《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 23 the old man


Your p.o.v

I pulled at the ropes the man tied me down with. I was currently in a room, with a nice kimono on, tied to a bed. 'well my life is just great!' I yelled in my head. I then went back to trying to get the ropes off.

The ropes are thick and they are tied in away that I can't untie. "So my love, are you hungry?" He asked walking through the door.

"No!! Just let me gooooooooo!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. 'sesshomaru when I get to you your so going to wish you never told him where I was at.' I thought to myself.

"To bad. You need to get your energy up for tonight." He said with a perverted smile.

"Nononononon!! NO!!" I yelled trying to get away but the ropes kept me from going anywhere.

"Look my love. I'm not going to hurt you to badly." He said getting closer to me.

"Sesshomaru!!!" I yelled the first thing that came to my mind after I yelled out I started to blush. 'why is he on my mind? I mean I should be mad at him!' I thought.

"Who's that? Are you talking about that demon lord?" The man asked with worry.

It took me a little bit to think, thin it came to me. "Why yes. He is madly in love with me. A matter of fact he is on his way right now to come get me. If you don't let me go right now he will bust down the walls, he will then kill you slowly for everything you put me through." I said with a dead serious look on my face.

He backed up then went to thinking. 'ha! He fell for it. I'm just so smart.' I said to myself. "So your his lover?" He asked looking at me.


"Yes. if you so dare lay a finger on me all I have to do is tell him, and let me me tell you this, he wouldn't be very happy with the way your treating me." I said with a smile.

"Okay you know what, fine. I wouldn't want to him killing me now would I?" Just then we were both able to hear someone come in the house.

"Help!!!" I yelled. As soon as I did the man slapped me then ran off to go see who it was. 'sesshomaru please let that be you.' I thought to myself as I looked down.

"I'm here now." As soon as I heard that I looked up to see sesshomaru.

"Thank goodness your here!" I yelled with joy. He then untied me and as soon as I got off the bed.


I slapped him across the face. He then gave me a death look. "Now look hear! How dare you tell my "dad" where I was! I told yo-" I was then cut off by sesshomaru's lips crashing into mine. I of course kissed back.

Once he pulled away he spoke. "I'm sorry." He said looking down in shame.

I then walked past him. I made sure to bump him a little when I pasted him. "Come on hot shot. Let's get out of here, this place gives me the creeps. By the way. Where's that old man at." I asked.

"Let's just say he's no longer on the earth." Sesshomaru said. I then smiled at him.

"You know, I can't wait to see jaken and Rin again." I said with a smile.

Little did I know what would happen next wouldn't be all that great.....

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