《Dadnoblade》sequel 1/2


It's been 10 years since pa proposed they got married around a year ago. Pa and mama have been writing to me for weeks on end just asking for me to come home for Christmas.

I never sent a letter back, it was going to be a surprise. I sat at a small camp for a rest it was a 5 day trip to get home it's was the 23rd of December I have been walking no sleep for 3 days meaning only 2 to go I was planning to see Micheal on the way.

I blushed slightly at the thoughts of my childhood friend and my boyfriend. I was excited to see him not that my papa could ever know about the relationship. I think he would murder Micheal. Sweet Micheal.

I stood up. Fuck sleep I want to see him. I pick up my luggage putting it on my back. I begin my walk again. Wait was that snow Chester it was. It was a way away but I could make it.

I sprinted across the plain land. I stumbled once or twice but my assassin instincts took control the stealth and sneak my steps took control the voices roaring but I ignored them.

I reached the gates on snow Chester I sighed. I walked in the city lights bright and beautiful. Little poppies blossomed everywhere almost. It had been 2 months since my lays visit.

I promised my parents I would visit them every 2 months I also visited Micheal in that time spending a week at my parents and the other with him.

I got to the door of their house. I knocked the door opened on my second knock. Tubbo was the same hight as me now. I smiled and asked "is Micheal here" my heavy breaths made him laugh. "I ran 3 miles here even I can't do that without panting" I exclaimed.


I heard someone hurry down the stairs. I saw Micheal and gave him a little wave. He rushed past his dad and gave me a massive hug. He whispered "I love you princess" the nickname he gave me a year ago (when we first got together) made me blush a little. I hugged him back before Tubbo cleared his throat and stated "be back by 10 okay, oh and Y/N dear you can stay here the night." I waved as Micheal pulled me to a flower field.

I let out a small yawn and Micheal asked "so when did you last sleep" I smiled sheepishly before saying "ehh that doesn't matter...* cough* 3 days ago since I've had a full night but I make sure I get 3 hours a day. Mainly cause I know you worry"

He raised his eyebrows a little and cupped my face and muttered "at least you slept" he pulled me into a kiss." It sent butterflies in my stomach. You think I would be used to it.

He pushed me down gently to the floor of the flower field. He laid next to me but I laid so my head was on his chest as I looked up at the stars. His hands where on my stomach as we laid there peacefully. After a while I got a little tired. He sat up and helped me up. He stole a quick kiss making my blush. He put his forehead on mine and muttered "cute".

He pulled me back to the house. I was sent to the guest bed room. I slipped in the bed only to get woken up again. Micheal slipped in bed with me. He wrapped his arms around you keeping you close.

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