《Freaky Flaws and All : ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀ ʜɪɢʜ》ix. spells and mischief


After a couple hours the boys and I agreed to stop playing and just play truth or scare.

I transformed to Luna to be more comfortable and Holt did the same with Jackson.

"Jackson truth or scare?" Clawd says mimicking a scary voice but obviously failing

"T-t-truth please!" Jackson stuttered

"Fraidy snake." I hear Deuce mumble making me nudge his side.

"Who do you like?" Clawd says evily

"Me or uh H-Holt?" Jackson stammered

"Both actually since you like the same person" I say

"Uh w-well y-ya see... I actually l-like Lu-Luna and uh I think H- Holt likes C-Clawra" he stuttered blushing beet red.

"Nah bro you can't be liking my best sis" Clawd states, narrowing his eyes at Jackson

"Shut up." I hit Clawd with a near by pillow then turned to Jackson "Why are you so embarrassed dude? I like you too" I giggled

"You do?!" He asks surprised

"Yeah that's why I kissed you right?" I asked

"KISSED?!?!" Deuce and Clawd yelled in unison but Jackson and I ignored it

"Well uh you kissed me and Holt technically but um you um-" Jackson started

"You guys aren't different. Methods different, yes but your hearts in the same place" I grinned at him

"T-t-thanks Luna er Clawra um uh both" Jackson replied stammering over his words

"No problem Jackson now pick some monster" I say excitedly

"Deuce Truth or scare?" Jackson asks

We played for a couple hours and decided to call quits. Deuce says he was gonna go home and help his mom with something.

"I better go too" Jackson says pointing his two thumbs to the door

"Turn to Holt, it's safer with life guiding the way" I suggested

"Hey Moon?" He asks using my nickname he gave me. Seeing as Luna means night, and the moon represents the night.


"Yea Jacks?" I say using his nickname I had called dibs on.

"Can you make it to where I can control Holt's body for the night? I don't really trust him being alone at night" he asks

"Yeah! As long as it's for tonight then I'm happy too" I smiled. I went to my room and get my spell book. I flipped to the monster/human category. I ran back balancing the in my hand and opened it to the bookmarked page.

"Ready?" I asked raising my brow

"Yeah!" He smiled holding up his iCoffin about to click the music iCon

"Control the missed spell. Show what cannot tell. Take full control of thus mind. But it's body and head may not be bind" I say casting the spell as soon at Jackson turned to Holt.

"Hello?" I asked

"Moonl! It's still me Jackson!" I heard Jackson's voice in Holt's body. Which is really weird for me.

"Yes!!" I say happily putting a fist in the air

"Well I have to go now. Bye moon" Jackson waved before leaving. I smiled at myself and walked upstairs to mine and Clawdeen's room.

"Some ghoul is happy~" Clawdeen sand making me blush

"Shut up" I said quietly but smiling

"Tell me the deets ghoul" she says jumping on my bed gesturing me to sit.

I sat down and transformed once more. "Okay so you see Jackson was going home and since it's bright out he wants to know if he could take over Holt's mind and my spell, it worked!" I say happily

"Wait.. LUNA'S SPELL?" Clawdeen opened her mouth in disbelief.

"Y-Yeah and um well she said im allowed too" I stuttered. Although I'm older than Clawdeen... im still scared of her when she's mad.


"Okay but if she says no. Then dont do it. You know she's a powerful normie who's letting you take over" she says getting up and jumping onto her bed.

"Relax C. I'm not that stupid" I smiled laying down

"I know I'm just worried ya know?" She says

"Yeah I know but night C." I replied putting my blanket over me

"Night Claw.. ra. Luna .. too" she yawned in between sentences

"Night" I soon drifted off to sleep.

- -

I woke up to my alarm going off. I grumbled and slammed on the 'off' button.

Clawdeen got out of the bathroom and giggled having a toothbrush in her mouth.

"What do you want Deen?" I asked in a raspy voice.

"We sis you have some school so transform so you can be fast" she says walking back in the bathroom and spitting out the toothpaste.

I grumbled and flipped through my spell book until I fought one to where I use to get ready quickly.

"I want to get ready fast and in a jiffy. Put on something that is not Niffy" as soon as I say 'niffy' there was a flash of black, blue and white around me from bottom up.

The lights wore down and I had a white shirt with a full moon picture and had blue pants with some ripped places. I also had a black carnigal jacket on.

"Lucky" Clawdeen mumbled putting her hair in a tight ponytail.

"Your just jealous" I say giggling. I transformed back to my werewolf form. I went into the bathroom after Clawdeen went downstairs and I brushed my hair.

I joined my siblings downstairs and ate my typical breakfast : Sausages and some Steak.

Once I was done I went outside and sat on the chair on the porch. I scrolled through my iCoffin waiting for my siblings.

They finally came out and we walked to Monster High together just talking about drama and how we were doing with their teams. Like Clawd with his Casketball team, Clawdeen with her Fearleading team and Howleen still thinking about joining the Bolleyball team.

I'm not really into any of them so I stayed quite on most of it. Sure I was good at all the sports but some Luna and I can't agree on. Swimming is the only one that Luna and I can actually enjoy but we were too shy to even ask or bring up the topic.

We reached MHS and were greeted by our friends. Clawd left to go with his dude friends, Howleen left to go to her best friend I think her name was Twyla. She's really interesting, too. Clawdeen and I were greeted by our ghoul friends and I walked over to Holt who was near by.

"Hey Holt!" I smiled brightly

"Um uh ahem hey Lawra" he stuttered and ran off.

That didn't sound or acted like Holt at all. And the weirdest part is he never called me Flawless but instead the nickname Jackson have me.

I thought back to last night. 'Oh no' I thought. Jackson is in Holt's body! Creep!

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