《Quem Ri Por Último Ri Melhor》CAPÍTULO VINTE
Quase cinco horas da manhã, Vic cruza a porta da frente de casa. Ela entra rindo e se despedindo das pessoas que a trouxeram, provavelmente o cara que ela estava ficando, e em seguida volta sua atenção para o celular, ainda rindo. Quando ela levanta a cabeça, se assusta comigo, que estou parado a sua frente, sério, imóvel.
-Matt! Que susto! Por que você não tá dormindo? – Ela olha para o sofá da sala onde eu dormia, vendo um travesseiro e uma coberta. – Ou melhor, por que você tá dormindo no sofá? E por que me mandou voltar de carona?
-Muitas perguntas, Vic – eu disse.
-Comece respondendo a primeira.
-Bom, não estou dormindo por que não consigo.
-E por que tem um travesseiro e uma coberta no sofá? – Ela pergunta, desconfiada.
-Porque eu estou aqui essa noite. Antes que você pergunte o porquê, eu vou te explicar. Lauren está dormindo no meu quarto – eu disse, meio sem jeito.
-O quê?! Lauren aqui, sozinha com você? Matthew, o que vocês fizeram?
-Não pense besteira! O imprevisto que te falei tem a ver com ela, eu tive que tirá-la da festa. Ela vai dormir aqui essa noite. Por favor, não fica brava comigo. Sei que você detesta que eu te fale as coisas por mensagem, mas era uma emergência.
-Que imprevisto foi esse? Ela tá bem? O que aconteceu? – Victoria preocupou-se.
-Calma. Eu acho melhor ela te falar. De manhã, quando vocês acordarem, vocês se falam – eu disse, não achando certo contar a Victoria eu mesmo o que havia acontecido.
-Certo. Mas estou preocupada. Posso pelo menos vê-la?
Subi as escadas com Vic e abrimos a porta do meu quarto. A fresta de luz formada pela abertura iluminou o rosto de Lauren, ainda inchado pelo seu choro e angústia. Porém, ela dormia profundamente, e assim permaneceu.
-Matt... – Victoria disse, e eu já sabia o que ela iria perguntar.
-Amanhã, certo? – Eu a interrompi.
Ela assentiu e seguiu para o seu quarto, enquanto eu continuei olhando para Lauren por mais um tempo. Depois, desci e me deitei no sofá, onde acordei no outro dia ouvindo Victoria e Lauren chorando juntas.
Curious Tales: Assorted Fantastical Fiction
These are a collection of my short stories which don't feature gender bending front and center but do involve horrors, fantastical delights, and weird surprises. They may involve something as simple as a house on a swamp overlooking the dreams of the past or a byzantine battle between time travelers for what they see as the "right" timeline. And be as shiver-inducing as being locked in a school at night with disembodied shadows or as sweet as an old stuffed animal with a special secret.
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Depends on what side you are, you have heard two stories what happened 15 years ago. One side says that a rebel trio Gorgos fought against the opressive goverment of Ashphodea, only known as gods, and won. In other side's story, a terrorist organization called the Gorgos started their reign of terror 15 years ago after taking over a correction facility only known as Tartaros. Edan had heard the first story, Andi had known the second. Edan, son of Medusa, the most known of the Gorgos, and Andi, daughter of the assitant to the Ashphodea's golden boy Perseus, are both sick of the secrets their parents keep from them. They want answers, and they are going to get them, with our without their mothers help. ——— This is a re telling of the myth of Medusa in a dystopian setting, where a the Gorgos are the teen rebel archetypes now in their thrities, war isn't as black and white as you think, and the gods are as ruthless as they always were.
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Kookv oneshots
Once he reached the top there was a lot of wind and it smelt better "Who are you?" A masculine voice asks, Taehyung jumps up standing, He sees a black haired male sitting down while looking at him- Seperate worlds-------Top KookBottomTae-------Mentions of anything serious that can trigger people will be mentioned inside the stories
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Fair Princess
Squirrel doesn't know her own name. Found in the woods as a child, an orphan raised to become a talented tumbler, her past is a complete mystery. For years she's tried everything she could think of to figure out what her real name is and who she was before she was discovered stealing food from a travelling band of circus performers. Twelve years after she was adopted, she sees an opportunity in a contest hosted by the king himself, a festival the likes of which no one has ever seen before. The best performing troupe in the land will receive a priceless gift: Any one question asked of the King's oracle.
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~ Love is torture ~
Take that title seriously cuz like I mean that sh!t-This is a simpbur x quackity fanfic😍TWs <>T0rtur3Description of blood/g0r3?SwearingKidnappingStalker behaviour[email protected] behaviour-ish?
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Gossip Girl- Chuck Bass
It is Gossip girl with a new friend. It is twisted a bit. A Chuck Bass fan fiction
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