"The biggest change is upstairs. 'cause now everybody's allowed to go up to the second floor." Levy was telling the newly returned Team Natsu.
"Yo." Elfman greeted from the balcony.
"Oh, wow." Lucy gasped in awe.
"Master actually lets more of us go on S-class quests, but only if an S-class wizard agrees to go along." she explained before Makarov stepped forward.
"Well, I'm glad you dunderheads made it back safely. "
"Master." Erza greeted before their eyes caught on to something peculiar behind him. Before they could say anything, Makarov spoke again,
"I'd like you to meet Fairy Tail's newest member, Juvia." The former Element 4 member stood with a whole new look that included shorter hair. "Isn't she a cutie?"
"It's a pleasure to work with you!" She smiled.
"So you actually made it in, huh?" Gray chuckled being more open after all the water mage's help during the Tower of Heaven.
It seemed Erza was on the same page, "Thanks so much for helping us in Akane."
"This is all thanks to you! Juvia will do her very best!"
"Hey girl!" Lucy greeted before Juvia threatened her about fighting over Gray, "That won't be necessary." Lucy waved her hand in surrender.
"We've also added another new member to the guild." Makarov announced, "Someone you might recognize."
"I wonder who it is." Happy remarked before they turned around to see a sight they certainly didn't expect. There sitting at a table was none other than Gajeel. And floating next to him on a cloud taking a nap, was none other than Dealana who had since lost the bandages and wore once again her loose cream colored shirt and black shorts. Cana had also bought a new jacket that looked just like the one got ruined in the Battle with Phantom, for her.
"Ah!" Lucy screamed.
"What? Him?" Gray questioned with wide eyes, I mean, what the heck was Dealana doing taking a nap over there anyways? "Are you kiddin' me?"
"Gajeel!" Both Natsu and Gray said in unison.
"Why'd you let him in here, gramps?" Gray demanded to know before Juvia rushed forward with an explanation.
"Wait! Juvia brought him here!" she said hoping to prevent a fight. It was Erza who spoke next, meanwhile, Dealana had woken up with incoherent muttering before opening one eye, her blue one, and taking in the scene before her. The corners of her lips twitched upwards before she rolled onto her stomach to get a better view.
"I don't mind Juvia, but he's the one responsible for destroying our guild hall." she said with a glare directed at the iron dragon slayer, who scoffed and turned his face away.
"Now now, remember what I've taught you. Yesterday's enemy can be today's friend, right?" Makarov reminded them.
Levy spoke up from where she was crouched behind a table, "Yeah. If I'm okay with him here, then you should be too." she said rather unconvincingly with her position. Natsu wasn't having it. He marched over and slammed an angry fist on the table Gajeel was at.
"There ain't no way!" he shouted, causing Dealana to sigh, "I can't work with somebody I can't trust."
"What's the big deal?" Gajeel asked him, "It's not like I wanna be your buddy."
"Man, that's cold," Natsu exclaimed, before Gajeel stood up to be taller than Natsu.
"The only reason I'm here is to get work. I hate this stupid guild and everyone in it, but times are tough, so I had no choice but to join." he explained, and at this Dealana scoffed with a smirk.
"Shut up, loser! Dealana, what are you even doing by this creep!?" Natsu asked.
"I forgave him." she shrugged.
"What! How could you forgive him so easily!?" Natsu yelled at her. Dealana sighed and pretended to wipe spit from her face to passive agressively tell Natsu to shut up and replied.
"To forgive someone, the offender would have to have apologized. In case you didn't realize, someone like Gajeel doesn't give out apologies very often." she explained while Gajeel scoffed, "Plus, no one else hangs around him so I can nap without being disturbed. Double win for me."
"Gajeel is always alone, so Juvia couldn't turn her back on him!" Juvia was trying to explain to Gray, "Oh...! I don't like him or anything, though!" she quickly told the ice mage. Gray was more focused Dealana who appeared to have no beef with the guy who beat her up and pinned her to a tree.
"I know you kids don't like it, but as the master of this guild, it's my duty to help those who've gone astray find the right path. Give him a shot. You might find he's a nice guy." Makarov told them, "At least I hope so." he added under his breath.
"While I may not agree with you, I will respect your decision, but I'll warn you," Erza said before looking over at Gajeel "I'm going to be keeping a very close eye on him."
"Fine." Makarov agreed, "Though Dealana already made amends...in her own way." It was then that both Erza and Gray's eyes caught onto a small, but healing bruise under Gajeel's left eye that Natsu seemed to have missed. Coincidentally, one of Dealana's hands had a wrap over her knuckles. The two mages smirked a bit. But as Natsu and Gajeel began growling and butting heads, Dealana's peace was ruined and she floated over tables to be eye-level with Erza.
"I'm glad you guys are back. I heard about what happened, you had me worried." she spoke to both Erza and Gray, "I'm also glad that I can float on clouds as high as I want now inside the guild hall." It had to be her favorite part about the new rules regarding the second floor. Before, she wasn't able to be level with it–she tried convincing Makarov–but now, she was able to avoid all the future brawling that would no doubt happen.
"It's good to be back, Dealana." Erza smiled softly before picking up her wrapped hand, "You got a good hit on him, right?"
"Oh, yeah. We're cool now." Dealana smirked before Gray ruffled her hair a bit before the lights went out and the stage curtains opened to reveal none other than Mira on the stage. Dealana's face lit up and sat up on the cloud as they all listened to her sing. Dealana burst out laughing after they all cheered when the white-haired beauty finished, after all Gajeel was next.
It wasn't long before Natsu made a comment and Gajeel reacted. They began fighting in the new guild hall and Happy looked on worriedly until he noticed Dealana relaxed on her cloud with her eyes closed. She was sleeping! Pretty soon, Happy realized she had earplugs made from her cloud to block out the chaos and he kind of wanted a pair too.
Before he could paw her awake, Dealana awoke on her own and out of instinct, grabbed Happy, and moved the cloud higher into the air.
"Dealana! What?" Happy was quickly shushed as Dealana whispered harshly.
"There's a dark shift in the atmosphere." she uttered and not a second later, Erza's strawberry cake fell to the floor. Everything went to chaos.
Dealana and Happy watched from high above with popcorn that Happy bravely risked his life for by briefly entering the fray. The sky-blunette took note of the petrified Lucy and glanced at Happy, who she'd begun to grow more fond of. They shared a look and Happy shook his head vigorously while Dealana nodded. Against the blue cat's silent pleas, Lucy was suddenly lifted into the air and freaked out until she noticed it was a cloud. Dealana manipulated the cloud over to where she and Happy were before the two joined into one large platform for them to view the destruction of their brand new guild hall.
"So, Dealana," Happy began just as Natsu was slammed in the face with a table, "How did you end up forgiving Gajeel?" the blue cat asked. Dealana looked over at him with a blank look before a small grin formed on her face.
"Well, it went like this." She started.
"Do we really have to let him join?" Dealana asked for probably the hundredth time. Master Makarov was beginning to question why exactly he brought the storm dragon slayer along with him.
He sighed, "I wouldn't be right to turn our back on someone in need."
"Maybe for you." Dealana retorted crossing her arms.
She uncrossed her arms and sped up so she could walk backwards, "I'm being serious here! Are you sure this is a good idea? I know you're the guild master and all, but I'm a little concerned."
"I'm sure. It'll be alright, besides, he doesn't have to join. It's only an offer." Makarov told her.
"I'm going to beat him up for what he did though." Dealana decided.
"Dealana." He said in warning.
Dealana fell back into step beside the old man."Alright fine, just one good punch to the face."
"What am I going to do with you?"
"Hope for the best?" She shrugged.
"Hmm." He hummed in thought, though he couldn't help be proud of her smart ass remark. Meanwhile, Dealana wondered if Makarov knew what Laxus said. She wasn't bothered too much by it anymore. Whatever shred of hope for mending their relationship was gone now. But she couldn't help but wish it didn't have to be that way.
When they'd reached the scrap yard Dealana listened to Makarov do his thing before he turned to leave Gajeel alone. Dealana, on the other hand leapt up the rubble pile and stood before the iron dragon slayer who took in her angry appearance and remembered Natsu's words from before.
"You got lucky when you attacked Dealana. The next time you face her, you'll face the wrath of her storm, especially now that she's back in action with her magic."
Gajeel gulped and Makarov turned his head slightly so he could glance back to watch. "Dealana," Makarov called, "You are still forbidden from using your magic." he reminded her.
"Don't need it." was Dealana's reply. Makarov watched with the face of a proud guild master as Dealana socked Gajeel in the face with her bare fist. The iron dragon slayer flew back and Dealana was left at the stop of the rubble with reddened knuckles, a triumphant half smile on her face. As Gajeel recovered quickly holding a hand to where she'd punched him, Dealana made her way down the pile of scrap material and rejoined Makarov turning around to face Gajeel before she left.
"I say this makes us even." she said before examining her stinging knuckles, "Darn, maybe I should've waited until I could use magic to punch him, ah well." she sighed.
"That's a solid punch you got. I'm almost sorry I couldn't fight you instead of Salamander." Gajeel spoke up.
"Huh? I'm pretty sure I heard a 'sorry' in there somewhere." Dealana cracked a smile as Gajeel scoffed and turned to look away, "A sorry is a sorry, even if it's almost. I think we'll be okay from here on out." Dealana turned to walked beside Gramps, "Think on it." she told him in reference to Makarov's offer.
At the end of her story, Lucy and Happy looked at Dealana's wrapped fist with unreadable expressions. Lucy was inwardly terrified and Happy was wondering how much damage a non-magical punch like that could do to Natsu if the pyro ever ate Happy's fish again.
"Dealana this is your punishment for being reckless not only during the battle with Phantom, but also with your magic control!" Erza shouted whilst chasing the girl around the boutique.
"I refuse!"
From outside, Lucy stood with Mira and Elfman watching as the whole building shook. Mira and Elfman smiled while the busty blonde was growing increasingly nervous about what was happening inside.
"Are you sure they're okay?" she asked for the nth time. "What are they even doing in there?" Mira only smiled.
"Oh, yeah. They're okay. As punishment for Dealana using magic during the fight with Phantom before she was healed, Erza's taking her clothes shopping." she explained.
"I don't get it, how is shopping for clothes a punishment?"
"Dealana doesn't like shopping." Elfman supplied before they heard a scream, a crash, then silence for a few moments before the door opened and a somewhat beat up Erza emerged with a smug grin.
"Oh my gosh! Erza! Are you okay!?" Lucy shrieked.
"Yes, I'm fine. I got Dealana's outfit all set. It took a bit of...convincing, but it'll be worth it." Erza replied.
"A little!?" Lucy repeated before a true sight to behold stepped into view. There, in the doorway, was Dealana wearing her normal accessory of Lisanna's bracelet and lack of accessory with no shoes. But that wasn't the big thing. She was wearing the most adorable pastel yellow dress. Lucy stared in awe while Elfman almost had to wipe away manly tears at seeing Dealana look so...cute! (A/N: I envision the dress to be a pastel yellow and white version of Erza's gothic lolita dress only without shoes or socks and instead, some leggings that reach just shy of Dealana's knees, but I suck at describing the dress so...)
"A lolita style, very nice choice, Erza!" Mira clapped her hands together while Dealana grumbled incoherently under her breath.
"Yeah, yeah. Take a picture, it'll last longer." Dealana snapped at them. Her hair had been styled up in a braided bun with a few flower accessories woven in. On her wrists there were also thick metal bracelets that could transition magically into new gauntlets like she had before. Erza had to get her something that the girl would enjoy while Dealana endured having to wear the cutesy outfit for a change.
"Dealana, you look so cu–" Lucy began.
"Don't say it!" Dealana huffed clenching her fists at her side, her face was already red with embarrassment and the whole action made her only more adorable to the spectators. Dealana turned with a glare to Erza, "How long do I have to suffer in this monstrosity?"
Erza chuckled, "I figured you could wear it until the end of the Fantasia parade. Sound fair?" she asked with the slight underlying threat in her voice. The two had a stare down before Dealana huffed in annoyance and turned to walk away muttering about places the Magic Council would never look for a body.
"Wow! I didn't realize how much she hated shopping." Lucy realized taking a peek inside the now wrecked store.
"You should've seen her when Erza tried to get her to wear shoes." Mira commented.
"Are we going to have Reedus–" Elfman began to ask about the artist painting Dealana
"Definitely going in the archives." Erza cut him off with a firm nod and smile on her face.
This may have been one of my favorite chapters to write. Three little filler sections that express Dealana's last moments of humor and fun-in-games before we hop into the long awaited–for me anyways– Battle of Fairy Tail Arc! Gah! I'm so excited and nervous and scared and happy and all the feels! What did you think of this chapter? Do you think Dealana forgave Gajeel too quickly? Or maybe is she using his tough personality to potentially fill in the hole Laxus left behind? Theories? General comments? I want to hear y'als' thoughts!
In the few filler-like episodes before the Oracion Seis Arc, the reporter, Jason arrives and asks the members a few questions. For Dealana, I really didn't know what to ask for her, so I figured, why not let everyone else ask questions for Dealana? Think of it as a little character Q&A, give me some questions and they'll be asked–courtesy of Jason from Sorcerer Weekly– and Dealana will answer them! Fun, right?
Also, I had another idea. Dangerous, right? But anyways, it's not absolute. What would your opinion be on a companion book for Little Fury that follows what Laxus is up to in the months before Tenrou? It would include a few new characters and some shenanigans and they have to stop a dark guild's threat before they activate a stolen magical weapon or something.
- In Serial8 Chapters
A Drop of Water & Blood
When an accident threatens seventeen year old Shay's life, he catches the eye of ancient vampire Jonathan. Something about Shay compels Jonathan to save his life, turning him into a half-vampire in the process. His dreams of going to college and becoming a journalist have been shattered, in its place is a fight for survival. Vampire hunters will stop at nothing to rid the world of creatures of the night. And darker beasts prowl, seeking to take London for themselves. But there's still one person from Shay's old life that wants to rescue him. Rosheen, his best friend. Convinced that Shay is enslaved by a vampire, Rosheen makes it her life's mission to track Jonathan down and kill him. With the help of Van Helsing's forbidden techniques, she will learn to master the mystic arts and exact her revenge. Torn between his loyalty to Jonathan, the vampire who saved his life, and Rosheen, his lifelong friend, Shay will soon be forced to choose a side. But when the line separating good and evil becomes harder to distinguish, how can he ever know which choice is right? [Posting one/two chapters every weekend]
8 82 - In Serial18 Chapters
Player Glitch *paused*
Quod Venetus or QV for short, the greatest virtual reality game ever created and funnily enough also the name of the company. With a realism of 99% you can really start a new life in a land of swords and magic, and with its unique point shop system that can buy you anything if you have gathered enough points it's won many game mechanic awards.Just imagine if one player had advantage over this system. What a disaster that would be!??(Will write chapters of varying lengths)
8 113 - In Serial27 Chapters
Star Wars (Redone) - The Phantom Menace
Obi-Wan Kenobi has just turned 16 years old and this anniversary marks his appointment as a padawan of the highly respected Jedi Order. He is now under the care of Qui-Gon Jinn, a supervisor, who will become his only family for the three years of his field assessment. If the young man is able to demonstrate his worth, he can expect to become a Jedi himself, a mystical knight who uses the divine « Force », the stream of consciousness that connects all life in the universe. Their purpose? To protect peace and justice in the Galactic Republic. However, his first mission will bring him before a situation that no padawan should face: genocide. A complete rewriting of « Star Wars: The Phantom Menace », which keeps the storyline of the original movie while hardening its atmosphere.26/70, NOVEL. HIATUS.
8 187 - In Serial39 Chapters
The Ultimate Yōkai Guide
This guide contains information about yōkai from Japanese folklore along with examples from various media.
8 202 - In Serial8 Chapters
the show must go on | neil perry
in which anastasia fitzgerald becomes the first girl to ever attend hell-ton academy and changes everything.( undergoing editing as of 10/4/2022)
8 156 - In Serial74 Chapters
Little short stories, full of emotions, and the things that are still not solved today. Every chapter is a new story. There might be a story of a mouse and a horse. An article about freedom. A love story in between. Read to find out, what stories come out.________________Cover made by me_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I reserve the right to these small short stories, their plots, their inspiration, the words and the characters, any form of copying is illegal.
8 398