《Love Her Softly》Chapter Fifteen
Liam had never felt more proud than he did stepping into that dance with Emma on his arm.
"There are so many people..." she gasped, holding tighter to him
Liam patted her hand resting on his arm. "I'm right here with you."
He felt Emma relax and his chest tightened. Hell, he'd been a loner his entire life but Emma had busted down a wall and awoken a part of him Liam hadn't known existed.
No other woman had ever even briefly tempted him to settle down but Liam knew that by the end of tonight he'd be asking Emma to be his wife.
"Everyone is so pretty," Emma gasped.
Liam glanced around the crowded barn at the mass of people milling about. They were talking, eating and dancing to the music currently filling the dusty, lantern lit space.
Everyone was dressed in their best but no one could hold a candle to Emma. "There's Kyle and Chase. Come on and I'll introduce you."
Liam gently guided Emma through the crowd, careful to prevent her from bumping into anyone. He knew how uncomfortable and fearful Emma was with strangers.
"Liam?" Kyle greeted with surprise. "We didn't think you were coming. You didn't mention it yesterday."
Chase grinned and elbowed Kyle's ribs. "She must have beat him until he gave in."
Emma sunk further into him as she shook her head. "I would never hurt Liam."
Kyle tipped his head. "Forgive Chase. He doesn't mean to say stupid things—it just happens."
Liam chuckled quietly. "He's a natural."
Liam looked down into Emma's nervous blue eyes and smiled. "Emma, this is Kyle and Chase." He pointed to each of them in turn. "They've been my friends since we were boys. They're good men and I trust them. You can too, I promise."
Chase batted his lashes and laid a hand over his chest. "I think that might just be the nicest thing Liam's ever said about us, Kyle."
Kyle rocked back on his heels. "I believe you're right. I wonder if the pigs down the road are flying."
Liam glowered at the brain-addled duo. "You two, this is Emma Hawke."
Chase made a big show of bowing deeply before taking Emma's hand and kissing it. Emma all but yanked her hand away and appeared ready to race for the door.
Chase, however, seemed undeterred. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Emma. You are a beauty beyond compare and I am only sorry that Liam saw you first."
Kyle smacked him on the back of the head and Chase grinned sheepishly. "Pardon him, please, Emma. He means well," Kyle assured her.
Liam watched Emma carefully He wondered what was going on in her sheltered mind. Surprise filed him when she smiled and no longer cowered against him. "It's very nice to meet ya both."
"It's good to finally truly be introduced," Kyle agreed.
"We've been watching you since you came to town," Chase added.
Emma bit her lip. "You have?"
"Yeah, Liam gave us strict instructions to watch you and protect you as if you were.... What was the word?" Chase asked, glancing at Kyle.
Liam hoped his less annoying friend would tell his man to stop talking but instead, Kyle flashed a mischievous smile. "Treasure. The word was treasure."
Emma's cheeks blushed red as she dropped her gaze to hide her smile. "Treasure?" she whispered. "Really?"
Liam cleared his throat loudly and rubbed at his neck. "As fun as this has been, I'm sure Emma's hungry. I'm going to take her to get some food."
Liam quickly led Emma away from Kyle and Chase and he felt her eyes on him. With a sigh, Liam glanced down at her. He was blown away in that moment by the depth of emotion shining back out of her blue eyes toward him.
"Did ya really have them watching over me?"
Liam nodded. "Yeah..." He felt awkward and hoped she wouldn't get too angry that he'd had eyes on her in town. "I knew I couldn't be there all the time and they're almost always around town so I let them keep an eye on you. I didn't want your father sneaking in...."
Emma smiled. "Thank ya, Liam. Thank ya for carin' about me so much."
Liam nodded as they arrived at the refreshment table and he filled her a cup with cold lemonade. "I more than care about you, Emma. I....."
Liam stiffened and his head immediately began to ache. He knew that high-pitched whine.
Poor Emma. She was too kind, innocent and pure to have to put up with the likes of a blood-thirsty harpy like Bethany.
Turning slowly, Liam gaze landed on the woman who'd been panting after him for the last few years. "Hello Bethany."
She smiled, her flawless pale cheeks painted pink and full. "I had hoped I would see you here tonight."
Liam forced a polite smile to his face. "I couldn't let Emma down. You haven't met Emma have you?" Liam glanced down at Emma who looked confused and quite unsure of herself. "Bethany, this is Emma Hawke. Emma, this is Bethany Ryan."
Recognition dawned in Emma's eyes as she once again looked at Bethany. Liam knew she was assessing the other woman. Bethany was beautiful—it was true. She had a perfect hourglass figure, porcelain skin, red hair that lay in soft curls and brilliant green eyes—but she was a snake. A loose woman who preyed on men. Seducing them and attempting to trap them into marriage.
Liam was not fool enough to fall for her.
"Oh..." Bethany's voice was laced with venom as her eyes too took in the woman she considered competition. "My mother told me you had recently begun dabbling in charity."
Liam took a deep breath. He was known for being level-headed. Losing his temper in such a crowd, with a woman, certainly wouldn't earn him any respect. "Bethany, Emma and I were trying to enjoy our evening. If you don't mind..."
"Why doesn't she speak, Liam?" Bethany mused, looking down her nose at the smaller woman. "Do they not learn to talk up in those mountains?"
Emma gripped Liam's arm tightly. "We learn to speak when we need to and hold our tongues when we don't. I don't have anything to say just now."
Liam tried desperately to hold back his laughter but a chuckle escaped and it caused the shock on Bethany's face to morph into rage. "You dare speak to me that way? You are nothing but an ignorant, mountain hick—and an ugly one at that." Bethany turned her attention to Liam. "Whenever you're ready to stop with this foolishness, I'll be ready to dance."
"I will certainly keep that in mind," Liam replied with a quick tip of his head. "But, I would suggest you dance without me. If you wait until I'm ready to give up Emma to dance with you, I'm afraid your shoes will get dusty."
Bethany was fuming and Liam found amusement in her temper. He watched her fists clench as her nostrils flared. Clearly she wanted to scream and yell—possibly even hit him. But she wouldn't. Her concern over what everyone else in the barn thought of her would keep her from making such a scene.
Letting out a snort, Bethany spun on her heel, tossed her hair over her should and stormed away. Liam turned his attention back to Emma. "I'm sorry about her," he muttered.
Emma was frowning. "That's Bethany? She's very pretty."
Liam only shrugged. "Are you hungry, Emma?"
"I want to dance." She bit her lip. "I mean.... Can we dance?"
Liam wanted to say no. Hell, he didn't dance. He'd never in his life danced. But he couldn't deny Emma anything she wanted. She had him wrapped around her dainty little finger and didn't seem to realize it.
"Sure." He smiled and sat the cup he'd filled down. "Let's go dance."
Around and around Liam spun her and the laughter that bubbled from her throat made any of his own dislike of dancing fade away. Emma seemed so relaxed, so at ease and so happy. Gone completely, at least for a moment, was every bit of fear and uncertainty.
After three songs, Emma's cheeks were red and it was clear she was overheated. Liam motioned for Chase who quickly came over. "Emma, let Chase take you out to cool off a minute and I'll bring some lemonade out for you."
"I'm okay..." Emma began but Liam took her hand.
"Please? I want to talk to you about something away from the crowd."
Emma appeared confused but she nodded and Chase made a big show of looping their arms together. "Don't you worry a bit, Liam," he stated with a wink. "I'll take good care of her."
Liam watched Chase lead Emma away and he was relieved when she didn't seem tense or afraid. He wanted to see her heal and able to go about life without her past holding her back.
Liam walked to the refreshments table and his hands shook has he filled a glass. He was going to ask Emma to be his wife..... and he was terrified.
Liam did not open up to people. He was afraid that he would put himself out there, bare his heart and his wants to Emma and she would crush him.... Damn, it was petrifying to give someone that kind of power.
Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Liam turned and found himself nearly running into Bethany. She giggled and Liam knew she was pushing her impressive cleavage just a bit higher in her blue dress on purpose.
His stomach rolled.
"Excuse me, Bethany. I didn't realize you were behind me."
She put her hand on his arm. "Liam, let's leave this place. We can go somewhere more....private."
Liam shook his head. "I'm here with Emma, Bethany, and I'll be leaving with Emma. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
Bethany's grip on his arm became tighter. "Stop with this nonsense. That mountain rat can't possibly please you the way I could."
Liam felt his jaw pop. He yanked his arm from her grasp and saw Kyle heading his way. "I have tried hard to remain polite and patient with you, Bethany, but I've tolerated about all I can tolerate. I'm sure you will find a husband someday. Someone who will love and care for you... but tonight is not that night and I am not that man."
She batted her lashes and moved in closer, rubbing her body flush against his. "But you haven't even tried me yet, Liam. Just give me one night and I will change your mind."
Liam had had enough. Using his shoulder, Liam shoved his way past Bethany, causing the woman to lose her balance and topple to the floor. "I said no," he growled before striding away.
Faintly, Liam was aware of Kyle laughing as he pulled a snarling Bethany to her feet. He didn't care. He only wanted to get outside to Emma and feel the peace of her presence in the quiet night air.
Stepping out of the barn, Liam glanced to the left and to the right. A frown pulled down his lips. Where was Emma and Chase?
Liam turned his head toward the weak voice and saw Patrick stepping around the barn. Blood poured from a gash on the man's temple, running down his face.
"What the hell happened?" Liam demanded of his father.
"I....I didn't know... I didn't realize."
Fear gripped Liam—especially when Chase came around the same corner, staggering and gripping the wall with a lump on his forehead.
"Where is Emma?" he asked, his body vibrating with dread.
"He took her, Liam..." Patrick held up his hands, his face pale and his eyes pleading for mercy. "I thought it was best but I didn't know... Silas and I were friends as boys but I hadn't seen much of him in over thirty years.. I didn't know he'd hurt her."
"Hurt her!? You led Silas here?" Liam was shouting but he didn't care. He lunged for his father, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him against the barn wall. "Where?! Where is Emma?"
Tears fell from Patrick's eyes. "He took her to the mountain..... Please, Liam... I swear I didn't know he'd hurt her. I was protecting you."
Liam clenched his fist. Everything in him wanted to hurt the man in front of him. But that wouldn't solve anything.. and every moment he wasted here with Patrick was one more second Emma was suffering at Silas' hands.
Kyle came rushing out the door. "Chase!" he called out before rushing to his partner and helping him support his weight. "Who did this?"
"Silas," Liam hissed. "And he has Emma."
Liam turned and headed toward the livery. "Where are you going?" Kyle demanded.
"To get her back."
"You can't," Kyle countered. "The mountain has their own laws, Liam, you know that. Emma is his daughter. She's his property. They won't allow you to ride up there and take her away."
Liam stopped. Kyle was right. Liam had to make sure that whatever he did, no one could say he'd stolen Silas' property—just thinking of Emma in that way made his gut burn.
Struggling to form a clear thought or plan with so much anger and fear clouding his mind, Liam breathed deep and shoved his hand through his dark hair.
He had to play by the mountain rules. Since Emma was Silas' daughter she was his property until she married—then she would become the property of her husband.
Spinning around, Liam rushed back into the barn. He scanned the crowd until his eyes found Ben Gibson. A small, wiry young man with a proper tongue and glasses. He was the newest preacher to come into town and known for being less rigid in his mindset.
Liam strode to him on a mission. "Ben? I need your help."
Ben pushed his glasses up on his nose and nodded. "I'll do what I can. What do you need."
Liam swallowed hard. He hated doing this. Hell, he hadn't wanted things to happen like this! "I need you to perform a marriage."
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