《Wings ↻ Zhong Chenle》↻25


The air was tense as the crowd containing the members who had lined up for the mission, this time joined by the girl stood next to Jaemin anxiously.

He flashed her a beaming smile, pink lips curving up as she swallowed down her nerves as managed a smile back.

"Right, seeing as Seowoo is new here I think it's only right for her to stay out of harms way and watch." Taeyong began, facing the group.

"Well, she could take a high ground and watch from there."

"Yeah, just let her watch from the roof."

"True, Chenle is there so it's okay." Renjun spoke, shrugging.

Seowoo immediately glanced at Chenle who had his hands lazily clasped behind his back, sighing heavily as all he wanted to do was get out of the suffocating room.

"Rather get shot." Seowoo muttered, earning a nudge from Donghyuck's elbow.

She shot him a glare, rubbing her ribs uncomfortably to subside the pain.

Jeno and Renjun began to get their weapons ready, Donghyuck handing Seowoo an ear piece.

"Jisung is usually at the headquarters doing his thing, don't get too surprised when he starts talking out of nowhere."

Seowoo nodded, thanking him as he left.

She watched as the members began to get into place, demeanor shifting as Taeyong nodded to Chenle- patting his back before leaving.

There was an unspoken tension in the air as Seowoo and Chenle stood in the run down building as the rest took their positions out of sight.

Deciding to push it away and build her confidence, she turned around the see the black haired stoic boy grabbing the black case.

His features were illuminated by the dimly lit run down building as he stood up straight, grasping the handle in his gloved hand before his apathetic eyes met hers.


There was a split second of silence as they held eye contact yet it felt like hours.

"Follow me." He said curtly, turning around and beginning to walk down further into the building.

Seowoo pursed her lips together, silently trailing behind him as his broad shoulders blocked her view.

Her eyes drifted over the interior, cold stone walls chipped and stained- the rancid scent wafting through the air.

He reached the end of the hallway, turning his body to begin walking up the narrow wet steps- blood staining the walls.

She cringed internally, making sure not to touch the tainted walls as she followed him up the steps in silence. It clung heavily in the air, suffocating.

Seowoo craned her head up, the rays of sunlight peeking past his figure as they reached the top.

It was more euphoric and liberating as they reached the roof, clean air dancing graciously around them.

The girl squinted at the harsh rays gleaming down on her, heat encasing over her body as the wind blew through her hair.

From her place, she could see the masses of buildings around them- awestruck by the beauty of it all.

Chenle was silent as he placed the black case down on the ground, making his way to the edge of the roof and peering over the ledge.

"No snarky remarks today?" Seowoo quipped, eyeing the boy who had grabbed the black cap from his duffle bag.

He wordlessly turned his head, eyes boring into hers.

"Are you angry because of what I said?" He asked almost emotionlessly.

"Of course I'm angry, is that even a question? You're so rude to me for no reason." She argued, fire fuelling her veins. "Plus you didn't even say sorry!"


Seowoo scoffed out in disbelief, her eyes trained on him as he remorselessly apologized.


"I don't want an apology if it's not meaningful- what's the point apologising then?"

Chenle sighed deeply, pulling the cap on as he turned with his jaw clenched.

"What do you want me to do, get on my knees and beg for forgiveness?"

"Yeah, that would be nice."

Chenle rolled his eyes.

"Okay fine, I'm sorry for assuming shit about you- now can you shut up so I can concentrate?"

"Whatever." Seowoo mumbled, walking closer so she could peer over the edge- the boys already taking their places.

"You, wear this."

"You? I have a name." She gawked in disbelief as Chenle threw items over to her.

He ignored her words as she began to pull the grey cap on her head- slipping on the mask as he also did.

"Is this necessary?" She groaned, already feeling the immense heat from the sun.

"If you don't want them to know what you look like yes." He spoke- adjusting the black sleek sniper to as he preferred.

"Woah, that's so cool." She spoke in awe as she leaned towards the sniper in curiousity.

Chenle was hunched over the sniper as she approached it like a moth drawn to light, adjusting his focus when he glanced at the girl.

"No touching." He warned and Seowoo's shoulders slumped in disappointment, leaning away with a huff.

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