《I see forever in your eyes (All of us are Dead x Reader)》Chapter 7


"Tell me." I said "No, it's not a good idea." Seok-woo said "At least not now." Hyo-ryung said "Guys, we need to do it zig zag." Joon-yeong said making the three best friends look at him seeing him holding a rope along with Cheong-san and On-jo "What is happening?" I asked "We are gonna get out of here." Cheong-san said before they finished knotting it in zig zag "Who goes first?" Joon-yeong asked after they threw it out of the window "Gyeong-su, look if it's safe." Cheong-san said "Okay." Gyeong-su said

The last three were Cheong-san, Nam-ra and i "Nam-ra, go." I said "No, what about you?" She asked "Go or i'll go out there." I threatened pointing at the door where the zombies were banging against she looked at the door before looking at me "Okay." She sighed before pecking me on my lips before walking to the rope and climb down "She just pecked my lips, oh my god. I'm gonna die." I thought "You go, i'll be right behind you." I said making him nod before climbing down (y'know what happened, i'm too lazy to write it)

"Stop hugging me, you're grossing me out." I said breathing heavily while Su-hyeok hugged my waist "Do you like it?" He chuckled also breathing heavily "I'm into girls, sorry Bare-su." I said "Come on, guys." Gyeong-su said making Su-hyeok climb down getting pulled in the room by On-jo before he hugged Cheong-san i climbed down getting pulled in the room by Seok-woo and Woo-jin Gyeong-su came to me and hugged me i hugged back before we pulled away and i was pulled in a hug by mrs Park "Oh god. Y/n, are you okay?" She asked pulling away "Yes, are you?" I asked "Yes, i'm fine. Don't worry." She said

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