《[1.1] Highly Antisocial ✓ | MARAUDERS INSTAGRAM AU》The Dance II ↣ 24/07/78


Mary, where are you? You just disappeared like Cinderella but minus the shoe so I am clueless

Oh should I say shoeless hahaha

I am wearing shoes just to clarify

Are you ignoring me because of the pun? 😬

No, no, I'm not, I swear! I dropped my phone in the water and it's only just turned on! 😂

Come join me, the water's refreshing and glowing


Yes, glowing. We're magic, Remus, magic

Okay I'm coming to join you. Why are you by the lake?

Avoiding drama, Dorcas is confused by Em, Marlene is annoyed and Lily keeps spilling punch on my pretty dress



Lily, bruh, are you and Marlene polyamourous


Because she's dancing with James and I felt I should inform you...

Oh yeah I made him. Dorcas ditched and Marlene was sad so we danced with her but then I went to get more punch 😂

Okay first, lay off the punch. Secondly, where is she?

Sleuthing. Idk Mary and Remus are gone too so this dance is literally a clusterfuck atm

You know what, get back on the punch cos I'm gonna need it too

Liked by and When the after party gets cancelled due to drama, make your own after party ✨


I'm kidding, Alice, don't block me again

Great minds think alike aha

Does singing a very pissed Lily to sleep count as an after party?...

Sorry guys...

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