《My Immortals(A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED》Chapter 26
Ugh. Pain... Inside.
I sat up and gingerly stretched, which hurt like hell. I looked down and saw my chest and the base of my neck was glowing with purple. I noticed the purple streaked my stomach as well. I also noticed Harry's arms around me and I smiled. I pressed deeper into his embrace and I felt him nuzzle his face into my hair. I giggled and rolled over to face him. He smiled down at me and I smiled back. He gently pecked my lips and the electricity flowed through me, only it didn't hurt, it was just warm and flowy. What did hurt was the purple slightly spreading. Harry frowned as he looked at the purple.
"I don't think we're dealing with a normal illness."
"I'm fine." I climbed out of bed and waved to him before I left the room so I could do my normal crap.
I walked out of my room, dressed in a long sleeve turtle neck and jeans. Harry took my hand and we walked down to breakfast. We shoved the door open and there was a chorus of cheers. What?
"We knew you guys would get back together!" Zayn handed Louis a ten dollar bill as Eleanor told us.
I laughed and we say down beside each other. Harry took my hand in his as we ate and smiled at me. We stood up and put our dishes in the sink and tidied the kitchen up.
"Love doves, hold up, we have to go shopping at the supermarket!" Louis exclaimed. I laughed and Harry groaned.
"Harold, do you want food?" Louis asked him, putting his hands on his hips and cocking his head to examine Harry.
Harry laughed,"Sheesh, I'll go, mum!"
We all laughed as the others cleaned their dishes.
We paraded out to the cars and all got in. Niall was still at Greg's hotel.
Harry and I rode alone together.
I turned to find him glance at me as he drove.
"Yeah... I just wish I knew what was wrong with me!"
Harry gently caressed my cheek and I looked into his eyes.
"Don't worry, Gwen, we'll figure it out. We're in this together. I love you."
I felt my eyes water and I really wanted to kiss Harry. "I love you, too."
Harry squeezed my hand and pulled into the lot. I calmed myself and we got out of the car. He took my hand and we walked into the market to meet everyone else. We were handed our list and we went to hunt down the items.
"Harry Styles?" Someone called. Harry glanced in their direction and I heard several girls scream and run up to him. They shoved me out of the way and crowded around him. They were screaming and flirting as they snapped his picture. I had fallen on my butt when they shoved me and I stood up. I stomped back over to Harry and tried to get back to his side.
"Ew. Who are you?"
Ew? Really? Okay, I'm pissed."I'm Harry's girlfriend, bitch."
She slapped me,"As if Harry would date a whore like you!"
Aw, hells naw! She shoved me back and I saw Harry try to break through the throng of girls without hurting them to get to my side.
This girl had just crossed the line. She shoved me again, but instead of stepping back, I pulled my arm up and punched her in the face. Serves the bitch right. I shook out my hand as she screamed and jumped at me, but I let my instincts guide me. I side stepped her, spun around, kicked her in the back, kicked out her knees and shoved her to the ground. I pulled her head back by her hair and held her arm behind her back. The adrenaline rush I experienced began to wear off as the girl shrieked beneath me. I slowly climbed off her, but hauled her up with her arm bent awkwardly behind her back.
"You stupid bitch!" She sobbed and I jerked her arm upward. If she so much as moved an inch the wrong way, she'd pop it out of socket.
"I want you to apologize to me and to leave with your friends."
"Harry! Help me!" She screeched. Harry trudged over and gave me an apologetic look before he carefully took the girl from me. She winced and I realized that his hand must have been overheated.
"I'm sorry you got hit-"
"It's okay, Harry! It's not your fault! That bitch thought she was your girlfriend!"
The girl winced again and I realized that his hand must've heated even more as he grasped her wrist.
"But she was just defending herself against you. You shoved her, hit her, and verbally assaulted her. Please apologize to my girlfriend."
"What? As if that tramp's your girlfriend!"
Oh God, this isn't going very well. Harry's eyes flickered a bit as he released the girl's wrist and came over to me. He gently took my hand and we quickly walked away, leaving the shocked girls behind us. We walked for a while in the shop before Harry pulled us into a deserted isle.
"Gwen, are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a bit pissed."
Harry chuckled,"I know. I'm really sorry about that. They were a few fans. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Can I go to the toilets so I can fix myself up?"
Harry laughed,"Sure, I'll be right here when you get back. The toilets are over there." He pointed to the bathrooms just a few isles over. I nodded and squeezed his hand before I dropped it and went to the toilets. I shoved the main door open just as a toilet flushed. The stall door creaked open and a girl with black hair, a leather trench coat, black leather boots, and black makeup strode out. I immediately got this bad feeling.
She smirked at me and walked up to the sinks. I slowly walked up beside her so I could look in the mirror, but she grasped my wrist and I looked up at her in shock as her hand seated my flesh.
"Not so fast, Gwendolyn."
"Who are you and what do you want?" I snarled as I tried to yank my arm away.
"Oh, silly little Gwendolyn thinks I'm gonna give her answers. Look, I'm here on a delivery."
"For what?"
"A message. To you. We have your mum."
"Lies! She was dead!"
"She bled, sure, but we knew we'd need her, so we've kept her as a blood slave. You hand yourself over and we'll free her."
"What? Why?"
"Darling, you're the blood rose. Think about it or there won't be any deal. You have until tonight to make your decision."
"My mum is dead. You don't have her!"
"Oh, we have her. And might I say, she tastes delicious."
I was so seriously pissed off with this lady. She bit my mum. She drank my mum's blood! I punched the mirror, desperately in need of something sharp.
"Well that wasn't very smart of you, Gwendolyn." She tsked as my hand bled over the glass on the counter.
"Oh, on the contrary, I think it was very smart!" I picked up a blood soaked piece of glass and it cut into my hand, but I didn't care. This sadistic vampire was gonna die!
I launched myself at her and slammed the piece of glass into her chest, just missing her heart. She shrieked and shoved me off of her.
"Hey! Ever heard of 'Don't shoot the messenger!'?"
"I have, but if the messenger happens to feed off my mum, I become Al Capone and I want them dead! I want their family dead! And I want their house burnt to the freaking ground!" I scream as I catch her by surprise and throw myself at her again and tackle her to the ground. I was seriously burning the crap outa myself with how hot her skin was. I heard the door bust open and Harry rushed in behind me.
"You! Will! Die!" I yelled at her as I repetitively slammed the piece of glass into her chest. She drank from my mum. She's trying to lure me away. She could kill me if I gave her the chance. Finally, Harry pulled me off of her before he ripped her head off and she crumbled to dust.
On the plus side, I didn't get any blood on my clothes this time, I only have severe burn marks all over me and multiple cuts.
"Gwen, are you okay?"
I nodded, staring down at my blood covered hands. Harry pulled me over to the sink and turned on the water. He gently put my hands under it and I winced in pain as I watched the water turn pink.
I felt Harry's fingers on my hands and began to feel little, sharp pains in my hands. I looked down and watched as he carefully pulled slivers of glass from my hands.
"Hang in there, Gwen, we're almost done..." He murmured as he continued to pull glass out of my hands.
"Oh gosh... Gwen, you have a piece of glass far down in your hand, it's so far down that it's poking against the skin on the other side."
"Pull it out."
"Gwen, are you sure?"
I nodded and Harry looked at me with a compassionate expression. He covered my mouth with his arm as he grasped my hand with his hand. He pressed his other elbow gently into my stomach to keep my still and positioned his hand above the shard.
"On three..." he paused and I drew in a breath.
"Three!" He exclaimed suddenly as he inhumanly fast pulled out the glass. I noticed he was also careful, but it still hurt like hell. I screamed into his arm and felt the tears stream down my face. I heard the glass shatter on the floor as Harry pulled me into his arms. I held my bleeding hand away and heard it drip as it hit the ground. I could feel that Harry had stopped breathing and I realized how hard it must be for him right now. For him to smell my blood and have to resist the urge to attack me.
"Harry? Go ahead."
"Don't fight the urge. Drink from me."
He pulled away from me in shock.
"Gwen, you're hurt. I couldn't...."
"Just, please?"
"Well... It could give you that high, which will get you out of the pain..."
I nodded and he sighed.
"Alright. But I'm sorry."
"Don't be." he pulled me up against his chest.
I tilted my head to the side, opening the main veins and he gently pressed his lips to my skin. I felt the warm feeling of the electricity tingling through me and the throbbing purple was spreading through me as he took in my scent. To keep the pain off my mind, I stared into his eyes as they flicker from green to gold and back before they settle on his vampire eyes. I watch his eyes as he presses his fangs into my neck and I groan. The purple throbs through my body as electricity still flows through me. I pressed into his chest as he continued to drink my blood. I was losing strength and the throbbing was beginning to get really bad. The electricity was becoming stronger and I felt my hear beginning to stand up. Harry pulled his teeth out of my neck and held me up against him.
"Gwen, you need vampire blood."
"No, no! That's okay!" I seriously felt like barfing and the idea of drinking blood just made it worse. But on the plus side, I felt really happy. I felt like if I did hydropump, rainbows would come out.
"Gwen." Harry said my name sternly, like my father used to when I was in trouble.
Harry bit his wrist and pressed it to my mouth, but I turned my head away.
"Gwen..." He grabbed my chin and turned it to his wrist. But I kept my mouth closed. No way in hell was I gonna drink his blood.
"Gwen, please? You need to get better."
I had to stifle a laugh as he gave me a serious look.
"Gwen, come on... Don't make me sing for you..."
Sing? What does he mean?
"You're insecure, dunno what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the door." He began to sing. I laughed, Harry was singing for me in a bathroom! That was what he was looking for. With a slight smile, he pressed his wrist against my open mouth and tilted my head back. I felt the blood dripping onto my tongue and burning me as it slipped down my throat.
When he pulled his wrist away, my insides hurt as if someone had set fire to them. But I giggled when he smiled at me.
"Harry! It hurts!" I complained as the flames spread. He kissed my head and my chest throbbed as lightning tingled inside.
"Would you like me to sing to you again?"
I smiled and nodded.
"Don't need makeup, to cover up, being the way that you are is enough. Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but you." I giggled as he sang to me, a smile had spread across his face. He had his lovely green eyes back as he stared at me and I was mesmerized. Slowly, with each word he sang, the pain drifted away and the immense happiness was back.
I stood up fully on my own and went back to the sink. Harry turned the water on and continued washing my arms, where the blood had run. He yanked up my sleeve further, to keep them dry, but he quickly stopped when he looked at the purple streaks.
I laughed at his expression as he stared at my arms.
He pulled out his phone and called a few people while I giggled.
"Harry! I'm gonna look like a Smurf! Only I'm gonna be purple!"
Harry looked at me with a worried expression as he continued to talk inhumanly fast with the person on the other side. When he finally put the phone in his pocket, the door flew open and three people came in. I saw Louis, Niall, and Eleanor.
"I'll fix her." Niall said with a smile as he walked over to me and I laughed as the others stated at me. Louis whispered something to Eleanor, who laughed.
"So Gwen acts high when we feed?"
I nod and giggle as Niall stretches his hand out. Electricity courses through me when his hand connects with my chest. I jolted, but didn't break contact as the pain spread through me and my chest throbbed. I felt the happiness fading but the pain spreading before Niall pulled his hand away.
"Oh my gosh! Gwen, your hands!" I looked down and saw the purple had spread.
"What do you mean? Her hands look fine..." Eleanor exclaimed and Louis nodded in agreement.
"Except you have blood under your nails..." Louis commented and Eleanor elbowed him.
The door swung open as four more people came in.
"Welcome to the party!" I exclaimed.
Perrie, Zayn, Liam, and Dani had all come in and I was beginning to feel crowded.
"Gwen, are you okay?" Dani asked as she hugged me.
I nodded and she smiled.
"Lets all get out of here and get home. You guys can explain on the way." Liam announced and we all left the supermarket after paying. They all thronged around me as we walked to the cars, forming a human shield.
"Niall, why don't you ride with us?" Harry suggested and Niall nodded. Once we were all in our cars and on the road and had explained everything to everyone with the exception of the electricity, the purple crap, and my mum, Niall drove as Harry examined the purple.
"When did this start?" He asked me as he stared at the purple lines tracing down my skin like veins.
"The first time Niall and I, uh, kissed... But Niall didn't do anything!"
"I know that Niall would never have done anything to hurt you." He replied, smiling at Niall.
"And when does it spread? Are there any patterns so far?"
"Whenever Niall and I kissed, I would feel sharp electricity and the purple would slowly spread. And just a few minutes ago, when Niall put his hand over my heart to help with my emotions, it spread... It's gotten more sensitive. Whenever there's any intimacy, like kissing, especially from you, Harry, it goes haywire and spreads. There's also electricity, but it's warm and not unbearable. Like when you bit me, I could feel the purple throbbing as it spread and the electricity coursing through me."
"Why do you think the others couldn't see it?" Niall asked from the front seat.
"I dunno..." Harry trailed off.
"Until we know what's going on, we can only act as friends. The closest we can be for now is handholding. I only mean physically. But Gwen, I'm so sorry this is happening." Harry whispered, and I nodded.
"Gwen, I'm reading your emotions, and I'm getting the feeling of forgetfulness. Think carefully, did you forget anything?" Niall said suddenly.
I thought through it. Crazy lady attacking me for no apparent reason... Bleeding... Harry feeding... Purple spreading... Oh yeah, my mum... Oh my gosh! My mum!
"You just remembered and it sent you into an emotional panic... Gwen, what did you forget?"
I stated silent and Harry gently pulled my chin so I would look at him.
"You can tell us..." He whispered.
"They have my mum."
Silence. No joke, silence fell across the car as Harry stared at me.
"They want me to hand myself over and they say they'll set her free. Which they probably won't and it's just a rouse, but Harry, what if I could save my mum?"
"Gwen. You aren't going there. At least, not without a plan. We can't lose you. I can't lose you."
I smiled, but I needed my mum. I wanted her to be safe.
"So, we need a plan..."
"Right. So here's how this is gonna go..."
When we got home, I got out of the car. I knew they'd be spying, just waiting for me to crumble. I felt really self conscious and tried to cover my face but I wasn't paying attention and I slammed into Harry, who stumbled forward and stepped in mud.
"Gosh, Gwen! Watch where you're going!" He snarled at me, his eyes flickering and I gasped.
"I'm sorry, H-Harry!" I squeaked, his eyes still flickering.
"You'd better be."
"Who spoilt your blood?" I muttered under my breath. Gosh, talk about Harry being all stressed and moody. If anything, I should be acting like that, not the other way around.
"What'd you say?" He snarled at me, his eyes full vampire as he grabbed my arm and I winced.
"Damn it! Harry, calm down! Come on, she didn't mean to!" Niall exclaimed, putting his hand on Harry's shoulder and leading him away. I walked up the path alone behind them and the door slammed behind us.
"Guys, they have Gwen's mum! Or so they say..." Niall announced to everyone as we put the groceries down and walked into the commons room.
"Oh, Gwen! I'm so sorry!" Eleanor exclaimed as she vampire sped up to me and hugged me.
"Yeah, Gwen's brilliant plan of rescue was parading in there and just stabbing everyone!" Harry said sarcastically and he sneered at me.
"Harry! What's wrong with you? Seriously, she's your girlfriend!"
Harry just scoffed as we say down.
"Let's see if they set an attack. They won't kill her if they know how much you want her. They'll dangle her in front of you as bait." Liam suggested and I stared at him. He wants to risk my mum dying?
"Liam, they could kill her!" I screeched.
"Gwen, calm down. Just breathe."
"How can I breathe when my mum is gone? Do you even remember what it's like to have a mum?!"
They all stared at me. It had been a low blow, I know, but I just couldn't take it. I was so stressed out about this that I felt like I'd spontaneously combust any second.
"Gwen, just calm-"
"NO!" I screamed, finally cracking.IT'S ALL YOUR GUYS' FAULTS! YOU BROUGHT ATTENTION TO ME! AND NOW MY FAMILY'S DEAD!" I collapsed to the ground sobbing and I pulled my knees to my chest.
"My family is dead. My friends are dead. What's the point? All because there are freaking vampires in the world. Without you beasts, I'd be okay. I'd be normal. I hate you. I hate all of you!" I sobbed quietly as I pressed my face into my knees.
"Gwen. You don't mean it." Dani whispered.
"Are you stupid? I hate you."
I heard sniffling and realized some of them were crying. Serves them right. They hurt me so much. It was their fault. All their fault. I saw a pair of shoes appear in front of me and looked up to see vampire Harry.
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