《OOC!》Chapter 53
Jin Zixuan, Mianmian, Madam Jin, and unfortunately Armless Yu Ziyuan were in the front, apparently Jin Guangshan decided to be in the back for today because of...important business...no one wants to see those anyway.
Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, Lan Qiren, and Qingheng-jun were on the right side.
Wen Qing and Wen Ning were there too.
Jin Guangyao, Nie Huaisang, Nie Mingjue and Jin Zixun were on the left.
In the court room, Su Minshan was then brought forward by the two Yunmeng Wei Sect disciples.
Wei Wuxian decided to change Yunmeng Jiang to Yunmeng Wei as it's awkward as his last name is Wei and not Jiang...it was approved by the Yunmeng elders anyway so we're all good.
Su Minshan was chained and held on tightly by the two disciples.
"Do you, Sect Leader Su of Moling Su sect, plead quilty woth cursing my cousin, Jin Zixun, with the Hundred holes curse?" Was what Jin Zixuan started with.
Su Minshan then said "Why do you need me to answer that? You already know!"
"Then you wouldn't have a problem saying a simple yes or no." Mianmian stated.
"I will repeat, do you, Su Minshan, Sect Leader of Moling Su, Plead guilty of cursing my cousin, Jin Zixun, with the Hundred holes curse?" Jin Zixuan repeated.
"Fine! Yes! I did! I cursed him! Are you done now!?" Su She barked out.
"Not quite, tell us why you cursed him." Madam Jin then started.
Su Minshan glanced quickly at Jin Guangyao before looking back at the front "Because I want to, besides there are multiple people who wants him gone from the picture with that trashy attitude of his..
"HOW DARE YOU-" Jin Zixun was cut off by Sect Heir Jin.
"Silence!" Jin Zixuan glared at his cousin before facing Su Minshan "I will believe you with that, however I do not think that is the whole truth." he said.
"AND WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT!? I CONFESSED TO MY CRIMES ALREADY!" Su Minshan said but Lan Wangji wouldn't have any of it.
"You body language says otherwise." he said out loud and now the attention went to him "And What do you know about Body language!?" Su Minshan snapped.
Lan Wangji rolled his eyes "I had been learning body languages since my teenage years, currently we all are about to turn 20 or are 20 in our generation are we not? I already had years of studying
and experience with body Language." he said as he placed an arm around Wei Wuxian.
"And when you were asked if you pledged guilty, don't think no one saw you quickly glance at Lianfangzun, you also looked at him the day of Young Master Jin and Young Madam Jin's Wedding day when your crime was brought to light." he pointed out and Jin Guangyao stiffened.
"Ah, yes, We haven't forgotten about that." Mianmian said.
"I believe you have been mistaken Second Young Master Lan." Jin Guangyao said.
"Not once have I been mistaken in my whole life Lianfangzun, I believe my title right now should be Hanguang-jun, shouldn't it?"
Jin Guangyao clenched his hands.
"We are getting out of subject." Nie Huaisang snapped his fan open and Jin Guangyao had never seen such a serious face on him before.
"Young Master Nie is correct, Su Minshan, are you or are you not working with my half brother?"
Jin Zixuan was about to speak but Nie Huaisang stood up "This is getting us no where, Lianfangzun-excuse me-I need to pass."
"What are you doing?" Nie Mingjue questioned his brother.
As soon as Nie Huaisang got out, he walked towards Jin Zixuan and took out a stack of papers from his robes.
"One of my spies, fortunately was taken in as Lianfangzun's spy, so here's all the evidence needed." Nie Huaisang plopped the papers in front of the three.
"You had a spy here? In Lanling?" Jin Zixuan stared and Nie Huaisang raised a brow "I know fair well each sect has their own spies in every sect, we can talk about it later and you should read it."
Madam Jin didn't hesitate and took the papers and started reading.
"What if those messages were false!? Will you only believe Young Master Nie because you're close to him!?" Su Minshan yelled out.
"Oh my, getting defensive aren't we?" Lan Wangji started and Su She glared at him.
"Don't look at me like that, you see you're not even the one being tested if guilty but Jin Guangyao is, and you're defending him, which could only mean one thing." he snapped his fingers and two Lan disciples had got up and went towards Jin Guangyao to grab him as he thought he was discreet in leaving the court.
"And if it was false, why would Jin Guangyao make himself discreetly leave?" Lan Wangji continued.
Jin Guangyao merely smiled "Hanguang-jun, I fear you mistaken my intentions, I was in need to use the bathroom."
"Then you can do your business right here." Mianmian said as she glanced at her mother-in-law who was still currently reading through the papers.
"I beg your pardon?" Jin Guangyao started "Young Madam Jin, you don't suggest that I...in front of these audience?" He said.
"What's the problem? It would be more embarrassing if you lied about trying to escape with the use of going to the bathroom...besides, if you needed to go do business...shouldn't you be asking my husband permission before you do?"
Jin Guangyao smiled as he was gritting his teeth and he was about to do something until...
"Your Spiritual energy is sealed, you are in no position to do what you wish." the Lan Sect Disciple said.
"Aw...is poor old smurf trying to escape? Bold of you to assume you could escape the Lan Arm Strength anyway." Lan Wangji scoffed "Wangji, behave." Lan Qiren said and Lan Wangji huffed.
"Explain for you both are guilty." Madam Jin said calmly but fire was seen before her eyes and tone.
"And we can also punish my husband while we're at it."
Jin Guangshan got up from the back "Punish me for What!?" He yelled out as he marched up to the front "I am a Sect Leader! You can't punish me!"
"Pretty funny if you ask me, Su Minshan here is also a Sect Leader and he's getting punish, you are not above the Law Sect Leader Jin." Nie Mingjue said and Jin Guangshan crossed his arms.
"I am a Sect Leader of a Major Sect! He on the other hand is from a Minor sect."
Everyone ignored Su Minshan.
"Well, for one thing, you were actually siding with Wen Ruohan while your son is fighting against him, promising to share if they ever won." Madam Jin said as she pulled out one paper.
"There should be a punishment for betraying their own sect."
"Second," She raised a second finger "You have a wife...and an...armless concubine." Yu Ziyuan glared and hissed at her but Madam Jin ignored her "You are not allowed to have intimate activity behind us both, it was against the morals of being a Sect Leader."
Jin Guangshan paled but his face was still showing anger.
"And third, this resentful object here, you know about it but didn't fully believe it, but you made your bastard-" she looked at Jin Guangyao "-Look for it and if he failed to find it within this year.you would kick him out."
No one spoke "Should have kicked him out..." Yu Ziyuan muttered.
"I hate to agree with you but Sect Leader Jin should have kicked him out as he is useless anyway...what else did he do other than to spy on the Wen Sect? It was the great Hanguang-jun who killed Wen Ruohan in the end anyway." Madam Jin said loudly while rolling her eyes.
Jin Guangyao glared at her "What are you glaring at me for!?" She snapped "My 'Husband' has more than just one whore, meaning he has already multiple bastards, do you think you're any different? How come you keep coming back here to annoy us just for a father?" She scoffed.
"You don't know what's it like being called a son of a prostitute by people and them looking down on you! None of you do! None of you knows how much I've been through to get myself in this position!" Jin Guangyao raged out and Wei Wuxian slammed the table.
"So you think you're the one who has the worst life among the all of us?" Wei Wuxian started his voice, surprisingly neutral, this made everyone around them scared.
Wei Wuxian usually has a friendly aura around him, seeing him like this just wants to make them submit.
Not Lan Wangji though...he thinks it's hot.
"You had things I didn't have when I was young, you had a mother who was still alive until you were old enough, and you can remember her...I on the other Hand, Don't even remember my parents! I only have one memory of them and that's it." He said.
"You lived in a brothel growing up, but at least you had shelter, you had food, while I had to sleep on the streets, with bagged clothes and eat food from the trash, it doesn't matter whether rotten
or spoiled, as long as I had food in my stomach."
Jiang Yanli whimpered in where she was standing, her brother was just glaring at Wei Wuxian, and her mother scoffed.
"And when you were taken in by a Sect, you were not abused, were you?" He questioned Jin Guangyao who never said anything "While my body, had to suffer through thousands of whipping from a great excuse of a Madam who was very childish to keep her jealousy on my dead Mother!"
"YOU DARE-" Both Jiang Wanyin and Yu Ziyuan's mouths were snapped shut.
The person doesn't need to be mentioned to know who silenced them.
"And you're using that excuse as 'You don't know what it feels like'." Wei Wuxian raised a brow "Bitch, get on my level AND THEN we can talk about feelings." he snapped and leaned back on his seat.
"I believe there's no more discussion needed and get on with the punishment for these three." Wei Wuxian is in a bad mood so no one dared disobey.
"Are there any suggestions to which punishment these three will have?" Mianmian asked.
"I have a few suggestions if you wish to hear them." Nie Huaisang raised his hand from his seat.
"Please go ahead, I am curious to what you have in mind." Madam Jin stated.
"For Su Minshan, I suggest that his Sect be taken down and is no longer allowed to build any new sects, As his Sect his a direct copy of Gusu Lan, I think this is a fair punishment for their side."
"WHY YOU-MMMHMM!" Su Minshan's mouth has been snapped close "Young Master Nie is speaking of your punishment, you are to follow." Qingheng-jun said before facing Nie Huaisang.
"I accept this punishment." was what he said.
"I accept the punishment." Madam Jin stated.
Nie Huaisang smirked before continuing, "As for Jin Guangyao, he is to have his core permanently sealed, stripped off his title and would return to Yunping where he was born and stay there, he is not allowed to step foot into Koi Tower or else he will spend the rest of his life in the dungeons."
Madam Jin didn't like how mild it is but she didn't care, as long as that bastard will not make ruins to her son, she doesn't care.
Jin Guangyao looked up towards Nie Huaisang.
None of this was meant to happen.
He had a full proof plan when he planned the time travel, everything was going perfectly but someone ruined it.
He glared at Nie Huaisang who had a playful spark of amusement.
He thinks Nie Huaisang was the one who time travelled back along with him...after all he did kill his brother, but how did he find out?
Not his problem currently he needs to escape.
"My core is already sealed! My reputation is at stake for such thing What! What else do you need!?" Jin Guangyao blurted out.
"Qing-Jie, do the Honors." Wei Wuxian called out.
Wen Qing stood up and held out a pill before standing in the middle.
"This pill I hold, can make the person's core melt, I had spent generous amounts of time with Wen Zhuliu to learn about cores." She explained and Madam Jin looked satisfied.
Jin Guangyao was looking at the pill with his paled face.
"Open wide." Wen Qing said but Jin Guangyao sealed his lips shut "Fine then we'll do this the hard way." She sighed and kicked his groin which made the other just bit into his lips further.
"I guess that didn't work." She muttered and took out a needle and stabbed it into the groin.
That seemed to do the trick as she forced the pill into his mouth and took out the needle.
Deathly screams were heard all around the court.
Jin Guangyao felt his whole body burn, his chest was being lit on fire, he preferred to die rather than go through this!
Apparently his torture ended and he was sweating hard.
Su Minshan was staring at him.
Jin Guangyao never spared a glance.
"And now what do you have for my beloved husband?" Madam Jin asked curiously as two of the senior Jin Disciples grabbed the sect Leader.
"Well I have quite a lot in mind but we can settle for him getting stripped of his title as Sect Leader and Have Young Master Jin lead the Sect." Jin Guangshan wanted to retort at that.
"Second, have him castrated for cheating on his wife, but do it slow and painful." Nie Huaisang said.
"And how would he be castrated Slowly?" Mianmian asked curiously.
"Take a needle and poke holes through his cock, make as any holes all around it and tear it off quickly as how you tear a paper in half." Nie Huaisang fanned himself as he spoke that sentence off calmly.
"Perfect! Anything else?" Madam Jin liked the punishment, it means she was going to be retiring soon enough as her son would be leading the sect along with her Daughter-in-law.
"Life prison."
"And it shall be done."
And to anyone who had seen the torture Jin Guangshan had been through...they don't talk about it and reminded themselves not to mess with the younger Nie as he gives the most unexpected punishments.
They've been traumatized enough Thanks.
One year has passed and Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and his team had cleared out ¼ of the Burial mounds.
The place was magical, it feels like a fairytale.
"Even the place smells fresh." Wei Wuxian commented.
"We should have our wedding here." Lan Wangii said and Wei Wuxian nodded and smiling up at him.
The rabbit from the cloud Recesses had been transferred here, the place looks so lively, and of course they placed a barrier between the burial mounds and this place.
The trees were healthy, they built some Lotus ponds around, grew some flowers and bushes.
"It was a pity that they had war in this area years ago." Lan Wangji commented.
"Fuqin! A-Die!" The two turned around to see their 3, turning 4, year old toddler.
"A-Yuan, you'll fall over if you run that fast!" Wei Wuxian scolded as the child pouted "A-Yuan is sorry." Wei Wuxian chuckled and ruffled the child's hair.
"There there, why don't we get something to eat?" Lan Wangji suggested and the three of them went towards Yiling.
Wen Yuan's mother has passed a few months ago and they are still mourning, Though at least this time, A-Yuan didn't lose his mother through being slaves of the Jin Sect, his mother left after being sickly.
But she had part in raising her son, the two promised to tell a-Yuan the things they know or heard about his birth parents.
"So when was it again?" Wei Wuxian questioned "When is what, Darling?" Lan Wangji asked "The one month celebration of Jin Ling, Jin Rulan?" Wei Wuxian said.
A month ago Mianmian gave birth and the child was named Jin Ling, Jin Zixuan and Mianmian had given Wei Wuxian the opportunity to give their son a courtesy name.
Well then, Jin Ling would still be here, just...with a different face...maybe personality too? Who knows?
His Brother and Nie Mingjue got married a month or two after the court meeting for those three tiny dickheads.
"It would be a day from now." Lan Wangji said and Wei Wuxian thought for a while before he nodded.
"Alright, A-Yuan, we will be returning to Yunmeng later Alright? A-Zhan, Can you tell the rest to pack up as well? I'll be helping A-Yuan change his clothes."
Wei Wuxian rarely calls him A-Zhan so without delay he got up and walked out "With pleasure!"
Wei Wuxian blinked and looked down onto Lan Yuan "Your Diedie is weird isn't he?"
"Both of you are weird."
Wei Wuxian chuckled and booked his son's nose "Right we are! And there's no problem with that! Come on now! Let's go and change your clothes! It's all dirty from playing."
"Sect Leader Wei, It is great to see you have arrived just in time, and is this the little one I keep hearing about?" Former Madam Jin had stated as she saw him and the other's.
Wei Wuxian chuckled "Introduce yourself." he nudged the child who was on Lan Wangji's arms.
"This one is Lan Yuan, Previously Wen Yuan." The kid shyly said.
"My, how adorable! My little Jin Ling would have a play mate once he's going to be able to walk!" She stated "Come on in."
Let's just say they all had a good time, especially watching a curious Lan Yuan walking around the one month old baby and curiously observing him.
They chuckled when they saw his panicked face when the baby decided to grab his pinkie finger.
"A-Yuan, baby Jin Ling Likes you! See he's smiling!" Nie Huaisang pointed out and sure enough, baby Jin Ling was moving the pinkie while smiling and giggling. Lan Yuan looked at the baby in awe.
"Sorry we're late, Jingyi here was too messy." Lan Xichen said before a 4 year old child was already running towards Lan Yuan and the two dropped on the floor making the making make a confused sound.
Wei Wuxian laughed "No problem you both came late, I'm guessing Jingyi missed our A-Yuan."
"A-Yuan misses Jingyi too but A-Yuan can't breath."
Jingyi quickly got up "Sorry." he sheepishly said.
And so today was now the day of Wangxian's wedding.
They decided to do it in the Burial mounds, the cleansed parts of course, right now that part was called the Celestial Land, it got many visitors and became a tourist spot.
It was a mix of a simple and grand wedding, anyone could come, they prepared enough food for the guests.
"Are you excited?" Wen Ning asked "Why shouldn't I be? I've made him and myself wait for so long already." Wei Wuxian smiled.
"Damn right you did! I wouldn't be surprised if he chose to rail you had you won't leave the bed the next morning!" Wen Qing said and Wei Wuxian flushed and pouted.
"Qing Jie! So mean to me!"
"Okay enough, come on now, Qingheng-jun is already here."
Qingheng-jun smiled and held out his arm "May this Father-in-Law walk his Son-in-law to his soon-to-be husband?"
Wei Wuxian smiled beneath his veil "You may." he took his father-in-law's arm.
Lan Wangji waited for Wei Wuxian to show up and smiled when he saw him.
"Are you excited?" Nie Mingjue questioned lowly "Who wouldn't be? I'll be railing him too hard later." Lan Wangji mumbled.
"Just go easy on him." Lan Xichen sighed.
The bows had been done, it was time for them to eat with the guests.
Mianmian and Nie Huaisang approached Wei Wuxian.
(Lan Wangji was talking with his family, A-Yuan and Jingyi was with him.)
"We got a little something for you and Lan Wangji." Mianmian said.
"Actually it was I who did all of it." Nie Huaisang said and Mianmian turned towards him "I helped you with the porn you virgin!"
Wei Wuxian blinked "What..?"
The two then looked towards him "forget it, here." he gave him a book entitled 'The Jade's Lotus'.
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