《Fate (Magi Fanfiction)》Chapter twenty two


Chapter twenty two

It was obvious Judar didn’t come up with this alone. Giving Nishi jewelry as a gift? That wasn’t something Judar cared about. Nishi knew Princess Kougyoku had something to do with it. Especially because the charm was a small, golden dove, ‘coincidentally’ a reference to rukh.

Nishi thought it was cute, while Judar was clearly uncomfortable giving it to her. She didn’t really expect him to get her anything, nevermind jewelry. I wonder where he got it? Did he or Kougyoku get it specially crafted? Nishi played with the small dove on her neck as she walked around Sindria.



Sinbad quickly caught his country’s -rather clumsy- magi as she tripped over her own feet and fell into him. “Nishi?”

“Oh! Sin, I’m sorry! I wasn’t paying attention.” Nishi quickly regained her footing and took a few steps back so she was at a respectful distance from her king.

“Is that a new necklace?” Sinbad observed, not caring much for what happened. He was more concerned with the gold piece around her neck.

“This?” Nishi fiddled with the gold dove some more, then shrugged like she wasn’t hiding anything, “I saw it while I was out and I liked it.”

“Hmm. It does look well made.” Sinbad inspected it more closely. It looks like it was made in Kou… The king narrowed his eyes slightly. “Nishi, were you planning on going out today?”

“Uhm, yes, actually...I need to repay someone real quick.” Nishi continued to explain about the old man Judar stole money from. Well, she didn’t tell the whole truth, she just told Sinbad that while she was out she forgot her gold and a man gave her free food.

“Alright. Don’t get lost.” King Sinbad nodded and smiled down at her.


“I won’t!” Nishi promised and waved goodbye before walking off.

Sinbad frowned as he walked back to his study. He knew something was up with how Nishi was disappearing so often. The young magi might have thought her leaving at night went unnoticed, but Sinbad knew she left almost every time she did. Now with the necklace from Kou and the fact that she ‘needed to repay someone’, Sinbad grew more suspicious. “Ja’far.”

“Yes, Sin?” Ja’far looked up from the paperwork he was doing as his king entered the room.

“Nishi just left again. I want you to follow her, but don’t let her see you.” Sinbad ordered.

“Of course, I’ll go now.” Ja’far stood from the desk he previously sat at and headed toward the door, pausing beside Sinbad.

“Make sure she doesn’t notice you. We both know she’s smarter than she looks.” Sinbad warned as Ja’far stopped beside him.

“Mm, I know.” Ja’far nodded, both wearing serious looks.


Nishi hummed happily as she walked down the streets of her ‘home’ country. She checked her pockets, making sure she had the gold she needed to repay as she approached the food cart. “Excuse me?”

“Hey! It’s you! Are you here to steal from me again you brat!?” The older man from the day before snapped as she stopped at his cart.

“No, no. I’m here to pay you back. Plus some extra for your troubles.” Nishi tried smiling at the man as she offered a small bag of money to him.

“That other man isn’t with you this time, is he?” The man scanned the nearby area.

“No, he isn’t. I promise.” Nishi urged him to take the money again.


Who is ‘he’? Ja’far frowned as he listened on Nishi and an old man’s conversation.


“Ok...Fine. I’ll accept your apology, and the money.” The man grabbed the bag from the female magi’s outstretched hand.

“Thank you.” Nishi bowed her head to him quickly before saying goodbye.

Now where is she going? Sindria’s in the opposite direction… Ja’far narrowed his eyes as he followed Nishi, keeping as far away from her as possible, while still being able to see and hear her.

It was difficult, but Ja’far managed to follow Nishi all the way to a small forest near Kou’s border. The magi was able to fly there easily, which Ja’far assumed she’d done multiple times by her easy knowledge of her surroundings, but Ja’far had a harder time. He luckily was able to use Yamuraiha’s magic to help him travel much faster.

“Eh? He’s not here…” Ja’far watched as Nishi walked around an empty clearing. The magi sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes, “Of course he isn’t. Why would he be here on time?” She played with the necklace Ja’far remembered Sinbad had told him about.

Who is this man she’s trying to meet? By the way she’s acting, she must have met with this person several times… Ja’far slowly adjusted his position, the tree he was hiding in making soft rustling noises as he did.

“Who’s there?” Nishi instantly reacted to the noise.

Ja’far cursed under his breath and tried to be more quiet.


Nishi patrolled the clearing, searching for any signs of other life. She frowned and crossed her arms as she found nothing in the surrounding bushes. She began scanning the trees, silently wondering if Judar was messing with her by hiding or trying to scare her. I wish I had Yunan’s amazing hearing...It’d be really helpful now.

“Hello?” She looked around more. Nishi paused and narrowed her eyes as she noticed a tree that had a darker shade of green than it should in the middle. As she walked closer to the tree, she could tell who it was, “Ja’far?”

“Damn…” Ja’far cursed, reluctantly leaving his hiding spot and landing gracefully on the dirt floor. “Hello Nishi.”

The blonde magi panicked as she looked around, hoping Judar wouldn’t arrive now. She also began to feel angry and confused as to why Ja’far was here in the first place, “What are you doing here? Did you follow me?”

“Yes, I did. On Sinbad’s orders.” The older man admitted.

“Why would Sinbad order that?” Nishi grew more worried and confused.

“I’m sure he’ll explain once you come back to Sindria with me.”


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