《OUR SECRET. ━ TAEKOOK ✓》Chapter 25




"Jungkook your phone is ringing for the I don't know time. Will you pick it up?"

"Namjoon hyung, just let it be. I'm not up for any conversation right now." Jungkook said as he shifted his laying position and faced the wall, letting out a sigh.


"I swear if the dorm is on fire already and we don't know because you don't want to answer your freaking phone,"Namjoon couldn't help but to stand up and grab Jungkook's phone that was ringing at the table beside the bed where he was.

"I'm pretty sure whoever's contacting me will get bored trying and—"

"5 missed calls and 10 messages from... Taehyung. Are you sure you still don't want to answer it?"

Jungkook's ears perked up at the sound of the name. He didn't chance his position, instead he clutched his chest and nuzzled even more to the bed pillow.

"What did his text messages say?"

Namjoon cleared his throat and read the last messages Taehyung sent one by one.

"Jungkook, where are you?"

"I'm worried."

"I've been waiting for hours already, I'll find you around the dormitory."

"Where are you? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

"Are you returning to who your habit before, kookie? Making me feel loved and then leaving me without even texting me where you're going?"

"Tell him I'm fine and I'll just look for him later, I'm just busy." Jungkook replied.

"What else?" Namjoon questioned, typing the words Jungkook said without pressing 'send', he still expected more to type. "Shouldn't I also tell him that you're at the Seoul Hospi—"


"O-Okay then."

Namjoon showed Jungkook the message he was about to send. 'I'm fine, I'll look for you later I'm just busy right now.'


With Jungkook's nod as an approval, Namjoon clicked send and sat back from the empty bed where he was earlier, adjacent to the hospital bed in the emergency center.

Suddenly, the atmosphere began to be gloomy when Namjoonasked a very sensitive question.

"How long till you break up with this guy, Kook?" Namjoon asked with a firm voice. "You're damn whipped, aren't you?"


"As far as I remember, you told me that you had short flings with people you had a crush on. Taehyung's no different, isn't he? Don't tell me—"

Jungkook sat up straight and faced Namjoon with tears staining his eyes, he has been keeping them a while now from the other. "Yes hyung, I'm in love with him. No matter how many times I tried to make him view me as somebody who is not worth his time, he still kept on holding on and coming back... and every single day I fall in love with him more and more."

"Why don't you tell him the truth about you? If you don't both of you will only be hurt at the end."

"There's nothing to tel—"

"Yes there is. I could tell him the truth for you, but I think it would be much better if it came from your own words."

"Stop! I told you, there's nothing to tell!"

"Jungkook! You're dying. Why doesn't he have the right to know?"

Jungkook averted his eyes from Namjoon once again and wiped the tears that continuously fell from his eyes. "I'll just go back to what I was doing before, I'll go back to ignoring him and hope that he will get tired of me."

"You already did that and what happened? When he was slowly moving away from you, you kept on pulling him back, specially when that Jimin guy came." This time, Namjoon couldn't conatain his feelings as well and began crying a bit for his friend, he went closer to sit on the bed where Jungkook sat. "Just stop all of your acts and tell him the truth about your sickness. Tell him that the reason why your parents abandoned you is because they couldn't pay for the maintenance of your lung and heart checkups. That's why you didn't get cured."


Jungkook hugged Namjoon and continued to cry painfully into his chest.

"W-What do I do hyung? I-I w-want to s-spend a lot of my time with him, b-but I c-can't."

"He'll understand if you tell him the truth."

"And then what? When I'm gone, he'll be hurt. He's too precious, he doesn't deserve to cry and be depressed because of me."

Namjoon sighed and patted Jungkook's head once again to comfort him. "You kept Taehyung from us. You didn't want us, the only ones who knew about your sickness to leave you. You had the mental strength to tell us about him. Now have that strength once again to tell Taehyung what he needs to know. Tell him about our secret."


'6 pm at the campus tomorrow, I'll be telling you something.' - kookie

That note made Taehyung feel suspicious. Deep inside of him, he thought that Jungkook must've been preparing a surprise for him, that's why he suddenly disappeared yesterday.

Taehyung looked outside the window of their campus, he stared at the sunset. The students were leaving the hallways one by one, it didn't take long before somebody poked his shoulder from behind.


"It's me."

Immediately after seeing him, Taehyung opened his arms wide and hugged Jungkook who stood right in front of him.

"Where have you been? I was worried."

Without beating around the bushes, Jungkook hugged him tighter. "Taehyung, there's something you have to know about me."

Suddenly, another person's presence can be felt in the hallways.

"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you, daddy kookie."

Taehyung cringed at the nickname, of course he knew that Jungkook and her had a small interaction with each other a few weeks back. But why would she be here?


Papers were thrown at Jungkook's direction, making both him and Taehyung be startled at the same time.

"I'm pregnant. And congratulations, you're the father."


this is ending soon. i hope this chapter made sense, somehow.

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