《Bbh x Skeppy (SMUT LIKE WRITING)》Chapter eight


arg....my head.

I wake up to the pounding feeling of a headache. great...im hungover.

I slowly stand up and try to remember what happened last night.

I wake up...i see Darryl kissing a girl...i get drunk...everything goes blank.

I feel the breath leave my body as I remember. He kissed that girl. He doesn't love me. Tears once again stain my pillow as i keep playing that memory over in my head and realize he doesn't love me. It hurts so much...

*Knock Knock*

I quickly wipe my tears as I say "Come in.."

"Hey Zak, are you okay? I just wanted to check on you. You have been asleep most the day."

God why does he have to care so much? Why does he have to make me think he loves me when it was all fake?

"im fine."

I hear Darryl sigh and start to walk up to me.


I see him flinch at my yelling. I don't even care. Im too hurt to care.

"Zak wha-"


His eyes start to water and he just nods and slowly walks out. I hold back my tears, not wanting him to think I care in the slightest.

The day goes on and I start to regret the way I yelled at him. I put on a hoodie and go in the living room, making sure my hoodie shadows my bloodshot eyes from the crying.

"Hey Darryl...Im sorry for yelling and stuff earlier...I was just tired."

He looks at me and his eyes are almost swollen from all the crying he must've done. Why did he cry so much?

He gives a slight smile and says, "Its okay, I forgive you, but I want to explain what happened last night."


The thought of it makes whats left of my heart, shatter once again.

"No its ok...you don't have to explain yourself. I understand."

"No you don't understand its-"

*Knock Knock*

Darryl hesitates, but then stands up and answers the door. I peak around him and see her. I retrain myself from ripping her hair out.

"Abby?! What are you doing here?"

"Oh Darryl! I have exiting news!! Im pregnant!!"


All the color in my face escapes. I can't breath.

Darryl looks as confused as can be.


"Don't ask questions. Just understand it's you're baby. And we have to get married."

"B-but we never even-"

"Oh yes we did! You were drunk silly!!"

w-what? i never even got drunk around her. what is she talking about?!

"I never even got drunk-"

"Oh yes you did!! Dont even think about it just trust me!!

I stand there in shock not even understanding what or how or when. Shes lying. Theres no way. We never....

Suddenly she pushes herself in and walks over to Zak. Oh no. I cant even imagine what Zak is thinking. Hes gonna hate me. And its not even true.

"Hello....Zak? I dont think its a good idea to be living with him when me and him are gonna be a couple. Especially because of the stupid little feelings yall had for each other."

She smiles at him, and then Zak looks at me dead in the eyes. "Ya know. Maybe you're right."

My heart drops to the floor. no...please.

I start walking over to Zak.

"No Zak you don't understand-"

"Oh no trust me, I understand perfectly fine. I get it. Ill leave. I dont want to be here right now anyways." He gives me a cold stare that has no emotion. Before I can say anything else, Zak rushes out the door.


I turn to Abby and give her a look of hatred.

"Abby...you go and tell him right now that you are lying or i swear-"

"Lying? Who said I was lying?"

She then walks up to me and gets not even a inch away from my face. "You probably just forgot about how much you missed my body." She then kisses me and grabs my hand and forces me to touch her waist. I yank away and back up from her.

"Abby! Stop!"

Her face saddens and tears fill her eyes.

"B-but...I thought I could make you love me."

I sigh because of her games she plays. "Abby...you can't make someone love you."

She then looks up and gets a evil glare.

"Well I can stop him from loving you!!"

She then stomps out the door.

Why. Why does that have to happen. The love of my life now hates me and he won't listen to anything I have to say..

i feel broken.


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