《Peacekeeper // Green Lantern》Chapter One: Space Pirate
"Are those tethers secure?" Gorshek said in interlac, the most widespread intergalactic language, over his ship's PA system.
"They're not going anywhere. Engines are busted anyway," Mellko answered.
Vell stood by the airlock, at the rear of a group of vicious space pirates, waiting for the opportunity to slaughter the traders on the other side of the door. They all wore mismatched pieces of armour, painted blood red. Vell was contained within a pressure suit, since the majority of her crew did not breathe oxygen like she did.
Gorshek's voice sounded once more. "Boarding party, get in there and kill everyone. The usual."
"You heard the Captain, let's kill these bastiches!!" Mellko screamed.
The entire chamber of cutthroats roared in agreement, Vell being one of them. She held her plasma rifle at the ready and made sure to stand back. She wasn't a coward, but she wasn't stupid either. The guys at the front were already dead; as soon as the bulkhead opened, they'd get turned to mush. Vell had seen enough action to know that.
As she expected, the airlock hissed, and split apart. In came a rain of laser fire, which instantly caught the fronts of the vanguards. The second row used their corpses as shields, pushing forward and firing back with blind fire.
Vell stepped to the side of the boarding tube, keeping a keen eye on the incoming fire as several of her compatriots did the same. As more and more pirates exited the tube, Vell slowly shuffled to the edge of the door, finally having the room to peek out with her rifle and shoot back.
There were already half a dozen friendly bodies lifeless on the ground, but only a few hostile guards dead. The pirates who managed to get to cover were pinned down by unrelenting fire...
Vell sighted a freighter guard and sent controlled volleys of plasma at his location; even if she didn't hit him, it would lay suppressive fire on him and take the pressure off of her allies.
The guard fully ducked behind the alloy crate he used as cover to hide from Vell's shots, allowing a pirate to make a mad dash forward to another position. He launched an attack from this location, splattering the guard's brains across the wall with a pinpoint shot.
As the chaos locked each hostile behind cover, Vell saw her chance. She bounded out of the boarding tube, sprinted past her fellow pirates and raised the butt of her rifle as she closed in on a guard. She slammed the weapon into his face with a crack, and repeated the action once more with a louder sound.
As he fell, Vell spun the gun back around and swept the immediate vicinity. She popped a handful of shots at the guards she managed to flank, ending them before they realised what had happened.
"Storage bay is clear!" She called.
Mellko answered promptly "Let's sweep the rest of the ship. Like Gorshek said, waste them all."
Like clockwork, the surviving pirates formed up and evenly split into two teams for the two corridors that ran from the storage bay of the freighter.
Vell followed a pirate through a narrow passage, wide enough only for them to walk single file. She was followed by another three of her comrades.
As the head pirate came passed a room on the right, his head violently combusted without warning, showering Vell's vacuum suit in purple blood and gore.
With a sharp gasp, Vell stumbled backwards, rifle raised and primed.
"Come on!! I'll kill you all!! You wanna steal from us!? This is what happens!" A crazed voice cackled.
Vell's eyes twitched. She wiped the brains off of her helmet with one hand, but kept her rifle pointed forward at the doorway. After her vision was clear, she pulled a pulse grenade from her belt and squeezed the arming key.
A chuckle from the pirate behind her filled the air as she gently rolled it into the room.
The voice from the room called "Oh shi--" before an intense bang drowned out all of the noise from the rest of the ship.
Metallic gore poured out into the hallway as Vell laughed in satisfaction. "One of you guys search that room."
"Yeah. Alright," a pirate replied, as Vell kept moving forward with the other one.
Before too long, Vell and her accompanying pirate came into the ship's bridge, which was filled with non-combatant traders. They all seemed to freeze when Vell walked inside.
She squeezed the trigger on her rifle and swept it through the crowd. Even though it was easy, Vell still found some kind of pleasure in it. They were greedy and rich businessmen who benefitted from slavery and desperation.
"Heh. That was fun," the pirate declared.
Vell leant against the ship's control panel as she said "You. New guy?"
"Yeah. You guys picked me up by Almerac."
"You're alive, which is good. Just don't get too comfortable. As soon as you do, you die," she said a little too casually.
He laughed, keeping watch on the other corridor. "Good advice."
"What do they call you?" Vell asked.
"Zoller. I think maybe--"
A sudden thud cut the pirate off, and caused a very strong jolt on the ship. Vell almost fell over, but used her rifle as a support. With that, Mellko came barrelling into the bridge. "What the hell was that?"
"No idea... Korshek, what happened?" Vell said into her helmet.
Nothing answered. Only the distinct sound of their ship's boarding tube detaching could be heard.
"Son of a bitch...he just dogged us," Zoller cursed.
Vell grimaced. She knew Korshek couldn't be trusted...but not much spooked him. Not much at all. This must be one hell of a situation...
Mellkor slammed a key on the wall, and the two doors to the bridge sealed, leaving the other men locked out.
Muffled gunfire came in sporadic bursts, followed by silence.
Vell stood poised with her plasma rifle set to max output. She shook a little, but she wasn't going to lay down and surrender anytime soon.
The door on the left came flying off of its fixture, and an intense green light flooded the bridge. Half-blinded, Vell squeezed the trigger.
As the light faded, Vell couldn't believe what she saw. It was some kind of lifeform...wearing a green and black uniform...glowing like some kind of god. It had peachy skin visible only on its face, no scales or carapace of any kind. On its head was a tuft of brown fur... Its eyes and some of its face were covered by a mask that matched the green of its uniform.
The energy fire bounced off of its form as it cracked a smug smile. "Nice try, but it's gonna take more than that," he said in interlac. His right hand ignited like a verdant sun, and a handful of intricate green components materialised out of thin air and assembled themselves within a split second.
The glowing device hummed, and the three weapons belonging to the three pirates instantly went spearing over to it. They slapped onto the device and promptly melted into slag.
"A G-Green Lantern...? No...you guys aren't real. You're just stories...s-stories to keep us in line," Zoller wheezed in disbelief.
The Green Lantern crossed his arms. "Sorry to disappoint, pal."
Without warning, Mellko threw himself at the Lantern out of desperation. A wall appeared in front of him, and her dove face first into it with a startling crack. Unconscious, Mellko collapsed in a heap.
"Is that real enough for you?" The Lantern quipped.
Zoller sighed and raised his hands in defeat.
Vell had no idea what to do now... This thing was infinitely powerful. And if the stories about Green Lanterns really were true, it could make anything it could imagine come to life. It was impossible to win.
"...Dammit," Vell said, raising her hands much like how Zoller did.
"Not like you had much of a choice. Your ride bailed," the Lantern said, with an amused look on its face. "I hope you guys like cells. 'Cause you're gonna be going away for a long, long time for this little stunt."
The planet Oa wasn't as busy as one would expect it to be. It was indeed the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, the largest intergalactic peacekeeping force in the universe, but its officers were spread amongst the stars most of the time. Sometimes they'd gather on Oa in their spare time to train, submit patrol reports and access the robust archives that the planet's network housed. A power ring possessed a large amount of these records, but the uncondensed versions could only be viewed on Oa.
Inside the archival hall were two Lanterns, among the most decorated of them. Lantern 2814, Hal Jordan of Earth, was submitting his latest pursuit report with the assistance of Lantern 674, Kilowog of Bolivax Vik.
"You gotta start gettin' more creative. Giant green hands and boxing gloves are a bit stupid, Jordan. What are you, an infant?" Kilowog grunted with disdain as he processed Hal's battle with a gang of space pirates.
Hal shook his head dismissively. "Hey, I made an electromagnet today. Finally remembered all the different parts and how the circuits work."
"Child's play. I was doodlin' electromagnets left and right when I was a little slugger."
"Human brain, Kilowog. I'm limited by biology."
"Kyle an' John do it pretty well. You're just a poozer."
"But people call me the greatest, not them, right?" Hal cracked with a grin.
Kilowog huffed in amusement as he tapped several commands on a holographic screen. "Yeah, yeah. You humans are so damn smug. Your report's gone through. Nice work out there."
The glowing from Hal's ring dimmed slightly as it disconnected from Oa's central network. "I couldn't save any of the merchants though. It was a damn massacre."
"It happens. You should know that by now. Just be glad you stopped at least some of the bastards."
"Doesn't get any easier," Hal replied with a weak smile.
Kilowog took several seconds to try to convince himself to be nice for once. "Look...I got some free cycles before the next piece of 'fresh meat' comes through for basic. The Guardians are doing the intro speech right now. Let's go a couple rounds. Brush up on that pathetic construct repertoire you got."
"Oh, you wanna go there?"
"I just did, poozer."
In the following minutes, Kilowog and Hal zoomed over to the Dome; one of the many sparring and training areas on Oa's surface. This one in particular was usually empty, so naturally it was Kilowog's favourite place.
The pair began slamming each other with energy constructs, using things that they learned to improve upon their mental library of objects. From Hal's ring sprung missiles, great swords, hammers, fists, flails and other simple but effective tools of destruction. Kilowog however willed Gauss cannons, rail guns, infinite-mass launchers and elaborate energy weapons into existence.
As they clashed like titans on a battlefield, the new recruit arrive from off-world, either standing in awe or in fright as they watched the sparring match.
Kilowog usually preferred to use his natural strength in battle, but he still kept his imagination sharp nonetheless.
By the end of the session, the recruit was affixed in their place as the two combatants hovered over. Hal kept his distance, but Kilowog had his job to do; break in the rookie.
"What the hell are you starin' at? You got a problem, poozer?" He growled.
The newbie stammered as the colossal alien reared up in their face. "N-No... No I don't."
Hal smirked as he remembered his first day. He was whizzed to this strange world by the power ring that chose him to be its next bearer due to his ability to overcome great fear; an essential trait of any Green Lantern. He was brought before the Guardians, the advanced lifeforms that forged the rings, and was ushered into a universe that he wasn't ready for. Then, Kilowog kicked the stuffing out of him for his so-called 'basic training'.
"Speak up, maggot! The Corps ain't got room for cowards!" Kilowog spat.
The rookie took a deep breath, and stepped forward "I don't even want to be here. I was rotting in a cell before this ring came and kidnapped me. Just...get it off and I'll leave."
Hal's brow furrowed when he heard the woman's voice. It was oddly familiar.
Kilowog shoved the woman with one hand, sending her stumbling back three metres. "You don't make the demands here, poozer. I do. Shut your trap and pay attention."
An intricate brace system materialised around the recruit's feet, locking her in place. Kilowog reeled backwards as an equally intricate missile put itself together. "That ring is one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. But its only as strong as the wielder's mind. Let's hope yours isn't mush."
He released the warhead, and it went barreling forward, sights set on the recruit. Hal laughed.
Before the missile impacted square in the recruit's face, a wall appeared before it, causing it to explode. The recruit was thrown backwards like a ragdoll, as Kilowog crossed his arms in disappointment.
Once the smoke cleared, he called "That ain't good enough rookie. You gotta think about the consequences. A wall isn't gonna save you from a high-explosive rocket."
A cog in Hal's mind finally clicked over, and he realised that the recruit was an acquaintance. He simply laud a hand onto Kilowog's chest before he moved forward. "Wait, Kilowog... She was the one. The one in my report. She killed those merchants."
Kilowog froze. Not doubting his friend's judgement, he brought up the video feed on holo, and carefully scrutinised the playback. "God. Damn. Murderer." He scowled.
"I'll take it from here," Hal growled.
Kilowog stared with uncertainty at the human GL. "Jordan, that ain't a good idea. You're too close to this."
Hal only responded with a glare, something that only rarely appeared on this facetious Lantern's face, and this made Kilowog rethink his position. "...Don't take it too far, Jordan. This is my rep on the line too."
Hal willed up a hand just in time, as a glowing spear lanced up behind Kilowog, catching the weapon before it landed. The recruit's focus fell onto him, and the spear faded into dust. "You... You locked me up!" She hissed.
"And you slaughtered a bunch of unarmed traders. Real tough guy." Hal retorted as he glided through the air. "You don't deserve that ring. An honourable Lantern lost his life, laying it down for the cause...and here you are. A pirate. Thieving and murdering your way through the universe. You're Bokarrian, right? I believe the word to describe you is 'elkosh'."
The woman's face warped in rage. From her power ring sprouted a jagged blade, which fit snugly in her hand. Despite being inexperienced, she launched herself straight at Hal, who hovered in place.
The human took one sharp breath, pulled his right hand back, and paused. Just as the recruit came into range, he pushed forward with all of his willpower, forgoing a construct entirely and releasing it as pure energy. The green blast blew the recruit into the Dome's wall with a thunderous crack.
Kilowog's yells were unheard to Hal, who went roaring at the woman with a gigantic sledgehammer floating beside him. He felt the rage and the helplessness that he felt when he saw those corpses on that ship. And this woman's face when she surrendered. She was almost smug.
When he got close, he didn't even look at her again. He slammed the hammer onto her once, twice, and then thrice. It was then that Kilowog managed to wrap his massive hands around him and throw him to the ground.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Kilowog roared with outrage. He zoomed over to the recruit as Hal propped up his head to look. Blood ran from her mouth...and her face was terribly bruised.
Hal pushed up, ready for more but Kilowog stood his ground in front of the newbie. "Don't get any closer, Jordan. You're under arrest."
"Harold Jordan of Earth, Green Lantern of Sector 2814, as punishment for your unlawful violence against a fellow officer of intergalactic law, you are hereby sentenced to a period of mandatory instructional service," spoke a Guardian. He and his cohorts hovered in a circular formation in their chamber. At ground level stood Hal Jordan, standing trail for his assault of a fellow Green Lantern.
"The violence is the least concerning. What is most, is that you succumbed to your brutish human emotions. Rage. Guilt. These are below the standards of a Lantern as decorated as yourself."
Hal shook his head. "So I'm meant to accept that a murderer just joined our ranks?"
"The Corps grants second chances to those deemed worthy. Some of these worthy few may have committed crimes in the past, but if they are capable, they shall rise above it. If not, they shall be discharged. You are familiar with the story of Sinestro. He was no murderer, Harold Jordan. Not until he became a Lantern himself. And when it became so, his ring was revoked and he was brought to justice by none other than yourself."
"Where would you be if Abin Sur's ring did not choose you? It gave you a chance to become something greater," Ganthet added. Of the many Guardians, Ganthet and Sayd were the few that Hal thought were sane. Unlike the rest, they were in touch with the Green Lanterns that served them, and made it their business to understand.
Hal understood what he was saying, but it seemed impossible to calm himself. His fists remained clenched and the image of those dead merchants burned hot in his mind. "What is my service?" He snapped a little too aggressively.
"First, you will be under close observation. Every seventh hour you will file a report of your activities that will be thoroughly examined. Second, any priority missions will be revoked from you. Any assignment handed over will be in further galaxies that do not encounter major disasters."
"You mean, you're reducing me to rookie rank again?" Hal interrupted in the heat of his disbelief. "Emptying cargo ships and registering citizens?... For how long?!"
"For as long as we deem it necessary," one of the other guardians replied loudly, and this was enough to jolt Hal back into place. "Lastly, you will be given two hundred cycles of mentorship. For you to pass your skills onto another."
Hal nodded, silently thinking to himself that this third punishment was tolerable compared to the others.
Ganthet, as if just to spite Hal, said "Your understudy shall be Lantern 921, Velleuxanertorrgelloknartu of Bekkor. The recruit you...tangled with. I believe it would be beneficial for you to understand each other's perspectives."
Hal's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. He was going to object, object very strongly, but someone did that for him. Somewhere in the back of the room footsteps cracked against the ground.
"You're going to put me with the creature that beat me half to death?!" The said recruit yelled in outrage.
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