《Dadnoblade》Sequel 2/2


You woke up with no Micheal he must have moved to his own bed so his parents didn't catch us. No one knew we were dating. I grabbed my things running down stairs to the family eating breakfast together. Tubbo waved me to come over so I did sitting at the far end of the table next to Micheal. I dig into some toast. Once we've all finished Tubbo washes the pots.

He comes over in his coat and some luggage they must be coming with. Ranboo opened the door stepping out while Micheal struggled. I decided to help a little by kneeling to tie his shoe laces quickly. I stand up and give him a quick kiss on his check. Before dragging him outside to begin our trek.

We walked down the snow Chester path to the front gates. We walked for a little while but Tubbo was getting tired I could tell. That's when ranboo scooped him up bridal style making Tubbo laugh hysterically. I remember Tubbo's quote "defo fleeting" yelling it both men flip me of.

Micheal laughed at me so I pushed him into the snow. He laid there laughing as we just walked of. He came up running as fast as he could. That's when I see it papa and mama's house. I begin to run like proper run making Tubbo and ranboo make an "aww" sound.

I just keep running up to the front door i practical run into the door. I pant a little trying to catch my breath when dream opened the door. He gave me a look of confusion and I smiled And he seems to mentally go "ohhh" and he exclaims "hi Y/N".

I can hear mum behind him "Y/N your back" I run in pushing dream a little. I point a little at the polar bear in the corner but just shrug. I go see ashley and Alex. There not so small there 9 now. I picked Alex up giving him a hug cause he doesn't like being spun . Ashley seemed to know what was happening as I put Alex down I stand out the was and hold my arms out for ash he runs and I catch him pulling him up and spinning him round.


I run to mother kissing her forehead and giving her a hug. I gave dad a massive hug he managed to spin me a little smiling. He sends me to bed saying something about a long journey.

I was surprised I didn't realise how tired I was. I fell asleep almost instantly.


I was woken early that morning to Alex and ash practically screaming Philza was messing with them. Techno came down with me and asked "Phil how does it feel to be a grandpa" he stood glaring. That's when mama pushed past us with a glass of ice water. She splashed it on philza's face she came back kissing dad she muttered "I'm going back to bed" he responded "yea you do that" I think he's a little scared of her.

Latter that day mine and Michaels families met for a fire. After we exchanged

Gifts I dragged Micheal into playing in the snow with me ,Alex and ash. Micheal forms teams with both Alex and ash. He stated "your an assassin you can handle a few snow balls"

I laugh knowing how to win this. As the throw snowballs I kick each one back hitting Micheal in the face with each one. Alex and ash look at each over and run to my side.

We won


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