《Dadnoblade》Snowed in


Me and papa laid on the sofa I was curled up in his lap. We had a rad blanket round us. I snuggled a little closer. I was warm and cosy. Footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. As the soft pelt of hail hit the roof of the house.

Bella shivered at the bottom of the stairs. Techno held out a hand. She gladly walked over climbing next to me. She pulled me close to her. Techno wrapped use both in a hug and the blankets fell over mama. Bella snuggled with use a little before asking "so what should we do, we are kind of snowed in"

Techno grumbled a little before saying "for now just snuggle and I could make some hot chocolate" I sat up practically jumping off at the mention of hot chocolate. It had been so long since I had hot choco. I began to jump up and down.

A bit later I was sat cross legged on the rug dipping some chocolate digestives in my hot choco.

Techno and Bella where wrapped up in the blanket watching me eat my biscuits. Once I chugged my hot choco. Techno laughed asking "do you need to burn of some steam" I frown not knowing what that meant but jump up and down.

I go sit next to mama as papa pushed around chairs. We both watch confused until it resembled an obstacle corse. I jump up from the sofa.

Techno brings out some leather armour so I don't hurt myself. I try to stay still as he helps me put the armour on but I squeal and snort excited Every now and then.

He lets me run the obstacle corse jumping over chairs and under the table. Climb chest stairs to reach monkey bars. Bella pulls me of the monkey bars onto the sofa under the monkey bars and tickles me. I giggle trying my best to curl up so she can't but she continues.


She lets me run wild again I ran round and round. Before I stopped for lunch eating some fruit and a little cheese sandwich. Before seeing we could go out.

I put my boots on my leather amour would keep me warm enough without a coat. I ran laying in the thick layer of snow. I do a few snow angels before I see a distressed baby polar bear. Alone.

I go comport it rubbing it's ear. I run back in and grab some raw fish getting weird looks from papa. He followed me out to the polar bear. Steve. His name is Steve. Techno agrees with the name as I feed the small thing some fish. Techno leaves me a bit.

I build a big snow man with the help of my new friend. He helped me find to stick arms and sniffed out some stones for the mouth and eyes. He ran off coming back with an orange leaf as a nose. After a while papa comes out laughing at out snow man the same hight as me.

Techno hands me a lead to get the polar bear inside. Papa always wanted a polar bear. After Steve was secure I was so tired i fell asleep hugging him.

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