《Want you Back》Chapter 59


It was around 6 in the evening right now and we were just sitting around and watching movies and doing the stuff we would do on our lazy days which is obviously everyday in the summer when Ryder's phone rang. He answered it before I could take a look at the caller ID and panic immediately flooded his face. "Hello?" he asked into the phone. I turned around to look at him since I was lying in between his legs with my head on his chest. "Something's gone wrong." I heard a deep voice say from the other side of the line. It was familiar. It was Charles.

"What happened?" Ryder asked giving me shoulder a slight tap which I took as my sign to sit up and get out of his way. I couldn't hear what he said on the phone clearly so I suddenly got clueless as to what the fuck was happening. Before Charles hung up all I heard him say was, "Ethan's coming to pick you up. You need to get here now." he declared and then hung up. I was trying my best to keep calm but as you can guess, it wasn't working. "I've gotta go." he said, sitting up and putting his shoes on along with his hoodie. "Where are you going?" I questioned but he just ignored me, and stayed silent while he grabbed his phone and stood up to leave. I quickly got up and put my hand on his chest, pushing him back a little. "What's going on?" I questioned, my breaths getting shorter and my heart beating faster.

"Mia, not right now, ok? I need to go." he said sternly.

"Fine, then I'm coming with you." I declared before grabbing my shoes by the front door and throwing them on followed by tossing my phone in my pocket. "No you're not." he shook his head as he walked over to me by the front door. "Yes I am." I argued, opening the door, only for him to slam it shut. "I said, no you're not." he looked me dead in the eye, being the most serious I've ever seen him. "And I said yes I am. Plus, you're the one that I said I'm not allowed to get out of your sight." I huffed and just as he was about to argue with me, a loud honk from outside made me swiftly pull the door open and go and sit in Ethan's car before Ryder could stop me.


"Are you supposed to be joining?" Ethan asked as he turned to look at me in the backseat with confusion written all over his face. "I don't know but I am now." I shrugged while Ryder stormed out of my house and sat in the passenger seat. "Just drive." he told Ethan before Ethan could throw questions at him about me coming. "Fill me in on what's going on now please." I asked Ryder.

He turned in his seat to glare at me before starting to talk and explain everything. "As you probably figured, I just got a call from Charles. He told me that something's gone wrong and I need to be there right now. He told me that Jeremy lied to you. Jeremy isn't on a family vacation, he's with Shane. He was helping Shane until Shane somehow managed to get a gun and is now pretty much holding Jeremy hostage and demanding that I be there." he explained to me calmly. "Ok, I did not know that, Ryder, you're gonna get killed." Ethan spoke up, glancing at Ryder while driving. "No he's not. Continue." I smacked Ethan in the shoulder.

Ryder looked over at Ethan before continuing. "I don't know why he wants me there or what he wants, I just know that I have to get there. Even if it's just to save Jeremy's ass." he rolled his eyes when talking about Jeremy. "And I know it's dangerous. Very dangerous which is exactly why you're not supposed to be joining." he glared at me again.

"Ok, well you're not some safety net for everyone else. Your life is important too. You don't have to go to save Jeremy but you are. And you're my boyfriend so I'm coming." I told him sternly.

Before I knew it, we were pulling up in front of a house. Let me say that again.

We were pulling up in front of an estate.

Ryder quickly stepped out and walked over to my door. He knocked on the window and on instinct, I rolled it down. "Stay in the car. Whatever happens, do not step out." he said very seriously with a hint of fear laced in his voice. I nodded understandingly but before he could leave. Patrick showed up. "Don't leave her here. If something happens, no one would be here to help." he told Ry warningly. Ryder sighed before opening the door for me and letting me out.


He instantly grabbed my hand tightly. I gave it a reassuring squeeze, hoping he could calm down a little but it didn't really help. We slowly walked into the building and into a study, to see Charles sitting in a big chair. Opposite to him, sat Shane with Jeremy kneeling down with his back towards Shane while Shane held a gun to his head. "He should have been here by now." Shane spoke, sounding very pissed. "I am." Ryder said, pushing me behind him.

"I see you've brought the wonderful Mia Stewart. You don't have to hide her." he stood up and turned to face us with an evil grin on his face. "What the fuck do you want? If you don't want to pay the debt, then don't. Let him go and get the fuck out of here." Ryder said calmly.

I felt my eyes widen when he said he doesn't have to pay the debt but I knew Charles knew better than to ask Ryder again. "You see, I don't really care about the debt. That's not why I'm here. I just need to get you back." he walked closer to us before Patrick stepped up front and pushed him back a little. Get Ryder back? For what?

"You're not my son. You know that right? Your mother is your mother but I'm not your father. You know that right? Charles however, is." he developed a scowl on his face while glaring at Ryder. Shane is not his father but Charles is? What the fuck? "If you came here to remind me then you can go now. I get it. You're not my father. Never have been, never will be. Charles is my father. Always has been, always will be." Ryder stood his ground.

"I left her because of you. I loved her but you just had to enter our lives." Shane scoffed.

"No you didn't. You left because you were too much of a coward to stay and pay off your debt." Ryder scoffed back. Ok, this is getting way more intimidating than I thought it would. "You didn't know I wasn't your son. You didn't know until Charles told you. Whatever happened between mom and him happened before your marriage. She was already pregnant, Shane. You both left her because you were cowards. You couldn't deal with your debt and you didn't want a kid when you were the father." Ryder addressed Shane and then Charles.

"Charles, you may be my father, but you're not my dad. Shane, you're nothing to me. So what the fuck do you want?" Ryder took deep breaths, trying to stay calm.

"She's gonna have a husband soon. It could have been me if it wasn't for you two. So it's simple. You both need to be taken care of." Shane glared at Charles and Ryder.

"You both are just..." he paused. "Gonna have to die." he shrugged casually.

Suddenly, I couldn't breathe.






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