《OUR SECRET. ━ TAEKOOK ✓》Chapter 24



At the dormitory, two people were talking silently in their dorm room.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Jimin asked while letting out a sigh.

"I didn't want to hurt you... I couldn't find a correct timing." Taehyung replied.

Jimin's lips couldn't help but to rise up at the ends. "I'm happy you care for my feelings, people like you are super rare nowadays."

"So now that you know the truth about me and Jungkook... how do you feel?"

"I just feel bad," Jimin laughed. "But I understand. And I actually want to apologize to your... boyfriend."

Taehyung waved his hands hastily, telling him that it might not be a wise choice since Jungkook might act grumpy at the sight of him.

"Hey Taehyung, we're still friends, right?"

"I'm actually worried that you'll stop being friends with me after everything that's going on with me," This time, it was Taehyung's turn to release a soft giggle. "But of course, I'll be happy if I would still keep in touch with you in a way."

After a minute of silence between them, Taehyung spoke up once again.

"Can I ask you a favor, Jiminie?"

"Anything. What do you want me to do?"

"Hoseok hyung, where are you taking me?" Jungkook asked as he stepped out of the elevator with the friend who covered his eyes with a blindfold a few minutes ago.

"C'mon, you'll only be on this place for a day, don't be such a kitten who hates to take baths."

"I don't know where you're taking me!"

"You'll like it here, I'm sure." Hoseok hummed, pushing Jungkook even move for him to speed up. "Actually, you'll even thank me."


In an instant, his blindfold has been removed. Somehow, deep inside of him, Jungkook expected his hyung to give him a surprise, maybe even just a small gift or something.

But as he opened his eyes and adjusted to the light, all he saw was a door.


"Go, have fun!" Hoseok pushed the confused boy's back lightly. "Think of it as a way of us, your friends, accepting your relationship."



Before Jungkook knew it, Hoseok went running towards the direction of the elevator. He looked at the door right before him, it was just an ordinary dormitory room door. But could it possibly be...?

He twisted the door knob and carefully examined the room. Just like his own, it had the same wall structure. But the difference was there was somebody sitting on one of the beds. Taehyung.

"Is this your dorm room?" Jungkook asked, still looking around. "It looks pretty neat."

"Y-Yes, I cleaned it thoroughly because I knew you were coming over today." Taehyung said as he flashed a child like smile, patting the spot in the bed next to him.

Jungkook followed his instruction and walked closer to sit close to where Taehyung was pointing. "What about your roommate?"

"I-I asked him to swap rooms with y-you until tomorrow."

"Why are you stammering? Is there something wrong?"

After Jungkook noticed Taehyung's weird way of speaking, the other couldn't help but to turn pink and look down to his lap. Instead of speaking to reply an answer, Taehyung moved forward and gave his boyfriend a side hug.

"Its just that... since we're starting to make our relationship official and all, can we cuddle together until we both fall asleep? I-I want us to enjoy our time together privately."

Jungkook liked the idea. And he loved how Taehyung was requesting for it. Without any second thoughts, he tackled the other to the bed and hugged him close.

"Well, your wish is my command. I'm all yours for tonight."

Taehyung reddened even more and nuzzled slowly to Jungkook's chest. The other's choice of words made him feel fluterry inside.

'So this is what it means to be in love without over thinking what could happen next.' Taehyung thought while resting on Jungkook's chest comfortably.

It was convenient that both of them already took their showers plus the main lights were off, only the light coming from the lampshade on top of the small cabinet separating the two beds in the room illuminated the place. Once they were greeted by the soft mattress, they were both too lazy to get up so they ended up holding each other in an embrace as they played with each other's noses, lips and cheeks.


A few minutes later, Taehyung closed his eyes and went to a 'light sleep' mode. Despite having problems with his own family, Jungkook's warm presence up close is more than enough to give him comfort.

"Tae, are you sleeping?" Jungkook asked in a whispering tone.

Taehyung mumbled a bit as his reply. Even though Jungkook didn't understand anything, he gave the other a peck on the forehead for being so cute.

"Are you comfortable? You have two beds in this room and we share this one. I'm okay with it but if you're not then I can move on the other bed so you can sleep better."

"...the most comfortable place I can think of right now and I want to be in is right beside you." he mumbled.

This time it was Jungkook's turn to blush. Instinctively, he pulled the blanket that was on their torsos' and pulled it up high that it reached their necks.

"You're too cute Taehyung, I think I would melt staring at you."

Taehyung woke up at the feeling of the blanket. "Kookie, why did you pull the cover up?"

"Since we're alone all night, why don't we make the most out of it?"

And that's how two adults ended up exchanging mischievous tricks to each other such as pinching the other's nose,having a tickle fight and making out romantically at the end under the covers.

Taehyung pulls out from their kiss to look at Jungkook above him. "What do you want to do after graduation?"


"What? Don't you have plans with me?" Taehyung giggled while poking the younger boy's nose.

"Well," Jungkook paused. "What do you want to do?"

"If I can travel the world, that would be nice. That is not impossible right?"

"... I love you, Taehyung." Jungkook whispered lowering down to give Taehyung a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too," Taehyung smiled as he ruffled the other's hair. "Stay with me forever, okay?"


With a night they enjoyed filled with nothing but love, they wished for the morning to never come.

At dawn, around four in the morning to be precise, Jungkook immediately stands up and walks briskly to the door, trying not to open the lights nor create a ruckus that might end up waking Taehyung up.

But as he was about to touch the door knob, a voice spoke from his back, making him stop on his actions.

"Kookie, where are you going?" Taehyung asked in a sleepy voice.

"O-Outside. I need to do something." Jungkook replied, not even trying to look back at him.

Taehyung sat up straight from the bed and eyed him. "Do what? The sun is not even out..."

"J-Just..." Jungkook released a hurried sigh. "I'll come back, okay?"


Cough. Cough.

Drip, drip, drop.

Since it was morning and everybody else was sleeping, the whole dormitory was silent. Only water sounds coming out of a sink echoed around the bathroom at the corner of the second floor.

Then, a sound of a door creaking interferes with the sound of water.

A student taking to somebody on the phone entered the bathroom.

"I'm fine working all morning, life is tough and this is the job of a working student. And so, I told you— oh my gosh!"

It turns out that student was Kim Seokjin, Taehyung's friend who worked as a working student and is still out at dawn.

"J-Jungkook?" Seokjin asked to confirm if it was really him.

Panicked, Jungkook stood up and rinsed his hands and mouth quickly. "H-Hello." he awkwardly greeted.

"Are you okay? Should I call somebody? I-Is that... b-blood?"

Jungkook coughs once again and covers his mouth. "N-Nope, it's probably too dark. I j-just probably ate something bad and threw up... s-sorry."

as you probably would've noticed as i did, the story went from a simple plot to a fucked up one. but to tell you the truth, i originally planned for it to turn out this way.

if you're still here waiting for this update, thank you ilysm

thanks for reading!

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