the duvet. Alienated by his answer, I push off the bed and walk to his door, pausing as my eyes betray me and snap back to his laying body.

Wake up. Sit up. Look up. Do something. Do anything. Fight. I silently plead to no avail, his slumbering body remaining dormant. A sigh leaves my mouth as I walk through the cold hallway.

Goodbye Casey.


"Hey Sunshine, glad you're finally here! What took you so long?" Elliot pulls me into a hug as he opens his front door, submerging me in his earthy cologne and enwrapping me with his strong grasp. I look up at him happily, his lips placing a small peck on my forehead.

"Um, the traffic was hectic." He looks at me suspiciously as his eyes peer over my shoulder, noting the empty road but not saying anything; he shrugs and pulls me to his bedroom, a chuckle erupting from his throat as we walk through the doorway.

"I was thinking we could watch a movie or something? If that's okay with you. If you don't wanna, we don't gotta." I blush as we enter the room, red LED lights flooding the room in shades of rose - the blankets swapped with a black satin.

"Yeah. A movie sounds good." His face lights up as he grabs the TV remote, scrolling through the movie selection, giving me more time to gaze the room. A fresh bouquet of roses decorate the side table, the floral scent a direct contrast against the posters on the wall. How...romantic.

"Hop into bed Sunshine. I chose Notting Hill, is that okay? It's one of my favourite movies of all time, and, who doesn't love an iconic romance film?" I nod, slipping off my shoes before sliding under the duvet.

The opening scene starts as Elliot walks back to the bed, a giddy smile slipping across his lips - a shining glimmer in his eyes.

"Mind if I get comfortable?" I nod again, silently watching as he slips his t-shirt off, leaving his toned legs hidden by a pair of loose shorts. My eyes wash over his body, his strong frame sliding down next to me as he settles into bed. His arm slips behind my head as the movie starts, the opening credits rolling down the screen as his biceps pull me into his bare chest.

Oh shit. This is really happening.


Hello! Wowwweee did a lot happen in this chapter! Sorry it took a few days, but I know what I wanted to happen in this chapter and it made me to sad to think about, so I postponed it because I truly care about the wellbeing of my characters - sad, I know.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed the update! Leave a comment about what you think is going to happen next, and the future for Danté, below! :)


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