《Armor》The Book


"Gardia," she read, "land of the wealth." She paused to study the cover of the book, on it was a picture of their castle from a hundred years ago. The cover was chipped on the side and the pages turned a brown hue from years of use. Most ladies would have found it disgusting, but Isabella thought the book charming.

She continued to read, "Gardia land of the wealth. Two hundred years ago there were two brothers. Micah and Michael Jara. Upon their father's passing, Micah inherited throne for he was the eldest brother. It was then that Michael became the royal advisor and oversaw the military. Micah was kind-hearted and the kingdom became wealthy and the center of trade across the land. The people adored Micah and when Micah chose to marry a pauper against Michael's wishes, Michael turned cruel for he coveted the young beauty, but she only loved Micah and refused Michael's advances.

Michael already corrupt from years of power, began to plot against his brother. Micah, forever trusting of his brother, failed to see the danger in keeping his brother within his inner circle. Michael soon turned the royal officials as well as the citizens against the beloved king and queen as a result of Michael's diligent work; ruining the kingdom's finances and charting the fault to Micah. The Pauper Queen knew of Michael's conniving ways but never told Micah in attempt to spare the brothers' deteriorating relationship.

One night Michael approached the Queen attempting to seduce her. In a rage the Queen revealed her knowledge of his actions and threatened to tell Micah. She did not get far because Michael had her locked in the dungeon and spent the rest of that night planning a rebellion that would ensue the next morning.

Micah frantically searched for his wife and eventually found her in the dungeon. It was then that she told him of the events that transpired. But before he could react, Michael had them surrounded by guards. He threatened to kill them both. By this point, greed for power surpassed any desire he had had for the Queen.


Though he hated his brother, he felt that a quick death would be too merciful so instead he decided to banish them both. Michael wanted Micah to watch him rule the kingdom that he loved so much. He had lost everything but still his wife stood with him.

He agreed to the terms of banishment, took his wife, the clothes he had on his back and left the kingdom. Citizens that once loved him screamed in his face and called him worthless while Michael watched on, satisfied.

Isabella gasped horrified, that Michael, she thought, such a cruel man. Isabella sat in deep thought. But how does this relate to the history of Gardia? Could this story be real? She studied the book and could not decide whether or not it was a story book or textbook from its cover. She, like everyone else, had always been exposed to the biased, vague history of Gardia and she was ignorant of any founders with the surname of Jara, she had always known just enough to know how to rule a kingdom and keep important traditions.

Just as she prepared to continue reading she heard a voice. "Isabella! "

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