《Want you Back》Chapter 15


I hate arguing with her and I hated leaving her house with her mad at me and I hate knowing that she will probably go to sleep upset tonight. It's pretty much midnight but whatever. I stormed off to Bella's house. This was it. It's over. I'm sick and tired of her stupid games. I'm going put an end to her bullshit. Even if it means that Mia will find out the truth about me. "Finally you're here. Bedroom tonight?" she asked as she got up from her couch and tried to lock lips with me. If it wasn't obvious yet then let me explain. She uses me as a fuck buddy and the only reason I've put up with it for so long, is because she threatened to tell Mia the truth about who I am.

"No, I'm not here for the reasons that you want me here. I'm here to tell you to never fucking call me again." I said through gritted teeth. "Are you sure you want to make that move, Ryder? One text message is all it will take and she'll know everything." she grinned at me evilly. "Well Bella, one text message is all it will take and so will Jeremy." I threatened. "He won't care." she argued. "Will he not? He won't care that his long term girlfriend is cheating on him with someone who she is threatening?" I raised an eyebrow at her. Jeremy is Mia's dad's friend's son and he met Bella through a friend. He immediately fell for her and they quickly started dating. He's trying to take things slow with her for the better but let's be honest here. She's just too desperate.

"You wouldn't ever dare." she said a little fear audible in her voice.

"Would I not? You ruin my life and I'll ruin yours. I'll take you down with me, Bella." I warned.

"What do you want? What is it?" she glared at me.

"I want you, to never fucking contact me, ever again. You will stay away from me and Mia. You will not tell her a word about anything that you know about me which she doesn't. Is that clear?" I asked warningly.


"What do I know about you that she doesn't? That one little fact about you? The one thing that could kill her?" she scoffed. "Or, maybe I could just tell her everything and save her life? I'd be doing her favor." she chuckled. I seriously hate that bitch.

"Well then maybe I should just tell Jeremy how you've cheated on him multiple times. A few with his best friend too, isn't that right?" I blackmailed.

"How do you know about that?" she asked stuttering a little.

"I have my ways. Do I have a deal?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"How can I trust you? How do I know you won't tell him?" she asked doubtfully.

"Same way that I know you won't tell her. Because the second you do. I'll have him know." I sighed. "You've got yourself a deal." she sighed in defeat as she took out a hand for me to shake. "You're a snake, Bella. I still don't trust you. So just be careful of everything you say to everyone from now on. You're going to have to shut your loud mouth up. Or I'll make sure Jeremy will." I said as I turned around and walked right out of her house and began the walk back to Mia's.

Once I reached her house, I walked over to the side of the house where her room was, and started climbing up from under her window. I was using the hinges on her wall that she put up when she went through that rebel phase after we broke up to sneak out. I don't know how her parents haven't seen them. I climbed up and saw that her window was closed and she was lying in bed, looking up at her blank ceiling, twisting the ring on her left index finger.

I gave her that ring a few months before we broke up. I gave to her so she could remember us. She never takes that off. I remember one time she freaked out cause she thought she lost it when it was just on her other hand. I knocked on her window, making her look at me. She saw me, she rolled her eyes and then she lied down facing her back towards me. Great. Well, now I'm definitely not letting her sleep upset. I continued knocking on her window for the next almost 5 minutes until she got so annoyed, that she gave in and opened her window, letting me in.


"What? What do you want? Did your so called meeting with Bella end so soon?" she asked being bitter. "Yeah actually, it did. And it really was just a meeting, please trust me." I explained. She scoffed as she replied, "Whatever you say, Ryder." before she went back to her bed and lied down with her back in my direction. "Do you um- want me to stay? Will you let me if I ask?" I asked hesitantly as I stood still where I was, praying for her to say yes. "It's a free country, Ryder. You can do whatever you want." I could tell she was rolling her eyes. She did that a lot when she was mad at someone. "So can I stay?" I asked waiting for an answer.

"Like I said, it's a free country." she said as pulled the covers higher up, closer to her chest.

"I'll take that as a yes." I said before I plopped down on her bed and took my shirt off. Habit.

"Mia? You up?" I asked after a few minutes of nothing but an annoying silence.

"No. I'm asleep." she said out loud. I smiled to myself at her actions before I grabbed her arms and turned her over, making her face me. She groaned and immediately sealed her eyes shut.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked as I poked her cheek a few times, making her annoyed, but she continued to keep her eyes closed.

I then took her left hand in mine and began fiddling with her hand and drawing circles and other shapes on it. I quickly slid the ring off her pointer finger, making her shoot her eyes open and gasp. "Ryder, give it back!" she whisper screamed.

"Give what back? What are you talking about?" I played dumb and innocent.

"I know you have my ring. I felt it. Give it back!" she demanded while she looked around the bed for it, little did she know it was in my hand.

"Well, I bought it, so technically, it's mine." I argued. She clicked her tongue in frustration before borderline smacking me. "Give. Me. The. Ring." she said through gritted teeth. She's so adorable when she's mad. "I know what you're thinking. I won't be this adorable when I smack you in the face." she said, reading my thoughts. Now she just looked hot. "What ring? This ring?" I asked as I held it between my thumb and pointer finger, lifting my hand high enough to be out of her reach. "Ryder." she warned as she tried to reach out for it, but I just moved my hand even further out of her reach. "Ryder, please just give me my ring back. If you want to take it back, then that's too bad. Buy another one. This is my ring." she pleaded and explained.

"Hand please?" I asked as I held out my hand which she quickly placed hers in. I grabbed her pointer finger and placed the ring back in its place, while I caught the tan line under the skin of the ring. "You really never take it off do you?" I questioned.

"Never. When I do it just feels wrong. My finger feels... naked." she let out a small laugh before miserable failing to cover it up with a cough.

"If I ever lose it, I think I'll go crazy." she admitted hesitantly.

"Why?" I asked curious and confused.

"Because it's all I have left of you."

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