

Eric just smiled.


Henry glanced over to a silent Hazel whose mouth was hung open in shock. "This is nothing like what we have regularly heard from Baldwin. They are in Jaria. King William seemed to have no clue what is happening here... They were attacked..." He sat down slowly starting to connect dots.

"Does he not realize what his orders are doing to this nation? Maybe 'tis grief over Bella's injury that it's making him act out of character."

Henry shook his head. "No, if Bella was so severely injured to the point of death he would have returned home immediately and informed the nation. Hazel, what if King William did not send those missives that Baldwin read?"

"Henry that is highly unlikely..."

"Think about it Hazel! King William is letting Princess Isabella make major decisions now, she would never raise taxes, if any thing she would push to lower them. She would never have ordered that woman be placed under men by not being able to dine with them, no matter how much she loathes the women of the court. If they were King William's ideas, she simply would not have let him do it. We all know how King William heeds Princess Isabella's advice. 'Tis simply too out of character."

Hazel nodded in agreement. "But what would make Baldwin do such a thing?"

Henry opened his mouth to answer when a knocked to the door interrupted him. Hazel stood and pretended to dust. A young knight in training popped his head in, "Henry, Sir Baldwin wants the knights to gather. He has an announcement."

Henry nodded and turned to follow him once more making eye contact with Hazel. He nodded to the letter, indicating that he wanted her to get it and hide it for the time being. She nodded and he left.


"Knights one and all. You are all brave men who fight for this great nation and are the most honorable among the land." The men nodded, some cheered, But Henry wanted Baldwin to get to the point so that he could continue his conversation with Hazel. "Honor is what you all fight for, and honor implies selflessness." He took some paper out of his pocket. Henry frowned and the men became antsy. "I received a letter on today from King William. It reads, 'I King William decree that the army is under the sole command of Sir Baldwin. Sir Rollins is no longer needed. Also, Knights are men who fight for honor and thus will not be paid for their work, but must begin to pay taxes. The honor you get from your knighthood should be enough to last ye.' You see men, a war is coming so funds should go towards that initiative. I do not agree but 'tis William's country. Lastly, the letter concluded that training hours are extended. You are all go to bed an hour later and awake earlier. Breakfast is not needed so that hour will be spent on the training grounds preparing for war. That part," he looked up from the paper, "was from Lady Isabella." The men shouted in anger and Henry balled his hands into fist. He was angered not at the monarchy but at Baldwin. Now that he thought about it, Henry noticed a strange expression on the face of Baldwin. Madness? Greed? It was a smirk.


He realized it as a self satisfied smirk, just as a knight shouted, "Down with King William's tyranny!" The men shouted in agreement. Baldwin nodded and exited. The men huddled in groups to complain, and Henry left to find Hazel.


"Lord! Henry that is terrible!"

He nodded. "You asked me what his motives would be earlier. I was not sure at first but now I am certain. One word. Power. If our suspicious are true, we must write Isabella and inform her."

"What if we are wrong?"

"Then, we join the rebellion, but I am sure we will be correct." With Hazel's help, Henry wrote to Isabella.


He was walking briskly down the hall when he ran into the messenger lad. The boy seemed to struggle carrying the meat. "Hello lad, let me help you with that." Henry exited the castle gates with the boy and placed the meat in a satchel. "Lad, you are returning to Hartha?" The boy nodded. Henry smiled and took out a bag of coins. The last of my wages. I pray this works. "I need a favor."


"This is the grand library. Moving on..."

"Wait." Isabella entered the library and was awed by the number of books. "This place is so beautiful." Shelves of books filled the room. She noticed a large fireplace with a large couch in front of it and fell in love immediately. She walked down the aisles fingers caressing the binding of every book she passed lovingly. Aiden stared, shocked by her reaction. Women he knew hated the library, they referred to it as dusty and old.

"You like literature." He stated instead of questioning.

"Literature is beautiful. So many tales, so much knowledge. Age makes the tales become even more refined. Sometimes, I just escape difficulties through them, you know?"

Aiden nodded in understanding. "My favorite is Sir Gaiwan and the Green Knight tales. My mother used to read them to me before..." He stopped mid sentence clearing his throat. "The stories were amazing."

Isabella smiled at him, "At least you read tales. I've always had history books. So many books saying the same thing, always very vague. Baldwin use to tell me all types of historical events when my tutor turned her back." She laughed at the memory.

"When I studied in Hartha, chivalry books were constant. The monks made sure I knew what the proper codes of conduct were." Aiden grinned. "A knight lives and dies by his honor."

Isabella nodded. "We have things in common, who knew?" She smiled.

"Shall we get going? There is still a lot of castle to see." Isabella nodded and followed him out.

They went into the art room and Aiden showed her historical art work. "These are paintings of all Jarian Kings from the last two hundred years. There is my great great great grandfather, he was a king who never bared a son, or so they say. Before he died he came back from a trip with a man who he referred to as his desolate son whom finally returned home. They say that the lineage changed then. Others believed him, some did not, but no one had anything to disprove him."


"What of the daughter?" Isabella was intrigued by the story.

"She eventually married the Head Knight's son. And had a long line of Head Knight descendants." He said, with the grin back on his face.

"Well how convenient for you."

"I'd say. The irony is every descendant after her bore a first son. I am pretty much guaranteed to have a son. He will be strong like his papa. Learn to train, save the fair maidens. The whole knightly duty."

"You make a habit of saving fair maidens?" She asked glancing around once more before turning to leave the room.

He opened the door for her, "Only the pretty ones." Aiden had no idea why he felt so comfortable in her presence. It was relieving to talk to someone who actually listened.

Isabella blushed at that but continued to look around. Paintings hung high on the walls, the curtains draped open, thehe floors were shining, and the sun shined through the windows. She stopped in front of one. "'Tis a beautiful day outside."

Aiden stared outside of the window thoughtfully and then looked at Isabella. Her hand gripped the tip of her braid curling around her slim finger. She glanced over at him and laughed, "I am doing the hair thing again aren't I?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"Home, life, being queen. So much can change in so little time."

Feels like it already has. "How about we finish the tour later and go for some food in the kitchen. I happen to know the cook."

"Sounds lovely."

They went to the kitchen, and Isabella met the staff and head cook. She ate a warm pastry and became really homesick. She felt guilty as well, people are at home suffering at the threat of war and she's sharing pastries with the very people she was taught to never trust. "You are thinking again." Aiden noticed her furrowed eyebrow.

"Is it so bothersome that I think? Do you prefer I be brainless?!" She snapped at him.

Aiden was shocked, the day was going so well. "If you want to think fine! I saw the worry on your face and was concerned. Thought it would be your wound, you did a lot of walking today!" He snapped back.

"So because you saved me you think me a fragile woman. Well I am far from fragile. My wound is none of your concern Jarian!" She stormed out of the kitchen and up to her room.

Aiden growled under his breath. This is why I avoid women. I need to go train.

Isabella sat in her room angry at herself. She enjoyed her time with Aiden. Hazel would never let me live this down if she was here. Tomorrow is the Meeting, then I will be home. A place where I am loved and where I love people back. She eventually fell asleep.

She awoke to a fresh dinner on the table, and opened her balcony doors to reveal a setting sun. In the yard below, she noticed a lad practicing. His footwork was sloppy and his parries weak. What do they teach around here? Sheesh. She quickly changed into her usual training gear and donned light armor completed with her light single handed sword.

She went back to balcony and saw the boy scolding himself. "You there! What is your name?"

The boy looked around startled and then saw Isabella. Aiden told him about the visiting royals and he didn't give her beauty justice. He saw her scale down the wall as if she had years of practice.

Isabella smiled a little winded. Wow, it has been a while since I've done that. She looked up mentally measuring the distance, then again my room is higher. She grinned at the shocked boy. "What is your name?"

"Troy... mi-milady." He bowed.

Isabella laughed, "No need for the bowing. I am Isabella. I noticed you practicing."

Troy shrugged, "Yea, kind of. I am not very good."

"Let me see what you can do." Troy did a little footwork and parried. Isabella concluded that Troy was what she considered level two. A lot of potential, and willingness just lacking the skill. She also decided the footwork was too complicated for one who was so new. "Try doing this." She did simple footwork accompanied with a few blocks.

Troy, amazed at her skill, followed her instructions and eventually got the steps down. Whenever she got closer to adjust something the lad blushed. The boy in a matter of an hour became smitten .

"You keep practicing and next tomorrow we will work on a few offensive stances." Isabella said. She walked to the wall preparing to climb up the vines and bricks.

Troy smiled, "Will you teach me how to climb a wall? Like that?"

"We will see how the stances come along, then maybe." She winked and scaled the up wall.

Wow, she is something. Troy thought before jogging to the training ground to continue practice.


Aiden wiped his brow, ready to commence his fifth mock sparring. He noticed Troy jog in and pick up a sword. He motioned to the knight to wait and watched the lad. Troy never went to the training grounds willingly.

He saw Troy take up a foreign stance and begin to do footwork. Aiden's eyebrow raised when Troy began to practice various well executed blocks. Wow, he has been busy practicing. "Troy! Very nice technique, I have not seen those moves before though."

Troy smiled, "Yes Sir. Isabella taught me a few things."

Aiden was shocked about three things. Troy was already on first name basis with her, Troy picked up on the steps quickly, and Troy claimed Isabella was the one who taught him. He did not believe it.


"Yes Sir. You did not give her beauty justice." Aiden dismissed the lad and thought about Isabella.

She couldn't have taught him.

Could she?

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