《ArShi~Love To The End!!!》A New Beginning


Guest poured in Raizada Mansion all excited to see engagement of Arnav Singh Raizada on one side and other side showing off or flaunting their status. Amidst all stood Arnav Singh Raizada angry and confused, his heart fluttering towards unknown source. Why does he feel nothing is right? Why does he feel as if he is missing something or someone close to him? Why does he feel unfathomable pain? Why does he feel as if someone is calling out for him? Why? Why and why? But he doesn't have the answer to his why.

He looked around; his Di is very happy sharing a joke with her husband Shyam. Dadi (Subathra) is looking contented. He then looked towards his Nani she is sad, Akash and his wife is not happy too. NK the ever cheerful cousin sulking at the corner. Maami who always has been loud party is all silent, strange. Maama is looking all lost. Why they are not happy with my engagement. Are you happy Raizada asked his mind and heart and the answer he got is No, he is not happy, in fact he felt empty. He looked at his soon to be fiancé Sheethal Kapoor his classmate from Harvard. She is happy to get engaged to him, why will not she? She said she loved him. But why I'm unable to commit to her. Why I could not digest the fact that I've to marry her?

Anjali shaking his shoulder 'Chotte put the ring on her finger, Sheethalji is waiting' Arnav came out of his lost state and looked at the ring his Di holding towards him. He took the ring in his hand; it feels heavy like his heart is at the time.

He forwarded his hand to put the ring on her finger, Arnavji!!! As if floated through wind a soft voice caressed him. That voice.... why the voice feels so close to his heart, he heard the voice again calling out to him. He looked towards the source of the voice, the ring forgotten and had now slipped from his finger landing on the floor.

A petite girl came running towards him pushing everyone in her way. He little far away heard NK's excited voice 'Khushiji!!!'

Khushi, a confused Arnav looked at the girl before him. Khushi folding her hands looked at him, her beautiful face marred with tears 'please you have to come with me.'

Khushi 'I'll not ask anything from you just please come for once and save him. I cannot leave without him'

Arnav shocked looked at her, Dadi loudly 'yeh ladki yahan kya kar rahi ho'

Khushi still looked only at him 'Arnavji please I beg you for his life'

Anjali came towards her, clutching her arms 'I asked you to stay away from my brother, didn't I? why are you here? Go away from here, can't you see he is getting engaged'

Arnav saw the pain flashed in her eyes which twisted his insides. NK, Akash, Payal, Nani, Maami and Maama came running towards them, NK 'Di leave Khushiji, listen to what she wants to say'

Payal crying 'Di leave her'

Dadi 'this girl will not be here any minute, she has to leave'

Khushi turning Payal 'jiji I don't want anything, just want Arnavji's blood. Di he is dying there, doctor said they could not get blood anywhere from the blood bank and now my only hope is Arnavji. Please ask him to come with me and give blood to him. Jiji I'll die if anything happens to him' Khushi kneeled begging 'please help me'

Nani 'who is he Khushi bitiya?'


Khushi wailed 'my baby, my baby...I don't want to lose my baby...he is only one for whom I'm living. Please save him'

All gasped, Arnav was shocked looking at the interaction, all knew her but he does not have any memory of her. Why? But her eye's, the same eyes.

Dadi grabbed her arms and started dragging her out, Khushi 'Leave me I've to take Arnavji with me'

Anjali looking at the body guards 'what were you doing allowing this girl come inside the house?'

Body guard 'take her away and throw her out'

Arnav opened his mouth to refuse, but he could not get a word. Khushi pushed Dadi aside and took the revolver from the Body guard. It all happened in a brink, and all they knew is Anjali kept at gun point.

Khushi shouted enraged, her eyes red 'I'll kill her *looking at Arnav* samjhe aap. I'll kill your precious Di, if you will not come and save my baby'

Nani 'Khushi bitiya no'

Khushi 'nahiin hum kisi ki nahiin sunege, I'll go to any extent to save my baby even if to kill her' she looked straight at Arnav.

Khushi 'now move'

Arnav moved with her, he could have easily take the revolver from her hand and save his Di but something stopped him, one being her eyes and other he himself wanted to get away from this engagement.

They all tried to help Anjali but Khushi shot at air and warned not to do so, the next target can be anyone not the air.

Khushi clutching Anjali's neck and pointing the gun on her head dragged her out with Arnav beside her. Arnav taking the driver seat, Khushi with Anjali as her hostage sat on the back side.

Arnav 'where?'

Khushi 'City hospital'

Anjali shaking 'you are doing wrong, don't think police will leave you'

Khushi 'I don't care for anything other than my baby. And if you don't close your bitter mouth than I'll not hesitate to shoot you'

Arnav looked at Khushi from mirror, he drove to city hospital. And as per Khushi's direction went to the ward where her son is being operated. The doctor looked at her shocked seeing her with gun held a lady in hostage.

Khushi 'doctor he will give my baby blood'

Doctor 'we have to first check his blood group'

Khushi firmly 'his blood group will match'

Doctor 'how can you be sure?'

Khushi shouted 'because he is the father dammit' Arnav shocked rooted to the spot. Doctor 'but madam....'

Khushi pointing the gun towards him 'I said go and take his blood, his blood group will match because he and my son has same blood group o-'

Doctor nodding at her took shocked Arnav inside the theatre. Arnav looked at the bundle who would be around 2 year on whose tiny body those wires were attached. His heart started to race seeing the baby like when he saw the girl outside. What is the connection between him, the girl and the baby? Why they feel someone special to him and he had forgotten? What is kept hidden? And how could the baby be his son? He while giving the blood looked over at the sweet face, he need to get all his answers which he is searching from last three years.

Raizadas came running along with Shyam and Dadi. Khushi had let go of Anjali. Payal 'Khushi what did you say? Your baby?'

Khushi looked at the OT door 'yes my baby'

Nani 'your and Chotte's baby'

Khushi looked away. All got their answers, all were happy except the two Jha's and Dadi. Khushi exhausted slumped down the floor, the OT door got opened, Khushi got up to know about her son but Arnav came out after giving blood. Khushi dejected looked away and slumped down. Arnav looked at her face.


The door to OT opened again, Khushi got up rushed towards the doctor 'my baby...my baby how is he?' her voice choked in fears.

Doctor 'relax, he is fine.'

Khushi smiled through her tears 'my baby is fine...I...can I see him?'

Doctor 'yes once we shift him to his room'

Khushi 'thank you' Doctor patted her shoulder and went to her cabin.

In next five minutes she saw nurse and ward boy taking her baby in a stretcher towards a room. Khushi sobbed holding her baby's hand walking with them.

Raizada's looked at Khushi from outside the glass window, Khushi cried holding her baby's tiny hand 'I'm sorry....I'm so sorry' she touched him feverishly; his head bandaged soaked in his dried blood, his left arm is plastered. A sob erupted from her throat, she closed her mouth with her palms, kissing his face all over, and she kept looking at him.

Arnav broke the silence after what felt eternity 'who is she?'

All looked at each other, Anjali fuming 'she is no one you should know Chotte, come lets go to our home'

Arnav 'no Di I want to know everything'

Dadi 'Arnav listen to us and come home'

Shyam 'haan Sale Sahib'

Arnav shaking his head 'Nani please tell who is she? What is her relationship with me and that little boy'

Akash 'the girl over there was your wife bhai'

Payal 'and that little boy is your son'

Arnav looked as if thunderbolt hit him 'my wife'

NK 'yes Khushiji was your wife, the past which Di and Dadi wanted to hide from you'

Arnav staggered back 'why? I have a wife and...where was she all these years? Why did she not meet me?'

Akash sighing sadly 'how will she meet you bhai when Di and Dadi had mercilessly thrown her out of the house'

Arnav looked at Anjali and Dadi, Payal 'my sister didn't deserve any of the pain she endured and all because of your sister'

Akash 'Payal!!!'

Payal 'no Akash let me tell him the truth of his life, he needs to know what he has missed in his life'

Payal looked at shocked Arnav 'your Di and Dadi took the chance of your memory loss and hid everything about the past three years life of your's after your accident on that fateful day'

Arnav 'I...I...why?'

Payal narrated him from the time Khushi entered his life to the date of remarriage day with Khushi. Payal 'we all were waiting for you but your Dadi came alone and abused my Amma saying she was the women who destroyed your family, because of whom your mother committed suicide, because of whom she lost her son. But what was my Amma's fault, she never knew your dad was betraying her, she too was betrayed by him and believed him when he said he is single and loves her. She came to know his true face only when she saw him with your mother. She had broken her relationship with him. But your Dadi she abused her so much saying she is home wrecker and Khushi too is home wrecker who is trying to destroy your sister's life. She said you got to know the truth of my Amma and will not come to marry Khushi but Khushi believed you and your love, but you never came. Your sister trusted your Dadi's word and threw Khushi out of the altar along with my family who were begging to listen to their words. They even cut my all relation with my family. All forgot how my Amma was victim of your dad and Khushi was victim of your so called Jijaji'

She was crying profusely now, Akash clutched her shoulder consoling her, NK 'then we came to know about your car being met with accident on the way to the wedding altar, we all rushed to hospital.'

Payal 'and from other side I got call from my Amma that Khushi went missing, that was the last day we saw Khushi and after today we are seeing her now. My family too left for Lucknow leaving Delhi dejected to see one daughter went missing and another daughter relation has been wrecked with them'

Akash 'you always asked me bhai, what are you missing? Why you feel empty? Why you sense like you lost something so precious? That is all because Khushiji, she was not with you and you felt her loss in heart even though after your accident you lost your three years memory'

Maami 'and taking the advantage of your memory loss Anjali bitiya and your Dadiji hid about Khushi'

Nani shaking her head 'we all requested them to not do so but they had shut us up'

Maama 'poor girl has begged that day to not throw her out saying you will come for sure but no one listened her, then she itself gone missing'

NK 'we tried a lot to find her but could not'

Akash sighing 'all heights broke when Di tried to marry you to Sheethal, we don't know how to tell you the truth and stop everything'

Nani 'but DeviMaya had different plans' Anjali, Shyam and Dadi started sweating seeing everything out in open in front of Arnav.

Arnav on the other side listening to all this felt his head spinning, he clutched his head tight, NK ran towards him 'Nanav!!!' all got alert, Akash and NK caught hold of his limp form calling for doctor. Arnav got admitted in another room.

Doctor after checking him 'he is weak and adding to it because of stress and shock he fainted. We have given him glucose trip, he will be fine' and went away.

Khushi came running inside his room after knowing from NK about him fainting, Anjali felt enraged 'stop right there Khushi'

Khushi looked at her, Anjali 'what did you think with the help of baby you can come close to my brother'

Akash 'Di!!!'

Anjali 'stop it Akash, her mother trapped my dad, and she trapped my brother and tried to trap my husband'

Payal snapped at her 'you are still in the illusion'

Anjali 'I'm not in illusion, I'm very much in my sense' she turned towards Khushi 'what did you think? You will come and say that baby is my brother's and I'll let you be with him, I'll trust you. Girls like you can go to any extent. Who knows whose child is he? Whose sin you are trying to thrust on my brothers head? Who knows.....' she could not complete her sentence when she felt a thundering slap on her cheek.

Everyone gasped, Khushi looked at Anjali in anger 'dare you say another word against my baby and I'll forget you are the mother figure to the man I loved once. Don't you dare try to bad mouth my baby.'

Anjali shouted 'you...'

Khushi slapped her hard on another cheek 'what me? What did you think of me? That I'm like your husband who cheats his wife and will move on to from one girl to another for his needs. Or you thought I'm one of those bitches who will sleep with other man for money and fame. What did you think of me? Haan? How dare you point your finger on my baby's parenting? On my character? Listen it loud & clear Anjali Jha I loved only one man truly with my heart, body and soul to whom I gave my everything and that man is now lying in this bed unconscious, for whom my heart started beating, the man who is now my father's baby, Arnav Singh Raizada' she glared at Anjali and left the shocking Raizada's, Anjali, Dadi and Shyam. In all this no one noticed the tensed form of the man lying in the bed, with his fist closed firm and his eyes closed with unshed tears in the brim of coming out.

Arnav opened his eyes after few minutes, Anjali saw him getting his conscious not knowing he has got his sense from the time Khushi entered the room.

Anjali 'Chotte!!!'

Arnav 'leave me alone'

Anjali did not listen to his words 'how are you now?' she cupped his face. Arnav looked at her with pain evident in his eyes and face 'I said leave me alone'

Akash 'bhai!!!'

Arnav 'Akash please'

All left Arnav alone, he closed his eyes with Khushi's word ringing in his ears Listen it loud & clear Anjali Jha I loved only one man truly with my heart, body and soul to whom I gave my everything and that man is now lying in this bed unconscious, for whom my heart started beating, the man who is now my father's baby, Arnav Singh Raizada'

Nani cried 'what is going to happen now?'

Maami 'Sasuma don't worry everything will be fine, have faith in DeviMaya'

A nurse came outside from Arnav's room 'who is Akash Raizada here?'

Akash 'I'm'

Nurse 'patient is calling you inside'

Akash headed inside the room, Akash 'bhai'

Arnav opened his eyes 'Akash ask everyone to go home'

Akash 'but....'

Arnav 'did you not hear me? I said tell everyone to leave this place. I don't want anyone here'

Akash 'okay bhai'

Akash went outside and told everyone what Arnav said. Anjali 'but how can we leave him alone'

Akash 'Di please, just leave from here, he will get angry if he sees any of us'

Anjali 'but....'

Shyam 'Rani Sahiba chaliye ghar'

Dadi muttered 'don't know what more drama this girl will do'

Anjali looked at Dadi and went with other to RM. Akash, Payal and NK stayed behind.

Payal turned to Akash 'I'm going to meet Khushi and her baby'

NK 'yes me too'

Akash 'I'm coming too' the three left for the room where Khushi's son is admitted.

Arnav got up from his bed and went to the doctor's cabin,

Arnav 'Did you get the reports of DNA results'

Doctor 'Mr. Raizada since you wanted the report soon and said it is urgent we had done our part. The results have come.'

Arnav 'and what is the result?'

Doctor 'here this the report'

Arnav took the report in his hand and started reading it, his eyes became moist my son.

Doctor 'yes Amish is your son'

Arnav 'Amish' his throat choked 'Amish is my son'

He got up from the seat thanking Doctor, his eyes blurred 'he has a son and wife, and he never knew of them'

Arnav murmured with emotion running high 'My wife, my son'

He ran towards the room where his son is kept and his wife is with him. He reached the door when his feet halted listening to the voices.

Payal hugging Khushi 'Khushi where did you go? We searched you for everywhere. And Amma, babuji and buaji left for Lucknow for forever' Payal cried. Khushi parted her 'don't cry jiji, I'm fine'

NK 'but Khushiji where did you go?'

Khushi smiled at them sadly 'after he ditched me in wedding altar and his sister, dadi threw me out of the place I was all lost, don't know where to go. I did not want to go with amma, babuji and buaji, already gave so much worry for them and did not want to be more burden on them'

Payal 'Khushi!!!'

Khushi continued as if did not hear her anguish cry 'I had reached station when I came to sense, first thing I did is to buy ticket for any city other than Lucknow. So I got one for Mumbai.'

NK 'but we tried to search you there too, in the register too there was no name of yours'

Khushi 'I did not buy the ticket in my name instead I bought a ticket in my middle name Kumari G and I went away to Mumbai where his memory will not haunt me'

Akash 'but Khushji...' NK held his hand to stop him from speaking.

Khushi continued 'I sold the jewellery I was wearing, and got myself a room in women's hostel, for months I don't know what to do. I was all lost, the betrayal I could not take but then I got the news of my pregnancy which gave a hope in me about there is someone for whom I should live. I searched for job and what do I know other than cooking, so got job in one of the hotel, seeing my culinary skill the canteen manager supported me to learn a course for culinary management. And I did for my baby; I wanted to give my baby everything. It was most beautiful moment jiji when Amish was born, the moment I took him in my arms, I won the world jiji, I cannot express what I felt at that moment' she choked and held her baby's tiny finger, caressing it. Everyone became emotional.

Khushi 'it was not easy for me jiji but I had to go on for him, you know when the warden in hostel came to know I'm pregnant she asked me to leave the hostel saying she will not accept any unmarried pregnant woman in her hostel which will affect her reputation. No hostel was ready to give me room and some hostel fees were very high, I don't know what to do. But my canteen manager Singh uncle gave me a room for rent. He and his wife took care of me as their daughter. I could not thank them enough, if not for them I would have not known what to do, Mrs Singh used to take care of Amish when I had to go for work, she looked after him, my baby used to cry jiji whenever I had to leave the house for go to work, it was very painful but I managed it, it is for him. He has only me and I has only him, so for both I had to work for our living and his better future'

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