《Not Anyone | Vernon Chwe》Chapter 15


The dawn breaking over the city only meant that it was the first day of their beach trip. The weather went pretty well with them, even if the sun was still halfway up, some could say that the sun would remain shining.

Liv woke up even before her phone's alarm could ring and though it was a bit hard to admit, she was excited over the beach trip with Vernon.

She packed a good for two days and one night clothes and a few of her valuables before she tucked into sleep. She even found it hard to fall asleep last night since she couldn't stop thinking about the wonder she was going to experience the next day, but fortunately, drowsiness went to her before she could make big efforts for the sake of sleep that she'll be needing.

Liv was just sitting on her bed already with her backpack waiting for the time to come by pass until the time that they agreed on to meet comes.

"56.. 57.. 58.. 7:59.. 8:00. Finally.", She quietly counted the purposely dragging time and just celebrated in her mind as she didn't have time for that because as soon as the time hit eight, she instantly sprinted towards her door.

Vernon called her and said that she didn't have to go all the way up to his hotel room since he was already outside of the building.

Therefore, she continued her happy steps all the way to the exit and outside, she spotted Vernon leaning on the side of a black cadillac escalade car a few meters away from where she was which was infront of the building.

"You're here.", Vernon said as soon as she got closer to him.

"Hi!", She greeted. And as he smiled, he stopped leaning on the car and went to the car's door that was infront of them which opened to the passenger's seat.

"Let's go?", He asked while holding the door for her.

Snickering, she went inside saying, "Sure.". When Vernon closed the door, he jogged all the way to the other side and hopped in inside the driver's seat.

"Let me have your bag.", She handed what Vernon was asking, and as she looked at the rearview mirror, both their backpacks were sitting besides each other at the backseat, and of course, she couldn't help a secret smile.

Their destination was a two hours drive, and even though it was a bit long, she didn't spare a sleep but instead conversed with him and sang with him with the car's radio music all throughout the ride. She wasn't that desperate for sleep last night for her to just sleep on him.


The trip was just barely starting but she was already thrilled with the car ride. She appreciates and takes fun even for the smallest things, and if a car ride for a trip was considered a mere thing or just a way closer to fun, it was different for her.

At some point, they have arrived at the beach, and after Vernon parked the car that she earlier found out when he told him was a rental car, they went to the resort's hotel to book rooms.

Vernon did all the talking to the front desk lady as he was the one who knew the Spanish language better while Liv was just looking around the lobby and was also amazed by how beautiful it was and how it got the beach vibes so perfectly.

"Uhm.. Liv.", She faced Vernon when he suddenly called for her name in between of his and the front desk staff's conversation about booking rooms for each one of them.

"Yes?", By the look of Vernon's face that seemed a bit worried, she slowly grew worried as well with confusion.

"They said they only have one vacant room left as the other rooms are already reserved.. is it okay if we share a room?", Her lips slightly parted by what she heard from him.

Now, he got why Vernon looked so worried when he called for her. She admit that she was antsy about being in the same room with a guy for a whole night, yet recalling that she has actually spent one night with Vernon already that night when they had wine, she reckoned that perhaps, sharing a room with him was alright.

Nothing was going to happen, right?

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay with it."

After Vernon gave her a smile, he tend his attention back to the lady at the front desk. "Nosotros vamos a tomar la habitacion." (We're going to take the room)"

They didn't have much of a choice since they were already at the beach resort and it was the only hotel there, so all that was left with them was to share a room. They were just sharing a hotel room, what could go wrong?

The front desk lady took care of a few stuffs relating to the room they were booking before giving Vernon the room's key. "Gracias!", Vernon thanked the lady.

While they were paving their way to their room, Liv was inwardly hoping that even though they have to share one room, atleast let there be two beds.


She felt nervous but tried hard to hide it while Vernon was unlocking the door. And as soon as the door was completely and widely opened, it was then when Vernon told him something in regards with the bed.

"The lady said it's a single bed room.", He said when she has already seen it.

But known or not, it's still going to be the same, the single bed will remain a single bed no matter how much she prays for it to split in half.

The room was wide, wider than her hotel room back at the city while half a wide of Vernon's. Over all the fret she has with the room and the bed, nevertheless, the bed they had was a king size one.

After a little unpacking, they both have come to decide to go to the seaside. They didn't change into their swimming clothes since they still weren't planning on going for a swim.

As they were walking their way to the sea, when Liv took a glance of Vernon, she saw the camera that was hanging on his neck.

"You brought your camera.", It was the same camera he had at the park when he asked if he could sit with her.

Vernon just widely smiled as he briefly looked at her.

"Do you capture specific things?", She asked, and as he held his camera, he faced her, still having his cute gummy smile.

"Well, on this trip, I'm planning on capturing things I find beautiful.", He slightly brought up his camera. "This is the reason why I came all the way here to the beach.. everywhere you look at, at a sea is beautiful."

There she believed that he was the type of person that if he puts his mind into something, he would do it no matter what.

In the whole morning that Vernon was taking pictures of every corner of the scenery of the sea, she was in daze staring at him from a good distance, sitting on the sand.

And even for the next hours, she doesn't mind if she still does the same thing. Vernon doing his thing with his camera for her was something cinematic.

She really has fallen in love with him.

With the way her eyes looked that only contained the image of him, anyone could guess that she was mad in love with him. She has already fallen in the deep pits and it seemed like she has no way out.

Yet it was only then when her stares were put to stop when they have to get lunch as it was already noon.

"You sure did take a lot of pictures. It took you almost an hour.", Liv said while they were in the middle of eating at the restaurant of the hotel.

"Oh, right. I forgot to apologize for the long wait. I got too carried away."

"No, don't worry about me. And, I also had fun earlier.", She was indeed happy with just looking at him doing his interest.

They both were lead with their own feet's to the wide balcony of the hotel building which has the view of the sea after they finished lunch. And there, when Vernon captured more photos there, it was then when her endearing dazes towards him were given a continuation.

But unlike earlier, it only took him a short while to take pictures there. After letting go of his camera and left it hanging on his neck, he walked towards Liv and talked to her as they both sat at the chairs beside each other and infront of them was the balcony view of the sea.

When the sun started to set, Liv suggested that they should go back to the seaside as the view of the sunset there was closer and was beautiful like what he wants to capture.

"Woah.. it's so pretty..", Liv was so astonished with the warm colored sky and at the middle was the sun halfway hiding in the horizon.

Liv walked around with the wind blowing her hair, her smile not leaving her face. She was thrilled that she was at that place where the sunset happened to get more perfectly beautiful.

Vernon, on the other hand, halted from capturing photos when Liv who was standing excitedly close to the shore caught his attention.

The two corners of his lips lifted as he brought up his camera up to his eyes and there he saw was Liv's side profile. He clicked the capture button, and on a perfect timing, she looked back to him; the wind blowing her hair gracefully, her wide excited smile, it looked so beautiful in his eyes.

And there made the second picture he took of her.

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