《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 15 why?


Your p.o.v

I got up to see the blood all over my body. At first I started to freak out. "What in the wo- ohh yeah, forgot about that."I said as I remember the little killing thing that went one yesterday. I then took a breath of relief. 'thank goodness.' I thought to myself. I then looked out in it the distance from my cave I stayed in. "I guess I can go looking for demon, the bad thing is sesshomaru will be with him that means I'll have to face him. I don't know how I feel about that." I stood up and started walking back the way I came. As I walked I felt my stomach started to grumble.

"Guess I'm a little hungry." It hen walked all around the woods to see if I could find food anywhere. I then herd something in the bush move around, I looked over to see what it was. "Who's there?!" Just then Rin came running out and hugged me.

"Thank goodness your okay y/n!" She said she then looked at me. "Why do you have blood all over you?" She asked looking worried.

"Hay Rin, where is sesshomaru? Did he by any chance try to save me?" I asked wanting to know more.

"Well I don't really think he wanted to save you. I think he wanted you to stay safe, you can come back with me." She said with a smile.

"That sounds great." I gave her a smile back we then started walking back. As soon as I got there demon flew on my shoulder.

''thank goodness your safe!" He said.

I pet his head and then he noticed the blood all over me. "W-what happened to you?"


"Well I wouldn't have it on me if sesshomaru Cam and saved me!" I yelled the last part.

"I have not such time to spend on a pathetic human like you." He said as he stood up.

I felt my heart brake in two when he said that. I felt my tears start to roll down my cheek. "You know what fine! I never loved you anyway!!" I then ran off into the woods.

Sesshomaru's p.o.v

"You know what fine! I never loved you anyway!!" She yelled before running off.

"Did she just say love?!" Joken yelled.

"I think she was crying." Demon said, I could tell that he felt bad for not going with her. "Lord Sesshomaru, you have to go and make her happy." He said getting on my shoulder.

"I have no such time to wast." And with that we started walking again to find Inuyasha. 'i can't let them know how I feel about her.'

Your p.o.v

I was setting next to a pond washing the blood off me, as I was doing so I kept thinking about what sesshomaru said. 'i have no such time to wast on a pathetic human like you.' as I thought of that I started to cry. "Y/n? What's rong? What happened, why is that water so bloody, are you okay?" I looked over to where the voice came from.

When I looked over there stood kagome. "Yeah I'm fine." I said wiping my tears away.

"Why were you crying?" She asked.

I then looked at her. "I-i think I'm in love." I said.

A/n okay, this is updated a day early I got it done yesterday and I'm almost finished with my other chapter so here it is early. You guys are so luck. Well I'll have the next one uploaded tomorrow on Monday. Thanks for reading! :D

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