《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 8 a bandit part 1


It has been a few days since I talked with Kagome. When they left Inuyasha seemed upset by her for taking me to her world. 'i can't believe I done that to Sesshomaru.' I said to myself.

"Sit boy!" She yelled pointing down. As she said that he fell straight down to the ground. "Now let's go!!" With that, she looked at me and waved. "See you later." She said walking away with Inuyasha.

"Hu, I wonder?" I then turned to Sesshomaru. "Sit boy!!" I yelled pointing down just like Kagome did. 'hu?! I-it didn't work?!'

"Fullish girl. No such thing will work on me like that half demon." With that, he turned and started to walk away.

"Shoot!!" I yelled out in anger. 'if only it did work!'

Ever since then I do fill fullish for thinking it would work on him, I also couldn't stop blushing since then either. 'i shouldn't have even tried.'

"Okay, Ren. You can go and find food now, Come back before the sun goes down. Y/n." Sesshomaru said as he looked over at me.

"Y-yeah?!" I asked flustered.

"You and demon go with her." He said sitting down.

As I was asked we went with her. After a few minutes, we came to a river. "So Rin?"

"Yeah." She asked picking Barrie's with a smile.

"How did you meet Sesshomaru?" I asked.

"I found him laying against a tree. His armor was broke and he was hart, every day I took food to him. I ended up getting killed by wolfs so he brought me back when he found me. After that, I followed him and master joken." She said eating what she had in her hand.


"Hmm, I wish I would have been able to do something like that...... Say, aren't your parents worried about you?"

"No, They died." She said with a sad expression on her face.

I then hugged her. "Hay y/n there's people coming. From what they are wearing it looks like...... Bandit's!" Demon said yelling the last part I pushed Ren behind a bolder so they wouldn't be able to see her.

"Oh look what we have here." A big-nosed bandit said.

"Why, it's a young woman." A toothless bandit said.

"Should we take her back with us?" Big nose said.

"Yeah. Let's do it." Toothless wonder said.

"I don't think so!" I yelled pulling out my bow and arrows, I pulled back the arrow letting them no I'm not going to be apart of there silly games.

"Don't worry little woman, we take care of the things we like." He said with a twisted smile.

As soon as I let go of the arrow they ran at me making me miss them. I moved away from the bolder so they wouldn't see rin.i made sure I knocked her out so she wouldn't say anything or do anything to get caught.

I ran as far as I could to Sesshomaru but just second after running the toothless Wonder was so fast he grabbed my shirt. Before I knew it he knocked me out.

Rin's p.o.v

"Wake up! Ren are you okay?!" I then opened my eyes to see joken with Sesshomaru standing next to him. "Thank God for your awake! What Happened to you?! And where is that girl at?!"

I put my hand on my head. "That's right," I whispered I then looked up at Sesshomaru. "They took her, we need to find her who knows what they'll do to her," I said standing up.


"Who!?" Joken asked.

"Bandits. They left a few minutes ago, there sent is still strong." Sesshomaru said.

"Can we please go get her?" I asked.

"Why should we?! She left you behind for some demon to eat you?!" Joken added.

"No. She pushed me behind this bolder and nocked me out so they wouldn't find me." I said.

"So she nocked you out so you couldn't try to save her." Sesshomaru said. "Stay here, I'll go get her."

Just the demon came down to us. "Lord Sesshomaru I know which way they went. I can take you to them." And just like that, they both left to get her.

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