

Could she?

Isabella woke up early the next morning. She bathed, and dressed in her shiniest armor. She put her sword in her belt and tightened her bascinet. Though Isabella never prided herself too much on outward appearances, today she wanted to make a statement. She put her hair into the usual braid and nodded to herself satisfied. She opened the curtains just in time to catch the sunrise.

She heard a knock at her door and opened it to reveal a serious looking William. "Ready?"

Isabella nodded to him, and nodded to her men. She and her father walked down the hall, dressed in their royal garb. Maids and Guards alike bowed as they passed.

They entered a large room. With a large table directly in the middle of the room. Isabella noticed a refined elegance to the room, she assumed that usually it was used as a ballroom. They stood to the South of the room, and waited.

A few minutes later, the French doors opened and in walked the Jarian royalty as well as Aiden. He locked eyes with Isabella, hers filled with anticipation, his filled with suspicion. "Good morning all!" Charles bellowed, his voice bounced off of the walls.

Everyone muttered good morning greetings, before sitting at the large table opposite of each other. Maids swiftly served breakfast and exited the tension filled room. "So, where do we commence?" Eric asked, unusually serious.

William spoke, "We have called this meeting because we feel things are escalating, and the threat of war is becoming very real." He gripped Isabella's hand under the table and she squeezed to offer support. She knew her father felt uncomfortable and appreciated the fact that he is trying.

Aiden stiffened at this. Charles just nodded, "What has been done that was so very offensive this time?"

"It has been brought to my attention that Gardian children have been slaughtered and goods have been stolen. I will not tolerate disrespect."

Isabella piped up, "what he meant to say was, do you have any knowledge of these occurrences?"

Eric spoke, "We have not heard of any slaughter going on, if we had we would have immediately addressed it."

Charles spoke, "Who has your source been?"

"Sir Baldwin. My most trusted advisor, after my Bella of course." William said. "He told me of these acts and I have every reason to believe him for her has never lead me astray."

"You really listen to that buffoon? William that man is no good!" Charles exclaimed.


"How can YOU make such assumptions about someone you have not seen in twenty or something years?! He has changed! Became responsible." Isabella sat shocked at this, The King knew Baldwin? Twenty years ago?

"How do you know Baldwin?" Isabella asked just when Eric asked "Who is Baldwin?"

Mary explained, "Charles, William, Aiden's father, and Baldwin were best chaps back when they went to school. They all met and eventually became friends. They knew nothing of each other titles for the longest of time." The Kings glared at one another.

"When I found out who Charles was, I was shocked but overall very happy. You see, I was about to take the throne and the idea that my best mate was going to rule the enemy nation opened the door for peace."

"Even after we both took over there was an ushered peaceful era for a while. We both were married, had children, very happy..." Charles said.

"You were so cute chasing behind Eric, threatening him every chance you got." Mary smiled nostalgic. "Those were simpler times."

"Well, he makes it easy." Isabella smiled.

"What I want to know is," everyone stared at the usually silent Aiden. "Where is your Head Knight? Sir Rollins, I believe."

William spoke and Isabella just smirked. "He retired from duty to care for his ailing wife. We have recently acquired a new Head Knight."

"Where is he then?" Aiden asked.

Isabella stood, "He is a she, and she happens to be standing right here!"

Aiden stood too, "That is preposterous!"

Eric asked in awe, "Bella you are Head Knight and heir?"

William spoke, "I did not agree to it at first but she insisted. I put her through challenges and she even bested me at sparring, and archery."

"Well anyone can beat an aging man at sparring, do you have not have enough capable men? You have a woman take over?!"

"Well this aging man could fight any young man who is disrespectful." Aiden took a step forward just as Isabella placed her hand on her sword.

"I suggest you take a step back and quickly." Isabella warned in a chilling voice. Aiden was not fazed.

"What are you going to do? Chase me down like you did Eric when you were younger?" He laughed sarcastically. "I don't believe for one second that you control the army of an entire nation."


Isabella took out her sword and pointed it to his neck. "I can do a lot more than chase you around, Sir."

Aiden held up a hand to stop his men and Isabella held a first indicating to her men to stay still.

"Well Head Knight, you are so tough, do it."

She inched her sword closer, "Don't think for a second that I cannot or that I will not." They glared at one another.

"Bella that is not necessary, please put the sword away so we can continue like adults, you are scaring my mother." Eric ordered.

Isabella nodded, not breaking eye contact with Aiden. She lowered her sword slowly, "You will not disrespect my father."

"You will not disrespect me pretending to be a knight!"

Charles cleared his throat, "back to Baldwin, clearly he has mistaken a few things, not at all unexpected." He muttered. William sat back down and Isabella and Aiden continued to have a stare off simultaneously sitting down.

"What did Baldwin do in the past?" Eric asked.

Charles ignored the question and rubbed his forehead reminiscing, "William was visiting, on a rare occasion, he visited for business. His wife visited as well, we had always gotten along for she was a very lovely lady. They stayed for a while and went home, next thing I knew, William sent me a letter of hate and the animosity just grew from there. Sadly the era of peace ended and personal vendettas became political." Charles shook his head.

"You bastard! You knew exactly what you did during that visit."

"What did I do that was so wrong to you?!" Charles stood angered.

"You forced yourself upon my wife." Everyone gasped and William stormed out.

"William!" Charles called out.

"Father!" Isabella called out worried, standing up to go after him when they heard his yell.

Isabella ran and cried out at the sight in front of her. William laid unconscious at the bottom of the stairway. The Jarians and Gardians knights and Charles went to help him but Isabella yelled, "Don't you dare touch him!" She felt borderline hysterical but fought to keep the tears at bay. "Get a physician!"

She called held his head in her lap, "Daddy, wake up." A tear slipped, "please." Isabella rarely called William daddy in front of people but she cared naught for anyone except the man in her lap at the moment. She wiped a little blood off of his forehead with a cloth. She felt sick and guilty and hurt, it was all too much. "This was a mistake. I should have listened to you and just went home." She whispered.

Aiden felt terrible, in the time that he has known the spitfire that was Isabella, he had never seen her look so vulnerable. Her pokerface was cracked and emotions flashed across her beautiful face.

The physicians arrived and carefully moved the king, especially careful of his back and neck. They exited the hall and took him to a nearby room. Isabella just sat in shock still on the floor.

He grabbed her arms and helped her up. She buried her head into his chest and sobbed. He patted her back awkwardly and escorted her away from the watchful eyes of the staff. He knew her well enough to know she wouldn't want to be seen in such a vulnerable state.

After awhile Isabella wiped her eyes with a cloth and shuffled her feet. "Um, thank you." She said not meeting his eyes, "can you take me to him?" She straightened herself up, pokerface successfully restored. Aiden knew differently, but he understood that she wanted to put up a strong persona.


Inside of the chamber, Isabella immediately went to her father's side. Her men surrounded him protectively blocking the view of him from Charles. He shook his head and exited the room. The men looked relieved when Isabella arrived. She smiled a little apologetically and turned to the physician. "Has he shown any signs of waking up?"

"None Princess. I've examined him. He has taken a rather nasty blow to the head and his leg is propped up. We are not sure if he will wake."

Isabella felt crushed but managed barely to keep a straight face. She placed her hand on Edwin's shoulder, "Watch over him, I want guards here at all times." She got a little choked up but hurriedly cleared her throat. "I am so very sorry, all of this was my idea. We should have went home."

"And let war happen? Princess you did what you thought was best, we are not holding anything against you." The other knights who overheard nodded in agreement. They loved their Princess and they knew she would be blaming herself. "Have some faith Princess. If 'tis the Lord's will, he will awaken."

Isabella smiled sadly at him and thanked him. She sat by her father's side, rested her head near the bed side and prayed.

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