《There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)》There's A Boy in my Bed - 13



*Unknown number (10:33)*

Hey pick up. It wasn't what it looked like. I thought we were gonna party together lol? Where are you anyways? x

*Unknown number (10:46)*

Broooooo seriously pick up haha. It's getting lowkey boring and maybe we can chill. I do need a bed to sleep in haha ;)

*Unknown number (11:32)*

Hey it's Casey lol. If you didn't know it was me. Are these getting through? Stop playing hide and seek and come drink with us lol. Also kicked some losers out of your bed. Welcome x

*Unknown number (12:57)*

Hey! I'm about to leave lol. Your brother cabbaged on the couch and is sleeping ffs hahaha lol. U good?

*Unknown number (1:32)*

Lol I aint end up leaving. Canceled the taxi cause FOMO hahahhaa where u?

*Unknown number (2:06)*

Reply so I no ur alrite. Ur scaring me. Stop playing lol hahaha. It's casey btw

*Unknown number (2:07)*

I'm sorry.


I scroll through the messages as the street lights of suburbia scatter over me, alleviating my paranoia as the friendly view of neighbourhood shrubbery comes into vision. My mind ponders over the messages.

What does he mean that it wasn't what it looked like? Why do I even care? It's not like we're a couple or anything so it doesn't matter. And why has he been waiting for me even after the party's over?

My silent thoughts guide me all the way back to my mailbox, which someone drew a giant penis on - that's fun.

I pause and look at my house; the once booming music has vanished into an eery silence, accompanied by the disappearance of the disco lights and all of the people. The yard lights flick on as I walk over the scattered glass bottles, illuminating the front lawn. I rest my hand on the door handle and take a deep breath in.


The door swings open - Casey standing in the door frame - the kitchen light illuminating his silhouette. His eyebrows furrow as he pulls me into him instantly - his deep exhale of breath breaking the silence of the house.

His arms wrap around my back and pull me into his chest - the panic and fear from walking back home alone has vanished. I feel the heat radiate through his shirt and battle against the cold air that was nipping at my skin; warming me - protecting me. A mixture of cologne and mint fills my nostrils as I inhale in, intoxicated on his scent.

The facade shatters as I see the red lipstick stain on his neck - faded and subdued more then before - like he had tried to wipe it off - but still slightly there. I push against his chest and manoeuvre out his grasp - a confused look on his face as he watches me walk towards the staircase. My brother and a girl, some random, are lying on the couch; his head on her stomach and her head in a bowl of chips - how romantic.

"Wait? What's wrong? Are you alright?" He calls after me as I walk away from him - his familiar clasp halts me in my place as his fingers wrap around my wrist. "Bro, I've been waiting for fucking ever. Do you know how worried I was? Just talk to me." I pull out of his clasp and continue to the top of the staircase - pausing as he waits at the bottom - a flicker of pain in his eyes before gaining their normal warmth and vibrancy.

"Talk to Annabelle instead." I spit back - his eyes glossing over as the vibrancy dies away. The sentence comes out sharp and takes the air out of the room. We both turn to look over at my brother, but he's knocked out - oblivious to his surroundings.


"You have no right to say that!" He yells in a hushed tone while racing up stairs - pausing just in front of me. I step away from him - my back hitting the wall. He places his hands on either side of me, trapping me - forcing me to look into his eyes; the green blurring between anger and haste. "Do you know how fucking long I waited? Do you know how long I was looking for you? I was waiting so long I never even got drunk! I had like...1 bottle...I even drove around looking for you." His breath hits my face, a minty aroma distracting from the fact that I'm supposed to be angry at him - dazing me.

"I- ugh-" I drop my gaze to the floor - his face narrowing in to mine.

"And you think I care about Annabelle? Huh? We were playing a game of spin the bottle and I was just putting on a show, because, you were taking forever...I didn't fuck her and I don't fuck with her no more." He puts his hand under my chin, forcing my eyes back up to meet his. "And what does it matter if I kissed her anyways? Why do you care?" My mind collapses at his last question - realising for the first time that I....like him? All I know is that I don't not like him and I don't not like being around him.

He relaxes his hold and me - stepping back to let my process everything, my mind racing in confusion.

"I just, I just, ugh, I just want to go to bed." I sigh and walk out of his hold towards my bedroom; pausing as my eyes scan over the mess. My blankets lay discarded on either side of the bed, haphazardly scattered around the room - my bedroom, my sacred place, desecrated. "Fuck." I mutter under my breath, sighing loudly as the length of the night catches up with me.

I feel Casey come in behind me, leaning against the doorway. "I kicked them out when I came looking for you - you should've seen the guy - I nearly got my ass beat." He giggles slightly - a laughter I can't reciprocate as I look around my room in disappointment.

"Where the fuck am I supposed to sleep now." I mutter into my hands, whilst holding my face.

"You can stay at mine if you want?" Casey whispers from behind me.


So I had a start and finish for the chapter, but had no idea how to connect them in between! So I'm sorry for the wait! Do you think he will go with Casey or not?

I want to thank everyone for the support on the book, all the likes and comments are so kind and sweet; and I'm very appreciative of them! :)

I hope you are all wonderful!


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