《My Immortals(A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED》Chapter 25
And cue the beautiful morning music as I sat up and stretched. Now add in my bed head and my cruddy pajamas and you have the perfect image! I yawned and jumped out of bed, ready for the day! The sun was shining, birds chirping, and-Oh my gosh! What is the god awful pain?! I clutched my chest and hunched over before I collapsed to the floor. I tore the clothing away from where my heart is and there was a faint glowing of purple coming off my skin. Omg, I'm becoming Hulk's sister! Oh god. I pulled the fabric back in place before I went to shower and go through my morning routine.
Instead of quickly getting ready, it took me forever because my chest ached so bad. I stumbled out the door when I was at last ready, and then my body took over, and instead of going to the kitchen, it slumped down in front of Harry's door and the pain seemed to ease up just a bit. I could hear ragged breathing inside, but nothing more.
I finally got up and went to the kitchen, the pain slowly increasing. I shoved the door open and walked in on everyone except Harry, Taylor, and Niall, having an intense conversation. When they heard the door creaking open upon my entry, the talking abruptly seized as they all looked at me.
"Hey." I said awkwardly. Eleanor smiled at me and handed me a plate as she dragged me over to the table. I sat down and began to eat. The conversation never did pick up, but Taylor soon came in.
"My flight is today, for me to go back to America..." She announced and I frowned.
"Gwen, I have to. I've already stayed longer than intended."
I sighed as I took another bite of food and gulped down my milk.
The door creaked again as Niall walked in and I smiled. He came over to me and pecked my cheek but I was shocked just like last night, and the electricity seemed to emanate from my heart, which throbbed with each pulse. Niall gave me an apologetic look before he took a seat beside me. He tentatively took my hand and I felt the electricity flowing through my fingertips, almost too uncomfortable, but not unbearable. Everyone stated at our hands before I smiled.
"We're together!" I announced and Taylor gave me a knowing smile while the others shared looks. Niall smiled at me and gently squeezed my hand. We continued to eat as the pain in my heart felt as if it worsened a bit. I finished and stood, releasing Niall's hand so I could go take care of my dishes. I scrubbed them and laid them in the sink before I pecked Niall on the cheek, shocking us both again, and I retreated to my room. The pain lessened a bit as I went upstairs and walked down the hall towards my room.
I was sitting on my couch, sketching, when there was a knock and Niall came in.
"Hey!" I greeted him with a smile.
He sat down beside me and I set my sketch book down.
"I just got off the telephone with Greg, he's flying out here and would like it if I could room with him at his hotel tonight then show him the way here."
Greg is Niall's brother. Oh God, what if he meets me and doesn't like me? Oh God...
"I think you should stay with him, have some bro time!" I replied with a smile and Niall threw his head back laughing, which made me smile.
"Alright. You'll be okay?"
Awwww, he cares about me!"Yeah, absolutely! Don't worry about me!"
He smiled and leaned closer to me. He was suggesting without words that we kiss, but he was worried that I would get shocked again. It's so totally worth it. I leaned in and closed the gap. Feeling the electricity running its circuit through my body and making my hair frizz and stand on end, but I didn't care. I smiled, even as my hair was a halo around my head. Niall carefully pulled away and laughed at my hair.
I smoothed it down whilst he laughed. He stood up and patted me on the back,"I'm gonna go pack."
I nodded and he walked out. I ran to the bathroom and immediately fixed my hair. It has to be perfect!!! I finally got it right before I went back to drawing.
I woke up and felt horrible. I felt like crap. Ugh. I stumbled out of bed and into the bathroom, needing a good shower to release some of the tension and emotional pain.
Once I was completely sanitary on the outside, I crawled under the covers. I laid there for a few moments before I noticed the blatant, out of context sun. It shouldn't be here, with all of its brightness and happiness. Not when I feel this way. I shut the curtains and Plopped down on the couch with a blanket. I found one of Gwen's sketch books she must have left it here when she and I were still dating. I picked it up and opened to the first page. The picture took my breath away, she had drew us together. I flipped through the pages, admiring each drawing, before I froze on one in particular.
I stared at it, disbelief welling inside of me. It couldn't be. Nobody has seen that since... No... How would Gwen..?
But despite my disbelief, Gwen had perfectly drawn the comb we buried with Chris. Every single detail was correct. And there was only that one comb in existence. How did Gwen know what it looks like?
I snapped the book shut and went to go talk to Niall. I had to talk about Gwen with him. I stopped in front of his door and rapped my knuckles on it.
"Hey, Harry!" He called, sensing it to be me through my emotions. I opened the door and walked in.
"Niall, can I talk to you?"
He sensed the importance in it and stopped packing. He nodded and we both took seats on his couch.
"Niall, you remember yesterday, when I was upset and you thought it was over Taylor?" he nodded, confused as to where this may be going."It wasn't for Taylor. I... I still have... I..." How could I tell my best mate that I still loved his girlfriend?
Niall noticed I was having a technical difficulty and he sifted through my emotions, concentrating hard before his eyes widened and he looked at my face.
"You still have feelings for Gwen?"
I nodded.
"Awww! But Harry, I'm falling for her too! I wish you would've told me yesterday, before I asked her out! I'm so sorry!"
I nodded again before Niall spoke,"I haven't completely fallen for her. I mean, I have a crush on her, but I don't really love her yet. You should tell her how you feel!"
"Really? You sure?"
"Harry, I've seen the way you look at her. It's the same way you looked at Chris. And if she chose you, I'd be a bit disappointed, but I'd still be really happy for you! Besides, it's kinda hard for us to make any physical contact whatsoever. Every time we touch, there's electricity, and not in a good way. Like, it actually jolts Gwen."
"I dunno... But Harry, tell her how you feel! Before I fall for her!" I nodded.
"Look, I'm going out tonight. Talk to her. And it might help if you let her know where I stand on this. And, I heard that there's supposed to be a storm tonight. Gwen's most likely to freak out and want someone to be with!"
I smiled, gaining hope.
"Thanks, Niall, and no matter what, pals before gals."
"He laughed and nodded before we guy hugged and I left his room, the pain in my chest slightly fading away, but not completely.
Niall had left ages ago as I laid in my bed. I groaned and nuzzled into my pillow and at last, sleep found me.
I was getting ready for school on a Monday. Or, I was preparing to go visit hell. I finally got dressed and ran downstairs and swore loudly when I tripped and fell. I stood up as I rubbed my face and my mum sauntered over to me.
"Young lady, we do not use that language! Especially around children!" She pointed over to my cousins.
"It's not like they heard anything!"
"Do you want to take the chance? They're just kids! They don't need to hear that language yet, and I won't tolerate it in my house!"
I was already running late, I had to take a cold shower, and I was having a bad hair day, she was just adding more crap to the pile.
"And Gwendolyn, if I catch you swearing-"
"Bloody hell, mother! I am a damn teenager! I can do whatever the hell I want!" I blew up and shoved past her. She followed me into the kitchen. My dad stood up and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Boys, go get ready for school," She murmured to them. They exchanged glances before Hunter ran over to me.
"Love you, Lenny!" He cried as he hugged my legs. I was seriously not in the mood.
"Whatever." I could see a little hurt in his eyes as he ran off with Dylan.
"Gwendolyn, what on earth has gotten into you? Swearing? Shoving? You even made Hunter cry!" My dad exclaimed.
"I don't freaking care! I'm already late for school-"
"Gwen, this is not acceptable! Give me your phone!"
"I hate this freaking family! I'm an adult, I can do whatever I want!" I screamed as I shoved past him, but he grabbed my arm. I was seriously pissed off at the world.
"Gwendolyn, you will be an adult when you behave like one. And because of how you acted, you're grounded for a month."
I stomped as his foot and he let go of my arm. I yanked it free and stormed out of the house.
Before the door slammed shut behind me, I threw over my shoulder,"I hate you most of all!" To my dad. I went to school and that part blurred through quickly, and before I knew it, I was sitting in fourth hour.
The teacher was going on about crap no one cares about when the telephone rang.
"Hello?" There was a pause,"Yes, I'll send her. Goodbye." There was a click as she sat the phone down.
"Gwendolyn McLlroy? You're needed at the office." I shrugged and stood up. I walked from the classroom as everyone stared at me. I walked into the lobby and saw my mum and two cousins standing there.
"Why are you guys here?" I asked harshly as my mum began to cry. Hunter and Dylan ran up and hugged my legs.
"Gwen, your father was in an accident on his way to work."
"What? Let's go see him? Is he okay? What room is he in? Is he having surgery?" Everything that happened this morning didn't matter anymore.
"Gwen, he never left the car." She choked out. So is he still waiting for help? What the hell? He's still sitting in that car suffering and-That's when I understood what she meant.
Right as I realized what had happen, I jolted awake and saw lightning light up my whole room. Thunder crashed over me and I began to cry. The last time I saw my father, I had told him that I hated him. I never got to tell him that I loved him. Oh gosh. I began to sob before I went numb and couldn't feel anything anymore. That wasn't a dream, it was a drudged up memory.
I couldn't be alone anymore. I just couldn't. I stood up and held the beat to my chest, the bear my father had bought me on valentine's day, a week before he died. I shuffled our of the room.
There was only one person I could go to right now. I don't care how many fights we've had, I need to be with someone.
I carefully pushed his door open and tiptoed over to his side of the bed. I gently shook him and he groaned.
"Gwen?" He asked, utterly shocked to see me.
"C-Can I stay w-with you t-t-tonight?" I asked as a tear slipped down my cheek and more thunder crashed over head. He nodded and I crawled in beside him. He put his arms around me and I felt like he actually still loved me.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
I decided to tell him about the dream and halfway through, I was sobbing. Harry held me close and stroked my hair as I struggled to go on. When I finished, he was hugging me extremely tight.
"Oh gosh, Gwen, I'm so sorry!"
"It's not your fault."
"You were very different back then... I like this you more."
I smiled and hugged him.
"Gwen, I need to tell you something."
"Gwen... I.... I love you." He whispered and my mind blanked, completely shocked.
I just stared at him. He was lying. He had to be. He hurt me. He loves Chris.
"Gwen, I never wanted a break. I was going to tell you,'Gwen, I can't love you any more than I do right now, but I want you safe.' But you thought I was saying I didn't love you. And it's true, you remind me of Chris, but I love you, Gwen. I fell for Gwen McLlroy, not the Chris in you. And when I went to the XFactor, and when I met Taylor, I was trying to fill the void. Trying to stop the hurt. But Taylor wasn't like you, Gwen. Sure, we dated, but I never felt the way I felt about you. And I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you so much, Gwen. I'm really sorry! I just... I love you, Gwen. Gosh, I missed you so much that I had dreams where I'd try to make up with you. Please, Gwen, I love you." He murmured.
"But Harry, I'm dating Niall, remember?" I didn't want to hurt Niall. I mean, being in a relationship with him was hard when I got electrocuted when I kissed him, but it should pass with time.
"Gwen, I talked to him. He said that right now, you're a crush and he said that right now would be a good time to get back together, before he fell in love with you!"
"But, I just don't want to hurt him Harry. And I don't want to get hurt again." I whispered.
"Gwen. I would never ever intentionally hurt you. And Niall suggested all of this. He wants us to be happy, Gwen."
I couldn't wrap my head around it. I never, ever, ever would want to hurt Niall! But if I were just a crush... But whenever we touch, we get zapped... And the pains in my chest are going away. Maybe my body is reacting to... No, impossible. I just wasn't sure which way to go. If Niall wanted this, then... But what if he's just saying that?
A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts.
"Come in!" Harry stage whispered. The door creaked open and Niall stood in the frame. He walked in and carefully shut the door behind him. He sat on the bed beside us and gave us a smile.
"I sneaked out of Greg's hotel. But Gwen, I want to help with this." He turned to Harry."This may hurt a little, but pay close attention."
Niall leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. That's when my chest ached the worst it ever has and the pain spread across my chest. Lightning zapped me away from Niall and fried me for a few seconds.
"Gwen? Gwen, are you okay?" Harry asked. His voice faded in and out as spots dotted my vision. The pain in my chest was still there and each breath was taken with difficulty.
"Oh my gosh! Harry, look at her neck and chest..." I felt them tug at the clothing a bit so they could examine the faint, purple glowing skin.
Harry reached forward and gently touched the patch of purple skin and my whole body was electrocuted as the purple began to spread a bit more. The boys helped me up and propped me against the headboard.
"Gwen, it hurts you too much for us to be together. I really think you should date Harry."
"But Niall, what about you?" I panted.
"You were only a crush, there's many other girls. I just want you two to be happy." I smiled and Harry gently hugged me as the purple parts of my skin throbbed.
"I gotta get back to Greg. You gonna be okay, Gwen?"
I nodded and he smiled before he left, trying to be careful, I guess, by not touching me. Harry tucked me in and wrapped his arms carefully around me, avoiding the purple spots. I snuggled into him as the pain slowly faded and I fell asleep, finally feeling right.
A/N what's with the weird chest pains? And what do you think about Niall offering to let Harry have Gwen?
I hope you enjoyed it! If I get a lot of fast feed back like new comments from people or more votes, I'll update more tonight! See ya later!
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