《ArShi~Love To The End!!!》Wife


Khushi opened her eyes slowly to blurred images of people surrounding her....she whispered 'Arnavji!!!!' and closed her eyes.....scrunching her face she opened her eyes slowly again....adjusting to the light she looked at the unknown faces in confusion.

Khushi "who are you all? Where is my husband?"

A Guy came near her "Paro!!!"

Khushi looked at him wide eye to see him trying to cup her face "don't touch me"

He bewildered took his hands away.....Khushi looked at everyone again "where am I? And where is my husband? Call him"

"Paro what are you talking? Have you gone mad? I'm your husband" said the guy near her.

Khushi shocked "you are mad? I'm not....I'm not any Paro.....I'm Khushi....and my husband is Arnav ji.....samjhe aap..."

She looked all of them "I'm Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada and I need to go to my husband at once....he will be worried for me..." she tried to get up but the guy restrained her.

"Chup....bilkul chup....what drama you are playing now? Rudra Pratap Ranawat is not a fool to be taken on ride" said Rudra.

Khushi "haw!!! how dare you shout at me? Who are you to me anyway? Look let me go to my Arnavji. You don't know what will be the consequences if he comes to know you all had....wait...did you people kidnap me....are you all too with that Shyam....Hey Devi Maya what is happening with me?"

All Ranawat family looked shocked at her behavior, more than shocked was Rudra.

In Delhi, Arnav "doctor how is she?"

Doc "she is fine and will come to conscious in few hours"

Arnav looked at her, Anjali came inside the room "Chotte you go and take some rest, I'll stay with her"

Arnav "but Di...."

Anjali "please chotte....look at yourself....Khushi will feel bad if she sees you like this"

Arnav nodded at her "I'll come back soon"

Anjali "accha baba"

Few hours later, Parvathi opened her eyes....Anjali cupped her face "thank God you are okay Khushi....wait let me call doctor"

Doctor came and checked her, giving her a green signal he left. Anjali "Chotte will be so happy. Only I know how much he suffered when you went missing....he became mad"

Paro "who are you?"

Anjali "huh? What?"

Paro "who are you? And where I'm?"

Anjali "Khushi what happened to you? Don't you remember me? Your Di, your Arnavji's sister"

Paro looked at her confused.....Anjali alarmed called the doctor....doctor came and checked her...he started asking question about her....Paro shocking the persons in the room "I'm Parvathi Rudra Pratap Ranawath"

Doctor "do you remember your place?"

Paro 'Birpur, Rajasthan'

Doctor looked at Anjali......sighing he asked Paro again "do you remember your family members....who are there in your family"

Paro "My husband Major Rudra Pratap Ranawath, My Bapusa Dilsher Ranawat, Kakusa Danveer Ranawath, Kakisa Mohini Ranawath, Jijasa Maithili, Sunehri, Sumer" and looked at the doctor.

Anjali shocked looked at her.....Arnav who had till then had returned from home had heard all the conversation....he stood immobile looking at Paro.....Anjali saw him, she dragged him inside 'chotte see na what Khushi is telling'

Arnav just looked at her.....Anjali looking at Paro "your name is Khushi...not any Paro and he is *pointing towards Arnav* your husband Arnav Singh Raizada"

Paro shaking her head "trust me I'm not Khushi....I'm Parvathi Rudra Pratap Ranawat"

Arnav jerked back, his eyes moist....his heart chanting she is not his Khushi....not his Khushi...


Anjali "Chotte sambaliye apne aapko"

Arnav looking at her with his vulenarable eyes "Di if she is not my Khushi....then where is my Khushi....My Khushi Di...."

Birpur, Ranawat Palace.....

Khushi "how many times I've to tell you all I'm not Paro....I'm Khushi.....Khushiiiiii"

Rudra "shut up....kya Khushi Khushi laga rakha hain tumne"

Khushi "haww then what should I tell you....I'm Khushi....samjhe aap....from two days I'm shouting at the top of my voice to let me go to my husband but no one is listening to me"

Rudra was going mad listening to the same words from her....Maithili came to them "let me handle her"

Rudra "pagal ho gayi hai yeh ladki" and left the room.

Khushi looked at Maithili in tears "please let me go to my Arnavji....he would be worried for me.......please let me go to him"

Dilsher "Paro...."

Khushi shouted at him "I'm not Paro...why don't you all believe me I'm not her.....I'm Khushi....Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada"

Dilsher "okay....okay....you are Khushi...."

Mohini "looks like she has hit her head somewhere"

Sumer "I too think so Maa"

Khushi "I'm saying truth.....I'm not your Paro....I'm Khushi....Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada.....My husband is top businessman in India....just let me go to him....he would be looking for me....he would be so much worried for me....you don't know how he gets scared when he don't find me....I'm missing from the home from past two weeks"

Danveer to Disher "I...I think she is saying the truth...."

Maithili "I'm thinking the same"

Dilsher "but Rudra don't believe it"

Maithili forwarding a plate full of food to Khushi "please have this....you have not eaten anything from two days"

Khushi "I don't want to....I want to go to my Arnavji"

Khushi came out of the Mall waiting for the driver to come with the car.......a hand came from behind her and kept a cloth on her nose.....Khushi struggled to take away the hand but the pressure was so strong and she blacked out.

When she opened her eyes after few hours she came to know she has been kidnapped and it is by Shyam Manohar Jha....she was horrified "you"

Shyam laughing "yes me....remember me...."

Khushi "where I'm?"

Shyam 'don't worry you are safe with me'

Khushi "safe? with you? Leave me.....where I'm? I need to go to my home....my husband and family would be worried for me"

Shyam clutching her wrist tight "you are going nowhere....what did you think Khushi? Sending me to jail and marrying that Arnav Singh Raizada you can get rid of me"

Khushi "leave me"

Shyam "why will I? *trying to touch her face who moved her face away* I love you Khushi"

Khushi "bakwas band karo apna....if you love me then you would not have tried to throw acid at me"

Shyam "oh o Khushi that was just I was angry on you to reject me.....okay....but what you did...you married Arnav Singh Raizada"

Khushi "because I love him and you are horrible man that is why I rejected you....let alone love I can't imagine liking you.....you don't know know what you are doing? Let me go....if Arnavji comes to know he will not leave you alive"

Shyam laughed "he will not be able to find us....we are not even in Delhi darlingggg......and in few months he will forget you and marry her....she will play her part well"


Khushi "her?"

Shyam "her is Lavanya Kashyap....whom your Arnavji rejected for you...." Khushi shocked looked at him.....Shyam "she is the one who helped me....she brought you to mall and escaped from the scene as per plan and gave my way to kidnap you"

Khushi "No!!!!"

Shyam "yes.....she will give her shoulder to your Arnavji to mourn over you and will win his heart with winning him too..." Khushi shakes her head tear pouring her eyes.....Shyam "Shhhh Khushi don't cry.....I'm here na....."

Shyam laughed harder at her state "now no one can stop me from making you mine" Khushi's breath hitched listening to his words.

He had left her in that dingy room alone, only coming to give her food which she refused to eat.....two days later she somehow escaped from his hold when someone else came inside the room to give her food.....she ran and ran not knowing where she was heading to....all she knew was she has to reach her Arnavji......when she tried to reach out for help she got to know she is in Rajasthan, in an unknown place.....she felt at loss....she don't know what to do.....she felt like slipping in the unknown crowd....everything different here....she could not relate to anything.....Shyam had again caught up with her from whom she ran away and all she knew before passing out after her a day of run is she is lost in some unknown place.....and opened her eyes only to be in a new environment among new people who were calling her Paro.

Delhi, RM,

Paro looked at Arnav from outside his room, he is looking at the large portrait of his and Khushi's wedding photo. His eyes moist....Paro gulped to see the love he has for his wife.....the same love how she wish to see in her husband's eye for her....

As her husband Rudra had promised he had fulfilled every vows he made to her....true to his words he did not become hers....all she came to know after her one month married life is that he is having relationship with another girl....Laila....the height was when that girl entered their home....Laila.....more than her husband the girl bruised her heart so much....the way she shows of her rights on Rudra and her taunts.....Paro could not take it and left the house in the middle of the night.....she don't know where she was going and ended up banging into someone....to her horror that man put something on her face and she blacked out....and when she opened her eyes she is in hospital in unknown place among unknown people.

Anjali looked at Paro and then at Arnav who is crying silently looking at Khushi and his wedding photo.....she put her hand on Paro's shoulder....Paro looked back at her "I..I'm sorry I did not intend to intrude....I was passing by here and saw him....I'm sorry....he is broken...."

Anjali nodding "come" she took her to living room......they could have left Paro in hospital itself but they had to take her with RM after listening to her sad story.....no one should have to endure so much in this young age.....even though Paro's presence aches Arnav's heart some more for Khushi if possible but he could not let the girl face hardship who resembles very much like his Khushi.

Anjali "you are not Khushi?"

Paro nodded her head....Arnav came forward striding like panther....his face cold "then where is my Khushi.....we had rescued you from Shyam clutches....is he planning against us....or you with him....where did he hid my Khushi?.....why are you doing this?.....what are you both planning?....tell me where is my Khushi?"

Paro got scared seeing his enraged form, she had only till now encountered her husband's anger but today she is subjected to another man's anger who is total stranger to her....and if look could kill he would have killed her she thought.

Paro shaking her head "I don't know what you asking.....I don't know any Shyam....Sachhi mein humari vishwas kijiye" she started telling them how she landed in such situation....running from home seems bad idea now.

Walking out of the room Anjali helped Arnav to sit on one of the chair outside the room who is very distraught with no leading to his Khushi....he had thought that he found Khushi when the Private investigator he hired got hold of Shyam who was trying to escape again with Khushi.....when she was bought in she was unconscious due to heavy dose of drugs used on her but only when she woke up he come to know she is mirage of his Khushi....she is not his Khushi but is just looking as his Khushi.....her way of talking, her behavior, his heart not beating as his usual dhak dhak from the time the alike Khushi was bought in cleared all his doubt...she is not his Khushi.....Khushi where are you?

Anjali and Paro almost jumped from their place listening to his shouting from upstairs "I don't care Aman, do anything but I want that bloody slim to open his mouth....I want results....I want to know where my Khushi is.....It has more than weeks she is been missing and kidnapped by him.....he should have known....any clue, any hint.....call the PI to search her from the place where the girl looked like Khushi is retrieved.....Khushi must be there somewhere....she should be....I don't care what he says....I want my Khushi....if he cannot than hire someone else better than him....or hire more PI but I want positive reply"

They both rushed towards Arnav's room hearing noise, coming to halt at the threshold of the room they both looked wide eye to see the whole room is destroyed, and in the middle of the room standing Arnav Singh Raizada, his face like dark wolf is ready to pounce on anyone if they dared to come near him. Anjali approached him slowly 'Chotte!!!!'

Arnav stiffened, she put her hand on his shoulder and came in front of him looking in his eyes with her soft understanding eyes that was his undoing, he hugged her and cried, a heart wrenching cry....all of them came running towards his room and stood rooted to their spot....Anjali "Chotte control yourself"

Arnav "How to Di? I can't anymore....please bring back my Khushi....I cannot live without her Di....you know na she is my everything, my life.....please bring Khushi back to me.....no one knows where she is? No one is able to find her"

Anjali cupping her face "Chotte, have faith in your love.....Khushi will be with you soon"

Akash coming forward "haan bhai....we are all with you and bring Khushi ji back'

Maami was consoling crying Payal who is worried for her sisters where about....Paro looked amazed at the love she is witnessing in this home for the girl Khushi who looks like her....she is stunned to see how much everyone love Khushi and how much they are distraught on her absence....her heart lurched thinking of her husband....will he be missing like Arnav is missing Khushi?.....she diverted her mind away from the forbidden area where she belongs to but she really don't belong to.

In Birpur, Maithili came to Khushi "baisa why don't you come out? You will feel good"

Khushi looked at her accusing eyes "why don't you understand I'll not feel good until I'll reach my husband"

Maithili cupping her face "baisa, don't worry we will help you"

Khushi stubbornly "how will you help me when that Rakshas is patrolling the house like bad wolf"

Maithili "we will think about something for sure, for now come out of this room. You have locked yourself inside this room from past five days"

Khushi "what should I do? That Rakshas always comes shouting Paro....Paro....how many times I should tell him I'm not his Paro"

Mailthili "it is al-right he will not disturb you. He has gone out somewhere"

Khushi jumped down the bed "really? Can I...Can I run away from here? Will you help me?"

Maithili looked at her alarmed; Dilsher came inside the room "don't even think about it? My son will find you....this is his area...."

Khushi on the verge of crying "then what should I do? How will I reach my home back to Delhi? I cannot live without my Arnav ji"

Dilsher patting her head "don't worry I'll do something"

Khushi "you will?"

Dilsher "yes you are like my Paro, she was like my daughter....I'll help you but you should behave normal...don't let anyone suspect you...specially my son."

Khushi beamed at him "thank you uncle"

Dilsher "nah no uncle....call me babusa...Paro used to call me babusa"

Khushi nodded her head, Maithili smiling "and she used to call me jijasa"

Khushi "okay babusa...jijasa"

Maithili patting her cheek "now come let's go downstairs" Khushi agreeing to her went down....she needs to know more about this family before she plans to escape from here.

Kakusa came to Dilsher "are you sure she is not our Paro"

Dilsher "I'm more than sure...did you notice her....her behavior, everything is different from Paro....the different language like those used in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Mumbai people.....our Paro is all reserved, shy, matured....but this girl is all mischief, stubborn, still like a child.....our Paro back answers Rudra but in a polite way but she is back answering him as if he is her enemy......Our Paro's eyes always held love for Rudra but this girl always looks at him with dislike....she cannot be Paro"

Kakusa "then where is our Paro?"

Dilsher sighing "I don't know where my bahu is....all because of my son....he is the reason she left the house..."

Dining table, all sat for lunch.....Khushi made face at Rudra who took his seat, he looked at her "Paro will you not serve me?"

Khushi grit his teeth "why will I? I'm not your wife"

Rudra fisted his hands "Chup!!!! One more word then you will regret opening your mouth"

Khushi fumed at him, all the others looked at the two with worried some and with joy some.....Maithili "baisa come with me" she took Khushi to kitchen and handed her a bowl of curry and asked her to take them to dining area.....Khushi nodded at her, Maithili taking another bowl containing sabji left the kitchen...she looked around, grinning widely, her eye sparkled at the idea.....she came out smiling softly.....filling the curry in a small cup she passed on to everyone....looking around at the others busy in having their lunch she patting her back inwardly mixed the chilli powder quickly she got from kitchen in Rudra's bowl and passed on to him innocently.....no one doubted her, almost the next minute Rudra spat the food coughing....Mohini "kya huwa Rudra bana"

Rudra glared at Khushi who is smirking at him, a girl almost same age as Rudra came running giving him water and patting his head.....Khushi looked wide eye at the scene in front of her....the way the girl is almost hovering over him....Khushi "who is the girl?"

Sumer smiling sweetly "did you not know her? She is Laila....Rudra's GF"

Khushi shouted "what?"

All looked at her horrified face, Khushi shrieked "she is his GF....but then you all said Paro is his wife....what an idiot is he? Having a beautiful girl as his wife he is having another girl in his life....that is indigestible..."

Mohini raising her eyes brows "how do you know Paro is beautiful?"

Khushi looked at her as if she has grown horns "of course she must beautiful....then pointing herself I'm beautiful....if she looks like me then she must be.....I know my Arnav ji 'always says I'm an Angel"

Khushi looking at Rudra 'I know it, you are bad boy....that is why Paro left you....no girl will love to be with you....if I was in her place I would killed your this GF first *looking at Laila who is looking at her in anger* and then you..."

All looked at her open mouth, Rudra shouted "shut up...stay in your limit"

Khushi making face at him "I sympathizes with Paro to get a husband like you" she marched away from there....Rudra tried to catch her when Laila hold his hand....he looked at her irritatingly "I said to you to not interfere in my life anymore than why are you here"

Laila "I will not go from here" glaring at him she left for her room she is forcefully staying....Rudra sighed annoyingly then looked at his father who gave him disapproving look.

Khushi looked at Sumer who is playing with his phone....she shouted calling him "hey you"

Sumer looked at her taken aback "what? Did she just call me like that?"

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