《Armor》The Baldwins


Isabella rolled her eyes at her four personal guards. You'd think she was traveling across a dangerous foreign land, and not just strolling from the training room to the kitchen. She sauntered and admired the castle scenery as she passed. Though she had lived in the giant, luxurious castle all of her life, she still took the time to appreciate the grandeur of it all. Just outside was the layout of land that stretched along the horizon and beyond. The waning sunlight kissed the buildings and landscape goodnight as it commenced its disappearance behind the mountain peaks. The castle over looked the entire region. Isabella often would be accompanied by guards if she ever wanted to visit village markets and the cottagers.

The interior of the grand castle consisted of beige marble floors that contrasted with the cream walls that shined as the maids scurried to and fro cleaning. As she passed they would smile and curtsy, and then proceed to whisper about how fortunate she was to be constantly surrounded by such handsome knights in their glistening armor and sword. She herself never thought of the knights as attractive though. She always considered them to be more like brothers, for she had known them all of her life. In actuality, they almost always annoyed her. As one of the best swordmen in Gardia, she thought herself fully capable of defending herself if the need arose.

She walked into the kitchen and waved at the staff. "Iris," she called to the head cook, "is dinner almost ready?"

Iris an aging, rotund lady hurried over, a huge smile on her face like always. "Yes Princess, just forty five more minutes. The broth is warming. 'Tis just enough time to clean yourself up. Did your father forget to tell you that we have guest coming over?"


Isabella groaned. He forgot again? She thought to herself annoyed.

"Yes, Sir Baldwin and his son, young Trent, are visiting. Go and clean yourself up and look presentable."

Isabella groaned internally again. Trent Baldwin had been the bane to her existence for as long as she could remember. He wanted to marry her but she discerned that he only wanted to marry her title more than anything else. Her father thought Trent would make a good husband simply because Sir Baldwin was a physician and Trent would be one as well while also inheriting the Baldwin's fortune, a fortune much smaller than hers but still a pretty decent dowry nevertheless. They were probably the wealthiest family under her father's regiment and they paid the highest percentage of taxes without avail. Isabella figured that was why her father favored them.

They were also influential among the cottagers so William figured the Baldwins were a better ally to have if more conflict ever rose.

Walking to her room, she happened to pass the grand library. She walked passed it, turned around and walked into it. I'm sure I have a little time before the ugh.. Baldwin's show. Just a little reading will not hurt. She thought to herself.

Isabella loved history and the tales it told. When she was younger before her mother died, her mother would tell her before she went to bed, the story of how she and William had met. It was then that the seeds of romance were planted into a young girl's mind. She shook that thought away. I shouldn't think like that. True love doesn't come to a future queen, men only see the title.

She looked around for a moment and noticed a book tucked in the very bottom shelf.

She picked up the book and opened it. "Gardia," she read "land of the wealth."

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