Fucking told you you wouldn't return this nice ass sweater when you two broke up.
Well, you two didn't necessarily break up, but still.
Taking a deep inhale, you unintentionally caught a whiff of Asmodeus' perfume. You closed your eyes. Asmo's smiling face flashed in your mind, making you frown in irritation.
"(M/n)!" Your sibling barged in, making you sit up from your bed.
"What?! Is knocking not a thing now?"
"...you forgot, didn't you?"
"Forgot about what, exactly?" Your brows furrowed. They slumped. "...Where's your suit?"
"What suit?"
"...Aki is getting married this Tuesday, and you haven't prepared something to wear?!" They reprimanded.
"Damn right! I took the liberty of buying the gift for them, then."
You frowned. "Alright, alright. I'll buy a suit this weekend, alright? And thanks."
"It's been months since the invite, idiot." Your sibling sighed exasperatedly. Shaking their head, they grasped the knob of the door. "Well, whatever. Also, you should probably go get Asmo. Aki would be happier to find her favorite cousin with a date."
"...I'd rather not. You already asked Yuki a few months ago, right?"
"Oh crap."
"...Wait, so you forgot about the whole wedding, but you remember me asking Yuki to be your date–?"
- - -
"...Say, you told me you're available later, right?" Yuki grinned. You paused. "To see your mother, right? Yes, I suppose."
"Tomorrow might be a better day. My mom has to head somewhere later." They scratched the back of their head sheepishly. You smiled. "That's fine."
"Also," You added. "Do you remember my sibling asking you to attend a wedding as my date?"
"H-huh...!" Yuki's face flushed. "That's...! I thought they were kidding..."
"...It's actually happening this Tuesday." You didn't fail to notice their nervous expression. "You don't need to come, if you don't want to."
"No no," Yuki waved their hands. "I'd love to, but... My mom's taking me on a trip this Saturday, and I'll probably be absent this Tuesday too."
"Aw, so that's a no for suits shopping this Sunday?" You frowned. Yuki mirrored the expression. "Unfortunately not."
"...Should I ask someone else? I'm not sure who..." You both rounded a corner, bumping into someone from the other side coincidentally. The person dropped their books on the floor.
"Oh, (M/n) and Yuki. Good morning." Simeon flashed a bright smile at you both. You returned the gesture. "Good morning to you too. Sorry for bumping into you."
You bent down to help him pick up the books. Yuki nearly laughed upon the sight of yours and Simeon's hand bumping into each other in a cliché manner. You laughed awkwardly, retracting your hand.
"Thanks for yesterday's notes by the way, Simeon."
"It's no problem at all. Especially since it's for you." His smile broadened. You paused.
"For me?"
"...A-ah!" He perked up. He then shook his head slowly with a small smile. "I meant because your dominant hand was injured."
"Right. Still, I'm glad you looked out for me."
Yuki's mind flickered to their last deleted message in suspicion.
Was really bad at hiding his feelings, wasn't he?
And for some reason, that left a strange and vague feeling on the pit of their stomach.
"...You seem a little bummed out, (M/n)." Simeon pointed out with concern. You hummed, smiling sheepishly. "Well, just a little something that happened. Don't worry about it."
"...I see. Then, would you like me to walk you to your class? As thanks for helping me pick up my books."
Yuki nearly bursts out laughing at the excuse.
As thank you for knocking your books but helping you gather them again?
"You don't need to, Simeon. But I won't stop you if you'd like." You didn't seem to be aware of his excuse. Simeon visibly brightened at your agreement. Yuki turned around, not in favor of being a third wheel.
"See you two at lunch. I'll head to my own class. Make sure to make it in time for your own class, Simeon."
"Of course. Thank you, Yuki."
- - -
"...Did you enjoy your date?"
"...Excuse me?" Your face grew warm at Simeon's question.
After escorting you to your classroom this morning, Simeon also picked you up just as lunch commenced. You two were currently on the way to the cafeteria.
"Ah, I apologize for eavesdropping, but Asmo asked you out on a date the day before and postponed it, didn't he?"
"...Ah, you sit next to me, I forgot." You felt embarrassed. "Um, the date was...fine."
"...Alright then."
You knew Simeon didn't inquire further, although he seemed curious. He respected that, and you were thankful for it. Very green flag of him.
Arriving, Yuki waved you two over. At the table sat Mammon, Yuki, and Asmo. You noticed Solomon was nowhere to be seen.
Mammon was frowning at you.
"...Mammon, stop frowning. You look ugly." You sat down. Mammon crossed his arms. "Ya know ya could'a excuse me too yesterday?"
"A shame." You couldn't help but let a smirk slip onto your face. "Was it fun sleeping on your desk neglecting your duties?"
"You excused Asmo!"
"Are you Asmo?" You were amused. Mammon growled, though not saying anything else. Simeon looked confused.
"Those two were chasing each other yesterday morning and trampled over (M/n), reopening his– Ow!" Yuki yelped, feeling you pinch their side harshly.
"Reopening his what?" Mammon raised a brow. You sighed. "Reopening my deep and repressed anger issues which lead me to stitching out on you to Lucifer."
"Oh, I need to go wash my hands from this ink." You ignored Mammon's exclamation and stood up as you noticed the ink smudge on your palm. Simeon perked up from beside you. "Oh, I'll–"
"I'll come with you, (M/n)." Asmodeus stood up and cut Simeon off, smiling in a strained manner. Simeon looked surprised to be interrupted, but didn't say anything else. You sighed, nodding.
As soon as you two left the cafeteria and towards the RAD garden, he stopped. "We need to talk."
"About yesterday, right?" You scanned your surroundings, seeing no one else in sight.
"...Why didn't you say something?"
"Why would I?" You returned the question.
"(M/n), your boyfriend was being flirted with, and you didn't do anything?"
"Asmo, my boyfriend was flirting back, so I did nothing." You mocked. Asmo furrowed his brows and frowned. "I was waiting for you to defend yourself."
"So you were doing it on purpose?" You were growing irritated.
"Then why?!"
"Even when you agreed to be my lover, you still treat me so normally! It's..." He paused, hesitating.
"Asmo, spit it out. What do you really want?"
"Your attention, damn it!"
"Asmo..." You began in a low tone.
"...If you want your partner's attention, communicate! Don't purposely make them jealous just to get a reaction!" You were getting a migraine from this conversation alone. "That's a big red flag, you dunce. If you wanted my attention, all you had to do was ask. Don't make up complicated schemes to make your partner feel jealous, alright? That's...not right."
"..." Asmo looked down, mulling about your words.
"Point is, just don't purposely make your partner jealous." You sighed. "...But I guess I should've said something as well. Especially if you weren't doing it on purpose."
You felt slightly bad for him, really.
As someone who had never been in a relationship, you knew Asmo only had flings instead. That's why he thought this was fine.
But just because it was natural for him, didn't mean you'd let it slide.
"...I'm going back. If you want to break up with me, say the word. Otherwise, don't waste our time."
And with that, you went back inside, leaving Asmo standing behind you.
As soon as you were out of sight, Asmo heard someone sigh from above. Freezing, he looked up.
Solomon was looking down at him from the second floor railings. He chuckled, gently shaking his head.
- - -
For the rest of the day, you didn't exactly talk to Asmo due to the separation of classes. Only then have you noticed how most classes you had lined up with Simeon's.
And how he was always seated next to you.
It didn't take long before the last period began, and as always, Simeon didn't need to do much to be near you. His desk was right next to you, after all.
Seeing you so casually talk to the male, it was hard to ignore an intense stare directed behind your head.
You swallowed anxiously before telling Simeon you had to check a few things regarding homework, to which he respectfully left you alone.
"If there's anything you might need help with, I'd be glad to assist you."
You smiled back. "I'll keep that in mind."
If it were anyone else, you might've said something along the lines of, 'I don't need your help,' but Simeon was a person you'd have tutor you despite being capable of gaining a perfect score.
Mammon glanced at Asmodeus', his chin resting on his palm as his arm was propped above his desk.
Wordlessly, Mammon swiped his arm, making Asmo's support fall and his chin to collide on his desk.
A loud thud was heard throughout the room as Asmo groaned holding his aching chin.
"Mammon..." He glared at the male who looked the other way. His gaze swept across the room, eventually catching your eye.
Instead of looking away, you continued to look at him. Without words, you inquired, 'Are you alright?'
And for some idiotic reason, he forgot about Mammon and sent you an eager nod.
Seeing a flash of relief cross your expression, Asmodeus visibly lit up. You looked back on your desk.
Mammon looked irritated.
- - -
"(M/n), can we taaaalk?" Asmo stopped you on your way out. You paused as his face hovered above your shoulder.
"Yes, again."
"...I guess I should get going then, (M/n). I'll see you again on Tuesday." Simeon waved, passing by you on the way to the door.
As much as he wanted to ask you to walk with him on the way out, he stopped himself.
Something about it felt...wrong.
You waved back. "Wednesday, actually. But alright!"
It was just announced that there wouldn't be classes this Monday, much to your delight. You weren't sure why, but hell you'd take it.
"Wednesday? You're going absent on Tuesday?" Asmodeus questioned from beside you. You nodded. "Just...family stuff. Anyway, what?"
"Um..." He looked around, meeting eyes with a Mammon who looked ready to eavesdrop. Asmo frowned, gaining an irk mark and shoo-ing him away. Mammon grins as Asmodeus not-so-subtly gestured for him to get the fck out of the room. He huffed, turning away to ignore him.
"(M/n), since we're...dating..." His face grew slightly crimson at his own words, even if it wasn't really much to blush about.
"...We can hold hands, right? Still?"
"...So I take it you're not talking to me to break up with me?"
"What?! God, no." He looked horrified by the mere thought. You raised a brow, seeing as most of the students have already gone, save for you three.
"Then what is it?"
"...That date was a mess. I'm sorry for...not taking your feelings into consideration, and I'm sorry for trying to make you jealous."
"...Alright then."
"...That easy?" Asmodeus looked more dumbfounded, although he was the one forgiven. You raised a brow teasingly. "What, you expected more?"
"I thought you'd have a harder time forgiving me."
"...Well, you seem genuine in your apology." You remarked. "I did make the mistake of keeping silent, too."
"And besides, I've told you before, haven't I? When you do something wrong and apologize, you don't do it again." You reminded with a jokingly stern tone. "I trust you'd know what not to do next time, alright?"
"Yes!" He nearly saluted as he grasped your uninjured hand with both of his. "I'll do better! I'll be good, I promise!"
"...We'll see."
- - -
Saturday came, and you headed to Yuki's house in the afternoon.
Their mother greeted you kindly.
Does nearly getting crushed to death by a hug count as kind? Maybe.
Yuki immediately separated you both and apologized. They then disappeared back into the kitchen before long.
"(M/n)! It's so nice to see you again!" She gushed. You smiled sheepishly. "It has been, Aunt."
"Still not into calling me mother?"
"No thank you. Though, I appreciate the gesture." You said politely. She ushered you in.
You took notice that Yuki was nowhere in the living room.
"Now, has there been any progress?" She eagerly questioned as soon as you both sat down.
"Progress regarding what, Aunt?"
"Oh dear, about my child, Yuki!" She happily spoke. "Have you said anything yet?"
"... I'm not quite sure I know where this conversation is headed." You were growing anxious.
"Oh silly, you don't suppose I'd be as oblivious as my idiot child to not notice you have feelings for th–"
"Ah! That's not it at all." You shook your head frantically as she whispered to you. She laughed. "Ahaha! It's not something to be shy of, dear! I'm sure Yuki also–!"
"Maa! You said you'd help me with this! The pot is smoking!"
"Dear, can't you cook by yourself?"
"...No." Yuki's voice was meek as they answered. You snickered at their expense.
"Hm...Oh! Why don't you have (M/n) help? Aren't you a great cook?" She suddenly turned to you. "I've missed seeing you cook with or without Yuki–"
You smiled nervously. "I'm average, Aunt. But I am intruding, so I wouldn't mind helping."
"This is like another home for you, (M/n). You don't intrude. And please, go help my hopeless child."
- - -
"So that's what happened."
Solomon hummed thoughtfully. Asmodeus crossed his arms. "Geez, are you everywhere? I swear, you happen to witness just about everything for some reason."
"Ahaha! I guess you can say I'm just in the right place at the right time."
"That sounds suspicious coming from you." Asmo scoffed.
"But I agree with you. It's quite strange he forgave you so easily." Solomon changed the topic. "I mean, last time he disappeared on you whenever you apologized. I'm surprised that you didn't give him a gift this time too."
"Well, (M/n) isn't really materialistic. He threw away my gifts and didn't forgive me back then, after all." Asmodeus filed his nails as he spoke. "So I figured just apologizing from the bottom of my heart would be best."
"...Wow, you really have changed."
"You only realized that now?!" Asmodeus resisted the urge to throw the nail file at the male.
Solomon weakly raised both hands in a mock surrender as he chuckled.
It was...impressive. Solomon knew this relationship wouldn't really be as perfect as Asmo pictured it.
With his old habits and his nature, he thought Asmo might grow frustrated and just...break up with you.
Hell, Solomon even thought you might not ever say yes to Asmo's courting, but here you are.
And normally, he would've been fine with it.
Except for one variable.
The image of his friend's face graced with a slight tint of pink flashed in his mind.
"...So you're really convinced that you like (M/n)?"
"...Huh?" Asmodeus paused from his task, raising a brow at Solomon. "What's that mean?"
"...Oh, well, maybe this relationship is making you realize some things...?"
"Realize...?" Asmodeus pondered.
Solomon was there.
Solomon watched Simeon silently fawning over your oblivious form sometimes in class.
Solomon watched as Simeon gathered up the courage to give you a cake as an 'apology.'
Solomon watched as Simeon does his very best to make you feel better and comfortable.
"Realize that I may or may not be doomed to love (M/n) forever? Yes, I am." Asmodeus sighed, head stuck in the clouds.
And maybe he was partially to blame.
"...And how about (M/n)? How do you think he feels?"
"...(M/n) doesn't tell me how he feels. I only see it from his actions." Asmodeus lost the dazed expression and spoke. "I want him to tell me. I want him to be comfortable with me too."
- In Serial16 Chapters
Ain't No Rest for the Wicked
In this world, everybody is not destined for greatness. Harsh but true, successful people may claim that hardwork always pays off but there are just saying that to appear humble. There is many things to consider in order to take a big leap in life and there are very few people who has the courage of fighting for their dreams. Let's be real, who in their sane mind would abandon a perfectly set life to pursue the impossible. But, who doesn't dream, who doesn't imagine and few of those who imagine also like to share. They create a fictional world and dive in there living their dreams. This story is about a webnovel writer participating in WSA 2021 for the 10,000 dollars money price. With this ideal he pours his soul out in his stories. But then one day he dies from some mystical blood red text that appears on one of his chapters. Then he is thrown in a cycle of transmigration... From the practical world into the cruel world of assassins, then in a mystical world of demons and gods, Thrown into impossible situation, forced to suffer and left with nothing. Finally a chance at life in an another unprecedented world this time he refuses to give up, learning through life and morphing of spirit as a greater destiny awaits him.
8 88 - In Serial9 Chapters
Almost a Good Person
A memory, a memory of a boy who wanted more than pain, of a girl who wanted more than death, and an Isle that should not exist. The Isle of Red is a small, unassuming, quiet place. It is just large enough for a college, a small town, and maybe even a few more unusual sorts of places. Of course, the townsfolk practically know each other as family. Flush-faced regulars can be found toasting just about anything in the Briar's Brew, then, a few streets away, the same haggle of older women stationed themselves on their perch as they did every day from one of the few balconies in Central Square. They fuss away now, spouting the usual gossip as they watch us all from on high. Then there is the College here on the Isle of Red. My college. It has been often described as an unusual place by a good deal of people on the mainland. If they only would visit -why I am sure they'll soon have a change of heart, they may even come to find it a quaint sort of place, odd but in the same way a tattered old quilt can be both odd looking and warm, and especially soft. We teach mostly the same sort of disciplines here, with fantastic and absolutely normal professors.I must conclude that I am quite smitten with myself. The stage is set with a level of perfection that would have astonished me in my youth. They are coming. Derek will follow her. He knows the weight of reality too intimately, but she will be his true north if only for a short time. A beacon in the storm to show him the stunning pastels and brightness the sun may yet refract through his thinner, sharper pieces. Theoline will lead as she always has- well not always, not yet. She holds onto questions feverishly tight, that one. Lights them up inside like a new type of fuel without the slightest worry of being burned. She knows... There is but a certain few who can look at a map and find nothing where I stand but the Atlantic Ocean. And still, there is earth beneath me, a noisy pub down the road from me, and several people clucking conspiratorially on a balcony above me. She knows... that the Isle of Red doesn't belong here. Neither, technically, do I. (Hello! Chapters will be posted regularly on this website and also at Booksie: Almost a Good Person, book by KenjaminButton (booksie.com)Stay tuned for Chapter 3 to be uploaded on 5/28/2022!)
8 74 - In Serial8 Chapters
Escalodia - The Dark Age
A world called Escalodia, a place where all nations, namely Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and Giants live side by side and make peace. But, everything changed and war broke out everywhere, resulting in unrest and political instability across the state. And there is almost no way to restore the peace. Then came the prophecy that said that everything would return to normal and there would be someone who could bear the burden but if he took the wrong step then the future of the world would be no more. Will he be able to restore that peace or will the future of the world be destroyed by him as well? Could he be as predicted before ? This story already post on Storial (Indonesian Version) and Wattpad too.
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Fifty Shames of Earl Grey
Young, arrogant tycoon Earl Grey seduces the naïve coed Anna Steal with his overpowering good looks and staggering amounts of money, but will she be able to get past his fifty shames, including shopping at Walmart on Saturdays, bondage with handcuffs, and his love of BDSM (Bards, Dragons, Sorcery, and Magick)? Or will his dark secrets and constant smirking drive her over the edge?This extended excerpt from Fanny Merkin's Fifty Shames of Earl Grey is presented courtesy of Da Capo Press.
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The Graveyard of the Dungeon God
First of all my first language is not English, so please don´t be offended if you find mistakes. I would appreciate it if you could point my mistakes out so that my English gets better._________________________________________________________________________________Once there was a old and ancient dungeon. That dungeon existed longer than all history records of the country it is located in. The dungeon helped the kingdom a lot, it turned the kingdom from a lowly and small sized one into one of the strongest and largest kingdoms ever seen.But sadly the Kingdom turned itself against this dungeon, as the dungeon didn´t want to help to unite the whole continent. So with the help of three other kingdoms and their respective dungeons, they attacked this mighty and ancient dungeon. Who thought that through my death, my enemies granted me the chance to evolve from a Dungeon Core to a Dungeon God. This was the last thought of the dungeon before it´s conscience faded into the darknessSince the destruction of this ascended dungeon over two-hundred years passed. The mightiness of this dungeon is long forgotten. Nobody remembers it so, now is the time for it to awaken ……as a god.
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When Deku had to go to America for a few years, nobody expected him to change from the sweet stuttering cinnamon role that he is to a total badass.This will probably be a Deku x Male Oc book bc I'm currently obsessed with those rn. I rlly like femboy/emo Deku as well so..⚠️WARNING⚠️This book will (most probably) have:Boy x BoyBitchy/Slutty UrurakaYaoi/Smut(Maybe)FemboyHomophobia(Ururaka+Mineta+..)Maybe more... READ AT UR OWN RISK
8 228