《Want you Back》Chapter 60


"Get her out of here." Ryder told Ethan sternly. He walked over to me and reached for my hand but I smacked his hand away. "No, I'm not leaving you!" I grabbed onto Ryder's hand that he had behind his back. "Mia, go." he said without turning to look at him. I watched him pull his phone out of his pocket and hand it to me sneakily. I watched his hands as he made a finger gun which I took as a sign to get out of there and call the cops. Before I could do anything Ethan grabbed me and dragged me out of there. "Ethan!" I screamed at him once he dragged me out of there and took me into the foyer. "Call the cops, Mia. Don't waste time." he told me calmly. How the fuck is everyone so calm right now?! I'm freaking out, with tears burning my eyes.

I quickly turned his phone on to find a passcode on it. Are you fucking kidding me? How am I supposed to know this?! "It's your anniversary date." Ethan said while looking around to make sure no one catches us. I'm assuming cops aren't exactly supposed to show up here.

I quickly typed in our anniversary date. 05/05/16 and the phone quickly unlocked and opened the home screen.

I quickly opened the phone app and dialed 911. While I waited for it to start ringing, I looked at the screen to see that the call failed. I looked at the bars to see that there was no service. Are you fucking kidding me?! Oh my god, I'm panicking. I'm panicking. I'm panicking. No! Don't panic Mia, don't panic. Try again. I tried again, and it didn't fucking work. Take deep breaths Mia, deep breaths and try the fuck again. So that's what I did, I tried again. And again. And again. But there was no fucking service. I saw the staircase and quickly sprinted up it, hoping I'd get more service there but nope. Nothing. Nada. "This is not gonna work, Ethan.


There's no fucking service anywhere in this big ass estate." sorry, I tend to swear more when I'm panicking and like I said, I'm fucking panicking! "You haven't even seen half of it." he pointed out in confusion, earning a hard glare from me. "Well from the large portion I have seen. There's no fucking service." I whispered yelled at him while I stood in front of him.

"Try your phone." I told him and he swiftly pulled his phone out and tried to call the cops but the same thing kept happening again and again. "Need a little help there?" someone asked from the entrance, and we both froze. Literally just froze. "Hey Tommy." Ethan laughed nervously.

"I know you don't I?" he narrowed his eyes down at me before walking over to me.

"I-I'm Ry's g-girlfriend." I stuttered getting way too easily intimidated by his size and image. What? He was a scary guy.

"We need the wifi password, can you give it to us by any chance?" I asked with my best puppy face and pleading eyes. "Why? So you can call the cops?" he raised an eyebrow at us knowingly. "Shane will shoot Ryder and Charles. Please Thomas?" I begged. He went silent for a minute, making me think I was winning him over but damnit. I was so close. "I'm sorry guys but, until Charles tell me to do something, I can't do it." he shook his head. Ethan sighed in defeat while I refused to budge without getting this god damn wifi password.

"Well, you can't exactly reach Charles right now, can you?" I pointed out. He nodded before saying, "I know which exactly why I can't give it to you." he told me. Ok, I'm done playing nice. My plan of being respectful went down the drain. "Ok, listen here big guy, you can either give me the wifi password and help me save my boyfriend and your boss, or your boss can just die in there." I sassed him. This guys expression just didn't change. He just stood there, still as stone. I let out a sigh in frustration before I caught sight of his phone in his hand.


"Tommy please." Ethan tried to bargain, offering him the chance to cook for a family dinner he has coming up. Well, I guess the guy likes to cook. "As tempting as that sounds, I can't-" he was saying but he got cut off by a loud bang. Like something- or someone, was throwing across the room. Ok, now I'm genuinely getting terrified and my heart is pounding against my rib cage and it's actually getting really hard to breathe. "Mia, you ok? You don't look too good." Ethan caught my arms before I fell to the floor. I caught myself, standing up right.

"Thomas, I swear to god." I took a deep breath in. "God forbid, if anything happens to my boyfriend, I'll come and kill you myself." I glared at him before he sighed in defeat and took the phone out of my hands and slowly. Like, grandpa speed slowly, typed in the password. I quickly opened the phone app and typed in 911. Before I could press the call button, I heard two gunshots go off and this time I couldn't help but actually fall to the floor. "Oh my- oh my god." I quickly stood up wiping the now flooding tears and throwing the phone to Ethan before running to the door.

I tried pushing the door open, as hard as I could but it was locked. Almost sealed shut. I sank back down to the floor with my shoulder leaning against the door while I screamed and was already crying my eyes out. A few seconds later, I felt someone grab my shoulders and help me up and carry me to the couches and seats in the foyer. Ethan sat me down on one and sat beside me rubbing my back, trying to calm me down while Thomas desperately tried to open the door.

"Ethan what the fuck are you doing?! Call the fucking cops!" I screamed on top of my lungs before snatching the phone from him, only for him to snatch it back. "I did. I already did." he told me softly. I could see his turn red with fear evident in them. His best friend was in there. My boyfriend was in there. I have to do something! "We have to do something, Ethan we-" I cut myself when I saw Thomas push the door open and saw Patrick pulling it open from the other side.

I quickly threw Ethan's arms off of me and stood up but couldn't bring my feet to move and carry me to the room. I was too scared to possibly end up seeing Ryder dead. I was just staring at the floor while tears poured out of my eyes uncontrollably. I snapped out of it when I heard someone taking slow steps out of the study room and towards the couches we were near.

I was too scared to see it be Shane with a triumphant grin on his face so I just kept my eyes looking down. "Mia." I heard Ethan whisper as he nudged me a little. I looked at him before looking in the direction of the door.

"Ryder!" I screamed before running up to him and pulling him in a tight hug, wrapping my arms around his neck. Oh my god, he's ok. He's ok. He's ok. I can breathe again.

I felt like I was drowning and I just pushed through the surface and got a big gasp of air.

"You're ok!" I shouted as I looked up at him face.

"I'm ok." he nodded with a soft smile playing on his lips. Before he could say anything else, I crashed my lips on his. I pulled away after a few moments. "You're ok." I whispered breathlessly.

"We're ok." he smiled before kissing me again. It was all over.

We were safe.

We were ok.

And we were still together.

Through it all.






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