

(Bella's POV)

I woke up not on the couch like where I was before sleep had pulled me under. I sat up taking in the surroundings. The man from last night was next to me with a barrier between use.

I mean he put a barrier. Still a bit creepy but better then the couch.

Ohh my stuff I just left it when I heard Y/N. I quickly run down stairs open the door and launch of the cool air on my wings was amazing. I landed in the snow at my campsite. I pack my things before flying back with them. I shut the door behind me and put my bag on a hook.

I see Y/N at the dinning room table looking at me sadly and confused. Ohhhh right I need to explain "sissy" she whimpered before hopping towards me giving me the biggest hug.

(Y/N's POV cause she's the main star)

"Can you make breakfast" I question unsure if Bella could even cook. I don't remember much about her other than she was the only one that cared. Even Millie loved her, Millie my twin sister didn't trust many peopl.

She would always give me a hug pick me up or cook if I needed it. I remember her making pancakes once actually. I was removed from my void by Bella enquiring "waffles or pancakes" hmmm touch chose "well I'm not sure this is a hard chose"

"What's a hard chose" PAPA he's up. I squeal excited I jump of the stool running the papa who looks very tired. Does he know Bella's name probably not. I could call her mama cause she is the closest thing to a mama. Papa pulls me up spinning me in a circle before giving me a hug holding me to his chest. I nuzzle my face in his neck. "Mama asked if I wanted pancakes or waffles" I inform papa. It muffled my face still engulfed in his neck. He frowns and questions "well do we have Nutella?". He placed me back in the floor "I'm not sure ,I'll go see" I skip to the kitchen to go check.


(Techno's POV)

Y/N skips of to the kitchen to see if we have Nutella. As it turns out we don't. She comes back sheepish mumbling "sorry papa we don't, looks like it's pancakes" looking down at her feet. she puts her hands together as if in prayer and bows before running off again. Kids are weird.

She's so cute ..

"So your mama now"I state as I walk in the room to see Azraelle plating up a pancake for Y/N. Wow she was quick. She scratches her head i thought and confusion.


Wait......I ship it......potat....potato..

..UWU......shut up about potatoes no one actually cares ......E.....E...:I ship it.....technobella or Bellanovlade....hmmmm.......bellanoblade ....E...blood?...

Shit no I can't think like that but she is cute....NoNo NO

(Y/N's POV)

Bella spoke "well I am her biological sister, but I can be a sort of mother figure" ekkk Bella can be my mum. I should hug her.

I hop over and she pulls me into her arms kissing my forehead.

More importantly why is techno acting weird. He seems shocked just standing there. Wait I recognise that look he has a connection like a buz.

After a while I drag Bella out to build her house. She goes and collects wood and make some pinky coloured concrete. I go collect some bushes, flowers and vines to decorate the small cottage.

As we begin to build Bella hums a familiar song.


I was in a cot Bella making it sway as she sang the song over out so called parents yells.

"Ohh sweet Y/N I'm sorry You have to hear the fight , it's fathers fault he's never here and mum tries and dies her best., I'm sorry,

Why don't we just stay like this

Ignoring all the voices


Just for you

I'll do anything for you~ "


"I'm going to do it all for you~

If I could only just stay one more day

But it's all for you~

Why don't we stay like this

Ignoring all the voices

Just for you

I'll do anything for yoooouuuu

Just for you I'll do anything

If only I could give you the world

To show you all my love we would need more

Why don't we stay like this" I sing

Bella just stares at me in shock before joining in

"I could give you a diamond ring

Cause I don't need anyone but you

All I need is you

Singing in the sun all day"

We sing together

"I'm going to do it all for you~

If I could only just stay one more day

But it's all for you~

Why don't we stay like this

Ignoring all the voices

Just for you

I'll do anything for yoooouuuu

Just for I'll do anything

If only I could give you the world

To show you all my love we would need more

Why don't we stay like this"

We sat looking at the finished house, I crawl onto her lap knowing I got some words wrong but I love Bella and she's here.

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