《The Underworld ✓》🔥 XLIV 🔥
"The flames from a fire and either be calm or angry but never between"
Arabella's fire eyes look proudly into the light as every single memory return to her brain. Happiness takes over her and this time there are no tricks to her happiness, she can feel that she is happy without the use of fake memories or happiness. The love she feels for Lucifer and the friendships that she has reacted with Luna and Thalia and even Poseidon. The family that is true in her heart, her two brothers who she can't wait to see again. It all comes back to her, flashes right before her eyes as she looks into the light.
The light is so white and bright, yet her eyes don't hurt from it. In fact she feels comfortable and she feels like she is herself once again. Before she knew that there was something wrong but could not quite understand or know what it was, now she does. The fire Queen is herself once more and stronger than ever. No matter what is thrown at her, she will always find away to rebound and get up again and fight back. Fight the evil that tried to take her out and the evil that tried to kill her but failed.
Her body has not yet awakened but her soul is and the red stone in her necklace glowing brightly. Neither Luna nor the woman have noticed how the stone shines and glows like there is no tomorrow. Through her sadness, Thalia has not seen it as her eyes are blurry with tears that continue to leak down her face and softly fall down to the red floor of the room. It remains unknown to all that the Queen has survived the darkness that threatened to take her life forever and it remains unknown to them that she is stronger than ever before.
She smiles to herself as she begins to walk further into the white bright light. Though she does feel happiness she cannot deny that there is still pain in her memories. And some are memories that she does not want to remember like the time that she found human bones or died. Even though she does not want to remember those bad things and the painful things, it is necessary for her to remember as every memories, bad or good alike are who she is and create her as a person and as a Queen as well as a lover.
She cannot be who she is meant to be without the bad and the good. Each steps that Arabella takes something happens. Her fire eyes moving, flames appearing in her eyes. The clothes she wears, a white dress from the bottom up is set on fire and a new one comes in its stead. The fire dress has taken over and the flames are raging. The dress is however different from last time, the fire at the bottom of her dress has turned blue, dark as well as blue. The dress does hug her body yet the fire never harming her as she is fire in the flesh.
Her bare feet never changing yet like always the cold doesn't touch her at all. The necklace with the stone on her neck like it belongs there, yet the crown that should be on top of her head no where in sight. Her eyes stare forward as she continues to walk there, she may not know where she is going but she knows that she has to go there, she can feel it deep inside of her. That she's being compelled to go there yet she goes there on her own will.
"You look beautiful" A male voice speaks from behind her, the voice soft yet touch at the same time. She stops right in her tracks and turns around. A man stands not that far from her. Her wears a white suit that should blend with all the white around them but it has not. His hair is the palest shade of blonde and almost white like. His eyes snow white in color. She studies the man in front of her and gives him a confused look. "Who are you?" She asks him quietly. Hearing her own voice after so long is strange to her.
Her voice now feels complete somehow like it was missing something before, then again she was missing a part of herself which could be the cause for that. "I assume neither one of my sons have talked to you about me, yet the parents aren't the best subject on the list for them" The man speaks. She furrows her eyebrows in pure confusion as she doesn't know this man. She has her memories back but has never seen this man before and he talks to her as if they've known each other for a long time.
"My dear, Arabella, do not be afraid but I am the father of Lucifer as well as Poseidon and Luna and my other two sons who I know you don't tend to like at the moment" He says but his words only make her more confused at than she was before and she doesn't understand any of this. "You are their father, you are correct they've never spoken to me about you" She says. Arabella doesn't know what to say to this man in front of her who is the father of her love and her best friend... and Poseidon though she doesn't know what she and him are right now.
"But I don't understand why you are here" She then says before he has another chance to speak again. "That, my dear is to help you find your way back to them. Without you the world will fall and my children will fall alongside it. No parent wishes their children harm, even though my children are creatures that balance the world" He says and laughs at his joke. Arabella lets out a little giggle. It is true, Lucifer and Poseidon and luna are something that she doesn't even know.
She is not even sure of what she, herself is. "Can you tell me where I am?" She asks him. The fire eyed girl is rather confused of where she is, everything around the two of them is white and before that she was in a world where she believed everything that was happening was the reality but as it turns out, that is not. She has her memories and the memories of the real world, where she belongs and should be. "You've not left your body, this place is a safe place inside your own head" The man tells her.
The more she studies him, the more she begins to see that this man is anything but a man. His skin is too pale to be of a human and his eyes are so white that it doesn't look human to her at all. Then again she has eyes that are fire colored with actual fire shapes in them so who is she to judge. "My head, I do not understand" Arabella says. His words don't make much sense to this girl and perhaps that is because she is rather new to the whole world with magic and creators that only exists in stories and legends.
"Arabella, when your brothers entered the Underworld, it weakened you and it continued to do so the more they were around you. Until your magic was unable to keep you safe even when it fought back but eventually it had to give in and the darkness and the evil overtook you" He says. She can't remember feeling weak or anything like that, however she does remember something. "The old woman, is she the evil you're talking about?" She asks him and he nods his head. All of this is so clear yet so confusing to her.
"The evil forced you to forget everything and shaped like they wanted to so it would be easier to bring you down. And everything you witnessed was only something they created yet you believed it to be real and maybe it was and maybe it wasn't, that is for you to decide if you want to return to a world where the pain can neither touch you nor be near you or if you face the evil and help keep the world thriving for without you, it shall all fall" He says, giving her a choice.
She thinking about this for a second yet inside of her she had already made the choice a long time ago and she was not about to choice the other thing, even if it would insure her future to be filled with happiness and safety. She cannot deny that she has fallen in love with the wicked king of the Underworld and she has made friends with an evil girl that is only misunderstood and she has even befriended another King and their relationship is filled with flirting. She can't turn her back on them and she can't turn her back on her own brothers.
"I see you've made your choice, now. All it is you have to do to get back is take my hand and I will lead you back into your body where the darkness and the evil is waiting for you" He tells her and puts his hand out for her to take. She doesn't think for second because she just takes his hand and together they walk in the direction that she was always heading, yet never knew that the only way to get back is if she were with him. "What am I going to be met with other than the evil old woman?" She asks him.
Arabella doesn't know how long has passed since she has been there, for all she knows years have passed and everything that she knew has changed and that alone does frighten her. She fears that Lucifer's wife has taken the throne, her throne and rules her kingdom alongside her love and she fears that Luna has been sent to that prison once more and Poseidon... well he doesn't change. But most of all she fears that her brother have lost their way and don't know how to live their lives, she only wants them to find the same happiness that she has.
"That, my dear, I cannot tell you as I cannot tell you what your future holds. The only thing I can say is that it will be hard and there will be pain coming your way, but never forget that pain is the way of life, without it there is no life to live" He tells her. It might not have been the answer she herself was looking for yet it does help her and it does make her feel at ease, even when she's frightened of what she is about to face.
"I know you have too many questions and I must tell you that I can't be the one to answer them, you will have to experience it all and see for yourself. Your kindness will shine, never lose your kindness. Now, it is time for me to go and you to go back to your body and defeat what threatens to end your life as well as the lives of all you know. Be safe and tell my children that their father still watches over them and keeps them safe" He speaks.
Unlocking their hands he slowly begins to disappear right before her very eyes. Arabella doesn't even get the chance to say goodbye to him or ask him what it is she must do now to get back. He told her that he would help her find her way but she's still there. When he is gone, Arabella looks around herself, everything around her is still white. However when she looks down at her fire dress, the smile is quick to form on her face but she closes her eyes and thinks about all the people that have touched her heart.
Her brothers, Grayson and Jaxon, Luna and Poseidon, Thalia, and Lucifer. The man that she has fallen in love with. She can see them all in her mind and she can see their happiness, she sees it yet it is almost as if she can feel it inside of her, feel their energy source run through her and it only puts a smile on her face. She can hear their voices in her head and she can picture them in her mind. Arabella can see it all with her closed eyes and soon she begins to feel herself begin to feel everything.
Feel the evil around her body and feel her physical body, and it feels better than the one she had in her mind. She can feel Luna eagerly all around her body and how strong her the energy of her magical properties truly is. But most of all, she can feel her body once more. She can feel her fingers and toes, she can feel her heart beating in her chest and she can feel everything. The feelings inside of her threaten to overwhelm her but she doesn't allow it to do so. Now she feels her body and her thoughts are in her mind, she feels danger coming her way and the evil is still trying to make her fall but she won't fall, not without a fight.
Arabella's eyes flutter open and for a moment everything was white on her vision but it started to fade away and soon a room that she has come quite familiar with is what she's met with, yet that is not all that awaits her. When her eyes open and see everything what is happening, she sits up to see that Luna and the old woman that tricked her before and is the evil are battling.
Each throwing magic ball at each other or other magic things that she can't even begin to name since she has never seen this before. Neither of them have noticed her as they battle each other. Their magic is fighting to see who wins and from where Arabella sits she would not be able to tell who win. She hurries to get out of the bed and slowly walk over there. She is not wearing the see-through white dress that she always wears to bed. She's wearing the same red dress that she was stabbed in and the same dress that formed when her flame one had gone out.
"That's enough!" She calls out and both Luna and the old woman stop right in their tracks, while one looks in horror at the fifteen years old girl, one cannot hide the smile that has formed on her face. Luna runs over to the girl and is quick to embrace her in a hug, pulling her closer to her body. "Never scare me like that again or I will end you for real" Luna whispers to her and earns a nod from the girl and a hint of a giggle.
The two break their hug when they hear that the woman growls like an animal. Luna gives her a confused look. "You were kind to me before and now you plan on killing me, why?" She asks kindly. One would question her decision of not striking the woman down, yet the kindness that is in her heart is nothing like they've ever seen before and it may confuse others, but to her she cannot harm another one without a reason, like she did with Lucifer's brothers when she burned them to protect Luna, her friend.
The woman raises her knife and runs to attack Arabella, her own daughter. She lets out a gasp as she moves her hands to protect her face as an instinct and the only thing she could do in such a short time. The knife moves closer to her and just as it was to strike her hands and dig itself into her flesh, the woman moves her hand with every force that she has in her body, hoping that it will end the girl once and for all and finally gets her revenge after fifteen long years that she has had to wait.
Time seems to move so quickly for everyone. At first Arabella was protecting herself with her hands, and not having enough time to move out or do anything then the old woman is on the ground and Arabella is safe and sound. It confuses her. Yet, when the knife had come to her and when it came in contact with her flesh, a force field was pushed out of her body and threw the woman on the ground. The knife shattering like it were nothing but glass. Arabella's magic had protected her and her eyes begin to glow and the fire shapes in her irises begin to move around like the flames from a raging fire.
"I offered you a chance to explain your absurd behavior, yet you dare attack me. I am the Queen of Hell and Hellfire is mine to command. You may be evil and have magic properties yet you do not deserve them and for the rest of eternity you shall suffer under the harsh rule of mine" Arabella says, her voice had gone darker as her true power is showing itself within her. The old woman with terror in her eyes and she cowers in fear of the girl.
Luna watches her friend with a proud smile on her face. The floor beneath their feet begins to crack open and chains made out of pure steel are thrown around and come up from the ground under. Down where the cracks are is something horrible and something that no one knows. Looking down it is endless darkness. "My name is Arabella, Queen of the Underworld and I banish you to the deepest depths of Hell where you shall suffer for the rest of eternity" Arabella speaks, her voice so dark that it sends chills down Luna's spine.
The chains wrap themselves around the old woman, her limps and her body and begin to drag her down into the darkness below where she shall meet her fate once and for all. Yet all the woman does is let out a dark chuckle. Her hand shoots up and she twists her wrists. A magical sphere shoots out of her hand and into Arabella's direction where it hits her in the leg. As the woman is being dragged with, The ground closes up as it were never there to begin with, the woman gone from the world and she will suffer for her crimes. Arabella falls to the ground with a scream escaping past her lips as the pain shoots up and down her body in waves.
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