《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 16 sleepover


"i-i think I'm in love." She just looked at confused. "To s-sesshomaru." I then felt my tears roll down my cheeks again.

"So why are you crying?" She asked patting my back.

"He doesn't l-love me back." I then wiped the rest of my tears away. "What do I do?" I asked looking at her.

"Look, how about you come to my time line and stay the night there. You know just to take your mind off some things. I'm heading there right now." She said with a smile.

"Sure." I said trying to smile.

Time skip

I walked in her room from the sower. She let me use it to take one. "Are you sure it's okay for me to stay here?" I asked.

"Yeah, mom doesn't care. Oh yeah how did you enjoy your shower?" She asked as she put down some blankets and a pillow down for me on the floor.

"It was great, only one thing. I got this stuff you put in your hair in my eye and it felt like it was on fire." I said setting on her bed.

"Hahahaha. Do you mean shampoo?" She asked setting next to me.

"Yeah." I said giving her a smile.

"Can I ask some questions?"

"Sure." I said.

"How did you get all that blood on you? How do you know sesshomaru doesn't love you?" She asked.

"I got kidnapped because I was supposed to stay in a shrine because of my mom, I had to kill a man to get out because sesshomaru didn't come save me. I asked him why and he told me he doesn't have time to wast on me. He also called me pathetic." I added as a tear rolled down my cheek.


"So you think he doesn't care about you?" She asked.

"Of course he doesn't! You don't call people you care about pathetic."

"You know something, sesshomaru calls joken names and other stuff yet he still cares about him..... I think." She said trying to cheer me up.

"Yet would he leave him in a shrine even though he doesn't want to be there? He didn't even try to save me." I said.

"Look, how about we go to sleep and tomorrow we figure stuff out okay." She said with a smile.

"Yeah, okay." I then lade down and soon fell asleep.

Sesshomaru's p.o.v

As soon as they went to sleep I got up and went to find y/n. Who knows where that stupid girl went or if she's in truble. I fallowed her sent to a lake then I got a different sent. 'that one must belong to inuyasha's human.' I thought to myself. I fallowed there sent to a well. "What are you doing here?"

I looked over to see inuyasha. "Where did they go?" I asked not worried about what he would try to do to me..

"What are you talking about?" He asked walking over to me with his hand on his sword.

"Y/n went with you little girl friend. Where did they go?" I asked looking at him.

''you mean y/n went home with kagome?" He asked confused.

"Are you really that stupid inuyasha?" I asked putting my hand next to my sword.

"Call me stupid one more time!" He yelled.

"I need you to take me to that girls world."

"No way!!" He said pulling out his sword.

"I'm not going to touch your little girl friend half breed. I just need to get y/n." I said.


"If that means you won't start a fight." He said.

"Very well, if you take me I won't start a fight.... At least till we get back." I had to add the last part. 'i really hate asking him for his presence's but if means I go see her then I'll do it.'

Your p.o.v

I opened my eyes to the sound of something hitting the window. I got up and opened it and on the ground sesshomaru was looking up at me he then jumped up on the frame of the window. "What do you want." I asked crossing my arms as I had my back to him.

"You need to come back with me." He said as I heard his feet hit the wood gintly.

"Why? Remember, you don't have time for me." I said terning my head to the side so I could see him.

"I want you to come back with me." He said making me blush a little.

I then terned around and faced him. "Why should I?" I asked.

Out of nowhere he wrapped his arms around me.

"You will come back with me." He said making me blush.

"Y-you promise you won't leave me l-like that again?" I asked with my face in his shirt with my eyes closed.

"I promise."

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