《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 9
When night fell once again, Lyra was sitting with Sesshomaru. He had his knees up as he rested against the tree whilst Lyra sat facing him as she leaned back on his legs, a small daisy in her hands that Rin had given her earlier. It was nice to have just been relaxing for the past few days now that Naraku was staying hidden. They simply gazed at each other in silence, a warm breeze adding to the serenity in the atmosphere. Sesshomaru never thought he would fall so hard and deep in love with a human. Lyra only thought of herself as a normal girl. There was nothing special about her in her own eyes. It was just that no one had put so much care and attention into him, no one looked at him the way she did.
His hand cupped her cheek, his thumb slowly stroking across her skin and tracing her lips. He felt the warmth of her cheek under his hand, his eyes fixated on her azure blue ones. It was like he could see the stars shining within them and he could look at them forever. Lyra breathed calmly, her eyes becoming more aware of the markings on his face. They suited him so well, it would be strange if he was without them. And his hair. She had touched his hair a few times and she couldn't get over how soft it was. It would make anyone jealous. The two were a complete contrast. One a stoic demon with white hair and gold eyes. The other a talkative human with dark hair and blue eyes. Yet they matched so perfectly.
"Will you miss me when I'm gone?" she asked quietly, her voice breaking the silence.
"Very much so," he answered just as softly as he continued to stroke her cheek. "Time will pass by slowly without you."
She smiled just as his thumb brushed over her lips. "I'm going to miss you, too."
"I regret that I'm unable to go with you. I won't be there to protect you."
Lyra giggled and rolled her eyes. "There are no demons where I come from, Sesshomaru. I'll be fine."
"Hm, very well. What will you be doing there?" he asked, his fingers now raking slowly through her hair.
"Well, knowing my father, he'll be waiting for me on the other side. I'll have to convince him to let me come back. Then at work..." she gazed up at the night sky, thinking quietly before continuing, "I'll have to explain why I haven't contacted them. I'll just have to say I have family commitments. I'm sure my father will back up my story."
Sesshomaru listened to her intently as Lyra looked at her again. "You speak a lot of your father but not of your mother," he stated. "Why?"
Lyra sighed deeply, her eyes travelling down to the daisy in her hands. "She died...giving birth to me," she admitted as her voice dropped in tone slightly. "That's what my father told me."
Sesshomaru could sense the sadness in her voice and instantly regretted asking about her mother. It was clearly an emotional subject for her. Lyra never liked to speak of it since she never knew of a mother's love. Yes, her father had tried his best to take the role of a father and a mother, and she appreciated it, but it wasn't the same. Sesshomaru saw her fiddling with the daisy in her fingers before she shrugged nonchalantly.
"I would like to have met her but there's nothing I can do. My father did tell me she was an amazing woman though. She was always so kind and wonderful. Apparently there was nothing she couldn't do. She was one in a million."
Lyra was rambling and Sesshomaru recognised that trait of hers whenever she was nervous or upset. As much as he loved hearing her voice, he didn't wish for her to be sad. His hand moved over her small ones, halting her from fumbling her fingers about and instantly stopping her from talking. At that point, Lyra finally managed to breathe. She didn't notice she had been holding it in. Her eyes made contact with his again and he was able to see the glaze of tears threatening to fall.
"If your mother was anything like you, I would have to agree with your father," he told her.
Lyra smiled at his words, the glaze slowly disappearing from her eyes as she blinked a few times. "Thank you."
He lifted her hand and kissed her fingers gently before stroking his thumb across them. "What will you bring back with you?" he asked, changing the subject.
"Food, definitely. I don't think I can live off fish any longer," she said with a quiet laugh. "Some stuff for Rin and more clothes."
"You also mentioned work. It's not too difficult, I hope." He literally continued the conversation only to hear her voice.
She shook her head. "I used to think it was hard but after spending time here, it's gonna feel so easy. At least no one's trying to kidnap me there. Although, one man did try to grope me," she trailed off at the end.
Sesshomaru's eyes instantly narrowed, his eyebrows creasing in anger at her last words. "I will kill him."
"No, no, no!" she quickly denied him, her eyes widening slightly. "It was a couple of years ago. Plus, he was intoxicated. The security guards took him away."
Sesshomaru closed his eyes and breathed out. "When this is all over, I will assign to you your own personal guards for whenever I am not present."
"That really won't be necessary."
"It is for me."
Lyra sighed in defeat and smiled. "Very well."
He looked at her and brushed some of her hair back. "Sleep now."
"Goodnight," she whispered.
Still smiling softly, Lyra closed her eyes and moved slightly on her side, still using his legs as her makeshift bed before snuggling against him. Sesshomaru didn't mind at all as long as he could make sure she was safe. He continued to stroke her hair until she fell asleep before staring up into the sky in anticipation for her departure the following day.
Lyra woke unusually early the next morning but Sesshomaru wasn't there when she opened her eyes. Jaken and Rin were still asleep so it was really early. Sitting up, she looked around as she rubbed her eyes but couldn't see him anywhere. It was pretty standard for him to disappear in the middle of the night but he was back before they woke up. Lyra had just woken extra early. She stood up and stretched, feeling quite excited about returning home. She would have to get to the well by midday as that was the time she and Kagome had agreed on. But before then, she decided to grab some things for breakfast. As much as she hated it, she would have to go fishing. If she didn't eat it, Rin and Jaken would at least.
She made her way to the lake nearby and crouched down on the bank, peering into the water to find some fish. There were a couple swimming nearby so she mentally prepared herself. Lifting her hand, she darted it in as fast as she could. She felt the tail of the fish touch her fingers before it swam off in a hurry. Even though she only tried once, she sighed in defeat.
"Stupid fish," she groaned.
"I thought you didn't like fish," a voice spoke.
She turned around and saw Sesshomaru standing just a little bit behind her. Looking back at the water, she sighed again.
"I don't. But I wanted to get breakfast for Rin and Jaken."
Sesshomaru walked over before crouching down beside her. As he stared at the water, Lyra wondered what he was doing until his hand suddenly shot into the lake at lightning speed. She jumped at the sudden movement and by the time she blinked, Sesshomaru had caught not two, but three fish. Lyra gaped at him in shock as he held the fish out to her with a smug smirk, making her roll her eyes.
"You show off," she laughed.
"If providing you with food is showing off, then so be it."
She smiled warmly at him and took the fish from him. "Thank you."
He gave a short nod before standing up with her. "Jaken and Rin are awake. Let's go."
After a short walk in silence back to their site, they found Rin helping A-Un find some grass to eat and Jaken stressing out because he couldn't find Sesshomaru. When the imp spotted Sesshomaru approaching them, he gasped loudly with glee. But when he saw Lyra walking beside him, his joy dissolved and his expression was replaced with anger.
'That woman never leaves Lord Sesshomaru alone! My poor master must be pleased to see her leave today.'
Lyra noticed Jaken glaring at her and felt quite threatened all of a sudden, but she brushed it off knowing that she couldn't do anything about it. Rin smiled brightly upon seeing the fish for breakfast and ran over to Lyra, gasping in shock.
"Did you catch them all by yourself?" she asked.
Lyra laughed and shook her head. "No. Sesshomaru caught them for me."
Rin gasped again. "You're amazing, Lord Sesshomaru!"
Jaken suddenly came hobbling up to them. "Can't you do anything yourself!" he yelled at Lyra. "You useless woman!"
"Jaken!" Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at the imp angrily, causing him to whimper in fear. "I expect you to apologise."
"But- But why?"
"I do not want to witness any disrespect towards her."
Lyra stood in front of Sesshomaru. "It's fine. Honestly I mean, I am pretty useless. Besides, he was just joking," she smiled and looked back at Jaken. "Right?"
Jaken growled as he glared up at her. "I certainly was not!" he shouted making Lyra groan quietly to herself. 'That fool!'
Sesshomaru's aura suddenly became deadly. "Jaken," he said in a threatening tone.
The imp cowered again. "Why do you defend her so, my lord?"
"Because I love her."
Lyra's eyes widened as her head snapped to him. Loud gasps came from both Rin and Jaken. Rin looked like she was about to explode with joy but Jaken seemed as though he had been attacked by a toad. Lyra was in complete shock; one because he had just blurted it out, and two because he said he loved her. They hadn't even uttered the word since the night they confessed. But she wasn't upset about it because she loved him too.
"If you speak another word out of line...I will kill you," Sesshomaru added.
Lyra breathed out quietly. "Sesshomaru, please. Don't you think that's little extreme?"
Sesshomaru continued to glare at Jaken from behind Lyra, making him hang his head in shame. Lyra felt bad for him but knew that Sesshomaru wouldn't stand for it. Rin suddenly grabbed Lyra's hand and grinned up at her.
"I knew Lord Sesshomaru loved you!" she beamed.
Lyra just blushed and laughed awkwardly. "Heh heh..."
"Rin," Sesshomaru called. "You must not tell anyone about this under any circumstances. That goes for you as well, Jaken."
"Yes, my Lord!" Rin said seriously whilst giving a salute.
"Yes, my Lord," Jaken repeated, feeling a little downtrodden.
"Have your breakfast quickly. We must get moving."
Lyra nodded and herself and Rin began to set up a fire. Even Jaken helped them. He didn't know how to feel towards Lyra now. She's the one who stole Sesshomaru's heart. He thought that perhaps now if he showed care towards her, Sesshomaru might reward him. A vision appeared in his mind of Sesshomaru promoting him and giving him his own army. Yes. Lyra was the one who would be able to soften the great dog demon. It was a turning point for all of them, even if he was being a bit selfish.
Once breakfast was over, they began their journey to the Bone Eater's Well. Lyra was walking with Rin at first but as she got distracted with A-Un, she caught up to Sesshomaru. She stayed silent for a while though, her hands behind her back. 'Because I love her.' His voice echoed in her mind, repeating the words over and over again, making her blush softly. Sesshomaru glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, easily seeing the pink hue on her cheeks.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked her.
She was caught a little by surprise, which made her feel stupid since he noticed everything. "Um, I..." Her head lowered from the rising shyness in the pit of her stomach.
Noticing her behaviour, he wrapped his hand around hers. "Tell me," he insisted, his voice softening.
Lyra felt her heart flutter as she gently gripped his hand. She looked up at him and gazing into his eyes instantly made her feel braver. "I love you, too."
Sesshomaru's lips curved ever so slightly into a small smile. "Is that what was making you so nervous? Silly woman." He lifted her hand and kissed the back of her fingers.
She blushed harder and huffed. "If I'm so silly, then how come you fell in love with me?" she asked jokingly.
"Your silliness is one of the many things I fell in love with," he admitted.
She smiled up at him and held his hand tighter. "Is there anything you wish for me to bring back for you?"
"Return soon. That is all I wish for."
She nodded but was suddenly stopped from walking any further as Sesshomaru held her back, pulling her into him. She was startled by his sudden action and even Jaken, Rin and A-Un stopped in their footsteps. Lyra felt as though her cheeks were on fire as Sesshomaru kept his arm around her waist, holding her to him before moving his hand to cup her cheek. He wished for a final moment of intimacy before reaching the well where he would have to refrain from showing his affections in front of Inuyasha and his friends. Lyra could feel her heart pounding as her eyes closed slowly, her head tilting as Sesshomaru closed the gap and kissed her lips deeply.
Jaken screamed.
"Rin! Close your eyes!" he yelled before covering his own eyes.
"Oh! Yes, Master Jaken!" Rin replied as she copied him.
Their lips continued to dance slowly together, the kiss becoming much more passionate. Lyra's hands were pressed against his armour, her breath being taken away by the emotions she felt from his lips. Sesshomaru suddenly pushed his tongue passed her lips easily as she wasn't prepared for it, making her heart flutter as he brushed his tongue against hers teasingly before pulling away from her lips. She sighed out, almost in a trance as she kept her eyes closed, taking in the moment. Sesshomaru looked at her face closely, brushing his thumb over her parted lips. After a few moments, he nudged her nose with his before placing a final kiss on her forehead.
"Return soon," he repeated.
She smiled softly, opening her eyes to see him. "I will."
With one last peck on each other's lips, Sesshomaru looked at the pair covering their eyes. "Let's go."
Jaken peeked from behind his hands and saw they were done. Rin smiled cheerfully and skipped over to Lyra to hold her hand. Sesshomaru walked ahead as usual and the others followed behind. Sesshomaru could already smell Inuyasha's scent close by and soon, Lyra could hear muffled talking. The sounds became clearer the closer they got to the well and they could hear Inuyasha and Kagome arguing as they came out from the surrounding trees.
"I told you, Inuyasha. I'll bring some extra snacks if I have time!" Kagome said in frustration.
Inuyasha huffed and crossed his arms. "Ugh. Fine. Just hurry and go already."
Miroku, Sango and Shippo were the first to notice the new arrivals in the midst of the pair arguing.
"Ah, Lyra, you look well," Miroku greeted.
"Thank you, Miroku," Lyra smiled as they walked over to the well.
Kagome looked at her cousin and ignoring Inuyasha, she hugged her tightly. "Lyra, how have you been? I never got to apologise! I'm so sorry."
"Hey, don't worry, Kagome," Lyra reassured as she hugged her back. I enjoy being with Sesshomaru. And Rin and Jaken," she added quickly.
"What happened to your clothes?" Kagome asked noticing her change of attire.
"They got ruined, so I eventually dumped them along the way. I'll have to get some more from home," she answered. "Do you think I can carry much back with me?"
"Well, I tend to go back often when Naraku's on the down low so you should be fine."
"Okay, great. I know my father is going to be there. I just hope he doesn't think I'm crazy."
"Don't worry, I'm sure mom will-"
"WILL YOU GET GOING ALREADY?!" Inuyasha shouted, getting increasingly frustrated that the two were just conversing. "You can talk over there!"
Even Sesshomaru had to agree that watching the two having a conversation was simply a waste of time. Kagome glared at Inuyasha whilst Lyra laughed in embarrassment. She turned and gave Sesshomaru, Rin and Jaken one last wave before saying her goodbyes to Inuyasha and the others.
Lyra had passed out when she arrived through the well so she wondered what it was like. Kagome sat on the edge of the well, her legs dangling inside as she looked at Lyra who looked hesitant.
"You won't feel a thing," Kagome told her. "I promise."
Lyra groaned and joined Kagome. She turned back to look at Sesshomaru one last time, who was watching her intently, afraid that she would somehow hurt herself. But he remained ready in case anything happened. On the count of three, they both jumped in. Lyra closed her eyes tight as she felt the wind rushing through her hair as she fell deeper and deeper. Sesshomaru didn't move knowing that if he did, Inuyasha would question him.
"Might as well get as much rest as I can while she's gone," Inuyasha spoke aloud casually.
Sesshomaru guessed that going through the well was really that simple after all. Before Inuyasha could question his presence, Sesshomaru turned and left with Rin and Jaken.
Lyra felt as though she was falling for forever before her body suddenly became weightless. It felt as though she was floating.
"Lyra, open your eyes!" Kagome's voice echoed.
Hesitantly, she slowly opened one eye and then the other, her eyes shooting wide open in pleasant surprise. It was almost surreal. The portal between their worlds was fascinating. Looking over at Kagome, Lyra saw her arms out in front of her as if she was flying.
Kagome laughed. "Pretty great, huh?"
"It's weird, that's what it is," she replied, still not used to the sensation.
"We're almost there."
Lyra looked ahead and saw an opening with light shining through. The opening grew larger and larger the closer they got to it until the light seemed to envelope then whole. Before she knew it, Lyra found herself standing at the bottom of the well. She tilted her head back and saw the wooden ceiling of the shrine. She was back.
Following Kagome, she climbed out of the well. Once her feet landed on the familiar ground, she smiled and breathed out deeply. It was good to be home. She just hoped her father was okay. After mentally preparing herself, they both exited the shrine and made their way towards the house.
As soon as they entered, all eyes were on them, including Lyra's father. But Lyra found it quite odd at how calm and smiley he was. His brown eyes seemed well rested his and his dark hair was as neat as usual. He stood up and went over to her before pulling her into a tight hug.
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