《Moments | Spideychelle Oneshots Collection》The One With Ned's Girlfriend (pt. 2)


"So? You guys good now?" Ned asked after Peter entered their room. He threw his bag on his bed and plopped down, burying his head in his hands. "Are you okay?" Ned put a hand on his shoulder. Peter thought he needed some time to think, alone.

"Actually, I.."

"You.. what?"

"I don't feel so good. I.. need some air." He went for the door and left, leaving Ned dumbfounded.

Peter left their dorm building and headed for the quad. He sat on the bench and contemplated. He didn't know what to do. He had to tell Ned, he had to. If he doesn't tell him, Michelle will, no doubt about that. Or will she?

Meanwhile at MJ's room, she was still pacing back and forth. A few seconds later, her roommate Stacy entered.

"Hey. What's wrong?" She dropped all of her things on the floor and grabbed a hold of Michelle's shoulders. "You look like you're about to faint. My god, are you okay?!"

"No, actually. I'm not."

"Why? What happened?"

"You know Ned, right?"

"Your boyfriend? Pfft yeah, of course I do! Why? Did he break up with you or something? Did he cheat on you? Oh I swear to god if he did..."

"Stacy, no. It's... it's much worse."

"'Much worse' how, exactly?"

"Do you know his roommate, Peter?"

"I've heard of him, yeah. Why?"

"I.. I kissed him."

Peter gazed towards all the other unproblematic and carefree students hanging out in the quad. He didn't know what to do. He wants to tell Ned so badly, but he was too afraid of how he would react. And then his mind drifted back to MJ. How the kiss felt so right. How the idea of them as a couple made sense. How he loved her dearly. He would have to tell Ned all of this too, but he didn't know how or where to even begin! And then a faint image of Michelle appeared in his mind. Her smile, her laugh, her personality, her. He loved her so much. It's crazy how you can fall in love with someone so deeply in such a short amount of time. But he knew he couldn't have her. He wanted all the happiness for his best friend, no matter how much it pained him to let her go. His heart clenched at the thought.


"WHAT?! You kissed your boyfriend's best friend?!" Stacy whisper-shouted. Michelle silently nodded and pressed her lips. "This is literally how the typical love triangle drama starts in movies." She pointed out. "Michelle, how could you?!"

"I didn't mean for it to happen! He went in, and I let him. He kissed me, and I kissed back."

"But why?!"

"I.. I don't know. But all I know is that.. it felt.. amazing." Stacy shook her head at this.

"'Amazing'?! How could you say such a thing, Michelle??! You basically cheated on your boyfriend! With his roommate, may I add!"

"But Stacy... That kiss.. it felt right." Stacy heaved a sigh.

"Whatever you say. But you have got to tell this to Ned! He deserves the truth!"

"I will! But just let me... take all of this in. Please. I promise I'll tell him." She lied, to both her roommate and herself.

"Alright. But if you don't, I will."

It was the next day. Michelle decided to go back to the library to distract herself from everything, and so did Peter. They bumped into each other at a random aisle and it felt awkward. MJ tucked a strand of her curly brown hair on her ear, a nervous tick she has ever since she was little.

"Hey." Peter put his hands in his pockets.

"Hi." Her small voice said. "I wanted to talk to you about... yesterday."

"Yeah, okay."

"I think it's best if we just shut our mouths and pretended the whole thing had never happened." Peter's eyes widened at this. He thought she was going to tell him that they should confront Ned together. But clearly, she didn't have plans of telling him at all.

"But.. Michelle.." She bit her lip. She knew he would think the opposite, but it was worth the shot.

"He deserves the truth. I know." She put her head down. "I just.. thought it'd be best if he didn't know, is all. It would give us less to worry about, you know?" Peter considered this and for some reason, he agreed. They decided to not tell Ned at all.

After their encounter, Michelle returned to her room with a huge grin on her face. She enjoyed being with Peter even if it was just for a moment. Her heart flutters when she's with him. That's when it hit her, she's falling in love with him. Hell, she probably is already in love with him. An image of Ned appeared in her head. She couldn't take it anymore, it gave her a headache. She loved her boyfriend dearly, but she loved Peter so much more. She cursed at herself, what am I going to do now?!


A few days passed by and both Peter and Michelle still hadn't gotten over everything that had happened between them. She decided to pay Ned a visit because they haven't hung out for a while and he might think that she was cheating on him or something along the lines of that. But really, she wanted to see Peter. She hadn't seen him for a while either. Maybe he's keeping distance, she thought. Or maybe he moved on. With the latter in mind, she felt something pinch her heart.

She opened the door to Peter and Ned's dorm room and was greeted by Ned and Stacy. Ned gave her an unpleasant look. Stacy stood up.

"I thought you told him already!" She whispered to her. MJ realized Stacy brought it up accidentally. She closed the door slowly.

"I can't even look at you right now." Ned tells Michelle.

"I can explain.. I--" The door swung open and Peter appeared. He can tell by the looks on their faces that the secret was out. Ned had a disgusted look on his face.

"I have to go." He said, standing up from the bed and headed towards the door, which Peter blocked.

"Dude, listen. Please, just sit down. We can explain." He put his hand on his shoulder.

"Get off!" He didn't mean to shout. Michelle put a hand on his back to calm him down.

"Ned, please." She said. He sighed and went back where he originally sat. Peter and Michelle sat down on the ground in front of him. She held Ned's hand. "Ned, we were just talking. One thing led to another, and then we ended up kissing. We don't know how it ended up that way but, it did. And we're so sorry about it."

"Yeah, man. We're-- I'm sorry about it." MJ looked at him, confused.

"Why?" asked Ned.

"Because I was the one who leaned in. I initiated the kiss. She had no intention of kissing me."

"Yeah, but I kissed back." She didn't want Peter taking full blame on this. It was both of their faults. If anyone was to blame it was them.

"But Peter, why did you kiss her?" asked Stacy. All eyes were on him. He took a moment to answer and inhaled deeply.

"Because I.. I think I'm.. falling in love with her." He looked down on the ground, carefully avoiding eye contact with any of them.

"You're.. falling in love with me?" MJ asked in disbelief.

"Well.. yeah." And he left it there. He figured to keep his mouth closed for the rest of the conversation. He didn't want to make things much worse. There were so many things that ran through Ned's mind.

"Michelle," He brushed her hand with his. "What did you feel after the kiss?"

"Well.. I.. I..." She was afraid of telling him the truth. She didn't want to hurt him. She loved him so much.

"It's okay. Whatever you say right now won't hurt me. I just want you to say the truth." He caressed her cheek.

"I.. I think I started falling in love with him too." Peter's head slowly rose up and he looked at her with hopeful eyes. She gave him a small smile and he grinned back. Ned looked at the two and something clicked in his mind. They look perfect together, he thought. And that's when it hit him. Michelle loves him, he knows that. But he realized that she loves Peter even more, and he respected that. There was only one thing left to do.

"Michelle, I'm breaking up with you."

"Wait, what? Why?" Stacy asked. Ned turned towards Peter and MJ.

"The two of you look perfect together, and I know you guys love each other so much. And I want the both of you to be happy. And this is the only way to do it." He put Michelle's hand that he was holding in Peter's. He looked at her the way he did when he first saw her. He was reliving it all again, only this time, there were no boundaries between them. He cupped her cheek and leaned in. A few moments later, their lips met and to them, it felt beautiful. Like they had everything they wanted and needed, right here.

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