《Heart (Depth Sequel)》9
"The doctor will be with you in a moment." A nurse says.
It's been a month since we got back from the Bahamas and today was the earliest opening with a cardiologist.
"Hello Mrs. Horan." The cardiologist says when he comes into the room while reading my chart.
"Hello Mr. Jansen." I say and try to remain calm.
The cardiologist looks up and see's my face then gets up.
"I'll send in a new doctor." He says then leaves.
"Um?" Isabella says from her spot on my lap.
As soon as we got into the exam room, and I sat down, Isabella sat on my lap and hasn't moved an inch.
"His son is the one who assaulted me." I say.
"Oh I'm gonna..." Isabella says and tries to get off my lap, but I hold her down.
"Do nothing Isabella." I say then cup her face so she has to look at me. "You're going to do nothing. It's over and done with."
"Hello Cairo...Hey Lindsey"
"Oh Hey Dr. Evans." I say and smile at my cardiologist from when I retired.
"So I take it since your back here another episode happened?" Dr. Evans asks.
"Alright hop up on the table and let's see what's going on."
I try to move, but Isabella doesn't move.
"Hey." I say and grab my little girl's hand. "I'll be right there."
Isabella still doesn't move.
"Come on Bella." Lindsey says. "You can sit with her after she's done."
"Fine." Isabella mumbles then sits on her Mommy's lap.
I go and sit on the exam table then Dr. Evans checks me over and starts saying some big medical words that I don't really listen too. Ever since I passed out on the field Lindsey has done a lot of research on my condition so she understands all the medical terms.
After Dr. Evans finishes my exam I sit back in my seat and immediately Isabella sits in my lap and rests her head on my shoulder. Dr. Evans then explains everything to Lindsey while I watch Isabella trace the tattoo on my left forearm.
"I'll give you three some time to decided and I'll be back." Dr. Evans says then leaves.
"So?" I say.
"Best option is either an Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator or Beta Blockers." Lindsey answers.
"What do you think is best?"
"Beta Blockers." Lindsey instantly says.
"Okay then." I say then look at our daughter. "Is that okay with you Isabella?"
"Yeah." Isabella says as the door opens.
We inform Dr. Evans of our decision so she writes me a prescription and then sends us on our way. The three of us leave the Doctor's then go over to the Heath's and pick up Scarlett then head to our house.
Once at our home Scarlett and Isabella head up to Isabella's room and I follow Lindsey to the kitchen.
"Everything alright?"
"I think I'm going to go take a nap in the Media room." Lindsey says causing me to pull her into a hug.
"You okay?" I ask since Lindsey rarely takes naps without inviting me to join.
"Yeah I just didn't sleep well last night. I was thinking about about your appointment."
"I'm sorry Princess." I say and kiss my wife.
"It's okay." Lindsey says and puts her head on my shoulder. "Everything checked out so we're all good."
"Alright well I'll probably be in the drawing room if you need me."
"Okay baby." Lindsey says and kisses me.
The two of us split apart and go to the rooms we said we would be. Before I start drawing I decide to check social media and I'm a bit shocked with what I see.
- - - - -
"Damn she used your whole name." Scarlett says as I hear footsteps approach my room.
"Yes Mama?" I say when she gets in my room.
"What is this?" Mama asks and shows me a picture I posted to social media.
"A picture of me?"
"And do you see anything wrong with this picture?" Mama asks then sits on my bed in front of me and my girlfriend.
"I don't look good enough in it?"
"First off you look absolutely gorgeous and anyone who tells you different is blind and an asshole. Second...baby you can't post a picture like this."
"Why not? It's my body."
"Yes it is Isabella, but this photo doesn't attract the right people. While you do look very good, I mean you are your mother and I's daughter."
"Mama" I groan in embarrassment.
"Sorry sweetie...but this photo attracts people that want to hit it and quit it and those people aren't worthy to be in your life. Whenever you post a picture of your body you need to leave something to the imagination. Now If you and the girls want to post pictures of yourselves in bikini's that's fine, but don't let every picture be revealing. Make people work to see your body. Leave something to be desired...Do you think Scarlett likes you posting these pictures?"
"I don't know?" I say not thinking about that.
"Scarlett whenever Isabella posts a picture like this what do you think about it?" Mama asks and I look at Scar
"It's her body she can do what she wants." Scarlett says.
"Scar be honest. We've been dating for almost two years. You won't hurt my feelings."
"Okay...honestly it kind of annoys me because I want to be the only one who gets to look at your body like that."
"And what way is that?" I ask playfully.
"Naked." Scar says with a smirk then I see her eyes roam my body.
I lean in to kiss Scar, but I'm cut off by Mama.
Kinda forgot she was in the room.
"Okay let's not have sex while I'm in the room." Mama says.
"Sorry Mama C." Scarlett says.
"Sorry Mama." I say.
"It's okay...Now you two shower and change into something nice."
"Why?" I ask.
"Your Mommy and I are taking both of you out to a nice dinner."
"Volleyball is about to start up again and we won't see you two as much during the season so we want to have one night where we can be together for more than an hour...Scarlett your mom's are doing the same thing tomorrow."
"So what all are we doing?" Scarlett asks.
"Well you two are going to shower, in separate bathrooms, then you girls will change into nice dresses and then the four of us are going to a nice dinner then we'll come back here and do whatever you girls want to do the rest of the night."
"Sounds fun." Scar says then pecks me on the lips and follows Mom out of the room so I go shower.
- - - - -
"M-Mama C?" I hear my daughters girlfriend say once I'm in the hallway making me turn around.
"Can I talk to you about something?"
"Of course." I say then take Scarlett to a mine and Lindsey's bedroom. "What's on your mind Scarlett?" I ask as we sit on the bed.
"Can this stay between us?" Scarlett asks and I nod then go shut and lock the door.
"Now Isabella can't hear us" I say as I sit down.
"Like at all?"
"This bedroom is soundproof."
"Oh cool."
"Yeah...so what's up?"
"Were you scared to take your relationship with Lindsey further?"
"Further how Sweetie?"
"I can't believe I'm talking to you about this." Scarlett says and runs her hand over her face.
"Scarlett it's okay... I think I known what you're asking, but I need you to say it so we are on the same page.
"Okay" Scarlett mumbles. "Were you nervous to get intimate with Lindsey."
Yeah this conversation is weird as hell, but I've never seen Scarlett look this scared and distraught.
"Yeah I was nervous because I didn't want Lindsey to think I was with her just for sex. I wanted her to know that I loved her for her mind, her heart, the way she made me feels when she walked in the room, and many other things that made me fall in love with her...I take it your nervous to go that far with Isabella."
"Yeah...I'm actually terrified."
"Why sweetheart?" I say and wrap Scarlett in my arms.
"In 8th grade I had a secret girlfriend because she wasn't out yet and the only time we talked was if she wanted to have sex."
"Oh honey. I'm so sorry you went through that."
"Bella and I have tried to get intimate, but every time it always ends up with me crying and Bella holding me."
"I was like that after I got sexually assaulted."
"How did you get over it?"
"I found Lindsey. I knew she was with me for the right reasons. I knew that when I woke up the next morning she would still be sleeping next to me. I knew she wouldn't hurt me. "
"I know she is your daughter, but do you think Isabella would hurt me like that?"
"No because she looks at you like I look at Lindsey"
"What way is that?"
"She looks at you like you are the only girl in the world."
"Do you think I will hurt her?"
"I know you won't intentionally hurt her. Both of you may inadvertently hurt the other one but, you two love each other too much to purposefully hurt the other." I admit.
"Do you think she is getting fed up with me and not being able to give myself to her like that."
"No, but if she does then tell me and I'll handle it...do you want me to talk to her about this?"
"No...I want to do it so she thinks I'm not a coward."
"Scarlett you're not a coward. You're protective of your body and you should be. You only get one. It's not like a house where you can move whenever you want."
"Have you talked to your Mom's about this?" I ask.
"No, but I'm going to do it whenever I go home."
"Good...You know if you ever need anything at all Lindsey and I are always here for you."
"Thanks Mama C." Scarlett says then hugs me.
"Of course Scarlett. I gotta look out for my future daughter-in-law." I say and we both laugh.
"You might have to wait a couple years for that."
"I can do that." I say and we both smile before someone knocks on the door.
"Mama have you seen Scar?" Isabella asks from the other side of the door.
I go over to the door and unlock then open it.
"Yeah she's in here." I say and move out of the way.
"Hey babe." Scarlett says.
"What were the two of you talking about?" Isabella asks as Scarlett walks over to her and kisses her cheek.
"I'll tell you about it later." Scarlett says.
Isabella waits for Scarlett to get into her room before she talks to me. "Should I be worried?"
I shake my head and pull her into a hug. "No. You just need to let her talk and listen to what she has to say...I promise it's not bad."
"Okay." Isabella says then walks into her room and I go and sit on a chair in my room and decompress.
"Baby what's wrong?" Lindsey says alerting me that she is back from getting the oil changed.
"I'll tell you in the shower." I say.
I then lead her to the shower where both of us strip and I get distracted by the fact that my wife still looks like a goddess.
"Babe you getting in?" Lindsey says which snaps me out of my trance. I nod then continue undressing then get in behind Lindsey and wrap my arms around her. "You okay?" Lindsey turns around in my arms and kisses me.
"Yeah...I don't really know where to start."
"Just start where you're comfortable."
"Well I addressed the photo where Isabella is using her hand as a bra and she understood what I was saying..." I say.
"That's good."
"But as I was showing Scarlett to a bathroom she asked me to talk and the conversation was awkward at first, but I've never seen her look so scared and distraught."
"What was it about?"
"When she was in the eight grade she had a secret girlfriend who basically used her for sex."
"Oh my god...no one should go through that."
"Yeah. Especially an eighth grade girl...she then asked if I was scared to get intimate with you and I told her I was because of my past and I didn't want to give you the wrong idea of why I was with you."
"You made your intentions abundantly clear when we almost did it on my birthday in 2019."
"Yeah...I liked that we waited a little longer."
"Me too."
"Anyway Scarlett then said that her and Isabella have tried to have sex before, but she couldn't so it always ends up with Scarlett crying and Isabella comforting her."
"We raised her right."
"That we did." I say and peck my wife's lips.
I then go onto explain everything else Scarlett and I talked about and my wife has the same reaction as me.
The two of us have a, sadly, tame shower then get dressed and meet the girls down stairs. The four of us then head to one of the girls favorite fancy restaurants and enjoy the dinner. After the dinner we go get ice cream and then head back to the house and watch a movie.
"Turn everything off when your done." Lindsey says as the two of us leave the media room
"Okay Mommy." Isabella says.
"Goodnight girls." I say.
- - - - -
"Hey can we talk?" Scar asks as we're cuddled up on my bed.
"Of course." I say and Scar straddles me so I sit up and lean back on the headboard so we are face to face and rest my hands on her thighs.
"When we were in the eight grade I had a secret girlfriend and I couldn't tell anybody because she wasn't out yet and she said if i told anyone she would make my life hell so I kept my mouth shut. The bad thing was the only time we talked was when she asked me to have sex with her."
"In eight grade?"
"Yeah...I didn't know what I was doing so I just did what she told me to do every time. I tried to break up with her once and she slapped me then threatened to tell my parents. I told them anyways and that girl got in a lot of trouble and then the family moved."
"Oh baby. I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have had to go through that."
"That's the reason I cried when we tried to have sex."
"Scarlett if we never have sex then that's fine. I love you for what's in here." I say and point to her brain. "And for what's in here." I put my hand on her heart.
"I-I-I wanna try." Scarlett says.
"Are you sure?"
"Okay baby you're in control." I say and Scar softly kisses me then takes off my shirt and things started to get heated
- - - - -
"I promise you Scar I'm not with you for the sex...even though it was amazing and I'll be hella sore in the morning.
"On a more serious note. How do you feel?" I ask and scoot closer so I can wrap an arm around my girlfriend.
"I'm good. I know you'll be here in the morning when I wake up."
"I'll be here for as long as you'll have me."
"I love you Isabella."
"I love you Scarlett." I say then peck her lips one last time before we go to sleep.
- In Serial25 Chapters
The Black Knight of the Demon King
I was once like everyone else. I had a family, went to school, played sports, and had a decent amount of friends, but then one day that all changed. What was the thing that had happened to me you might ask? Well, in short, I was abducted, but if we're being technical, what actually happened was me being summoned to this world called Atalan. However, I wasn't summoned as a hero or this great sage or a wizard or any of that stuff. No, I, Donovan Rutherford, had been transported to this world to be the one and only Black Knight of the Demon King and to defeat the Hero and his companions.(The Cover Photo is from DnD, aka Dungeons and Dragons, which isn't something I own. Well, I own one of the boardgames, but you all know what I mean. Anyways, like my other story I consider it more of a 2D world, but that's just me.)
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It’s the end of the world as humanity knew it. A time where humans and humanoids co-existed. Alien Life forces had no choice but to work together, to save the place they were brought into aeons ago. Aliens, what aliens? They look like us, speak like us, and act like us. Higher intelligence so to speak is truly existent, but with a cost. By working with the humans, they created Guardian Weapons--your every day looking weapons but with a slight shift of using condensed energy instead of typical gunpowder. However, this wasn't all. A secret governmental team of operatives scouted from all around the world was trying to find a cure for *The Happening*. An endangering disaster which wiped out most of the male species, whether human, animal or any type of sexual reproduction in the other kingdoms. Equipped with weapons of bio-destruction, they will mow down the terrorist groups, the hidden organizations, and any other party--that tries to stop their freedom and rights. This fiction is written, maintained and owned by Jann Lueder who is following the acts of the Writer's Pledge. P.S If you are wondering, there is no sort of Harem genre involved, it looks like it at first glance but the plot will explain it all.
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