《Even Badder Girl》s i x


Your time is up!

"There's always a party off campus on a Saturday Jules, we should totally go!" My roomate says to me excitedly.

I'm sat at my desk, catching up with some assignment that is due... two days ago, while Emmy is sat at her desk painting her nails. Priorities i guess. I look at her briefly.

"Are we even allowed to be off campus?" I question, scribbling over a spelling error i just made. I despise english language.

"Obviously! Although it may seem like it in many ways more than one, this isn't prison." She points a painted finger at me. I smile.

"What time do we have to be back?" I'm sure there's some sort of regulations following this.

"Depends what year you're in." Emmy explains, fanning her hands in the air to dry her nails quicker. "If you're a senior, half eleven on a Saturday; ten on a Sunday."

"I have nothing to wear." I sigh.

Emmy looks at me as if i'm the slowest person shes ever met. "Just raid my half of the closet."

I smile at her greatfully. Okay so it's settled; my first official London party. If they're anything like the parties back home, i'll probably be shit face drunk within the first half an hour. Welp, i'm here for a good time not a long one.

I finish up my assignment and decide we should start getting ready. It's already six and we've spent pretty much all day catching up on homework. Well, i have. I'm not sure what Em has been doing.

After a quick trip to the showers, in which my curtain was 'accidentally' pulled back, we make our way back to our dorm. The girl swears she thought it was empty; does the curtain beimg drawn mean absolutely nothing? Whatever, i hope she enjoyed the eye full of cheeks that she recieved.

About twenty-five minutes go by and i finally decide on a black mini skirt, black and grey argyle sweater vest layered on a white tshirt. I slip on my mary janes and push my damp hair behind my ears, letting it hang down my back. I unflip my septum piercing, which i've managed to hide the whole time i've been here, and put in some tiny cute dangly earrings.

Emmy manages to poke me in the eye about six times with the eyeliner as she does my makeup. My tears were literally black at one point. She just blames it on the fact that i keep apparently wriggling. I look at myself once she's done. I actually look great if im honest. I thank Emmy as i pull on my oversized leather jacket- which was my dads- before we head out the dorm.

I check the time on the clock above the the exit. It's half nine. I thought it would take longer for us to get ready. We catch a ride with some guy that Emmy has hooked up with from Ravenwood, and not soon after, we arrive at the destination.

The house is indescribably large. There have to be at least four floors, yet only the bottom one is alive. Lights, music and people are spilling out of every possible opening. And yes, there is literally someone hanging out the window upside down by his legs.


I close my gaping mouth as we walk up the drive and into the front door. The room smells like a mixture of alcohol and bodily fluids; the same as pretty much every party i've ever been to. A couple people greet Em as we walk through the building, her introducing them to me along the way.


A tall curly haired kid, most likely our year, calls out to her, waving over the crowd. She waves back, the colour in her already flustered cheeks creeping across her face. She gives me a look that i now recognise as her having hooked up with someone.

"I'm gonna go-- uh-- talk... to him." She says, widening her eyes briefly. Oh, so they're gonna hook up. "I'll be right back, i promise."

I smile as Emmy dissapears into the crowd with him, leaving me all on my lonesome. I wander around until i come across the kitchen. There are two people making out against the sink, another girl sleeping on the kitchen table. I sigh and walk over to the fridge, looking for something to occupy me.

I decide on an apple juice carton. I promised my dad i would stay sober, and i've decided i'm gonna keep that promise for as long as possible.

"You look like you're having fun."

I turn around to see Chuck. He's wearing blue jeans and a white sweater. He looks so clean and crisp, exactly how he does in his school uniform. I smile at him, greatful that there's at least one other person i know here.

"Well, you know, the fun hasn't started until i've got my sugar rush." I hold up my juice box. "That's when i start dancing on tables and kissing girls."

Chuck chuckles (sorry i had to) and stands beside me, turning around to lean on the counter as i am. "Are you here with anybody?" He asks.

"Yeah, but, Emmy is quite... one could say busy, at the moment." I play with the straw in my mouth as Chuck nods in silent agreement.

"Well if--"

A dark haired boy bursts in to the kitchen, slightly out of breath. "We're playing seven minutes in heaven." He pants, closing his eyes and breathing for a moment. I screw up my face in obvious disgust, but he just shrugs. "It's either this, otherwise it's truth or strip."

Suddenly, seven minutes isn't sounding too bad. Everyone flows out of the kitchen and into some sort of living room area. We all have to write our names on a slip of paper and place it in a beanie, where its's shuffled up and two are picked at random. I put my name in before returning to sit next to Chuck on the ground, crossing my legs.

I scan my eyes around the room, and it's only then that i notice him. None other than Lane Evans. He's sat on the couch to my left between two girls, whispering something in one of their ears as they giggle uncontrollably. Ugh.

People are in and out of the closet, occasionally noises being heard through the door of people... you know... getting it off. It's quite weird that they're doing that while we all just sit out here. The eighth pair leave the closet as time is called, noticeably discheveled, trying to fix their clothes and act natural- even tho the boy has lipstick smeared around his mouth. Everyone cheers as they assume their seats, the brown haired host pulling another name from the hat.


"And next up we have... Lane Evans!" The party goers abrupt into cheers again, girls giggling and touching up on their lipgloss. I glance at Lane, who barely even moves, but turns his attention to the host, waiting for the next name to be called. I look back at mr dark hair as he dips his hand back into the beanie. Everyone goes silent in anticipation.

"And Lane's partner will be..." he fumbles as he tries to open a tightly folded slip. I smile, because i've always liked to fold my paper tightly too. "... Jules Carter!"

Oh. The smile is wiped off my face. I look around, wondering if there happens to be another Jules Carter here tonight, but no one else is getting up. I hear a couple whispers, people asking who she is, and i'm contemplating joining in.

Lane pushes himself to his feet, a smirk across his lips as he runs a hand through his hair. He's wearing a plain white tshirt and black joggers with airforce ones, but he still manages to look flawless. His shirt shifts slightly as he lifts his arms, revealing his lower abs and that little trail of hair on his stomach that guys have. He walks over to mr host and stands beside him, raising a brow at me.

Rolling my eyes, i get to my feet and straighten out my skirt. A bunch of people look at me and gasp, realising i'm the infamous Jules Carter. I tuck my hair behind my ears before stepping over the groups of people on the floor, making my way to the front.

I ignore Lane and look at the guy, who nods in the direction of the closet. Reluctantly, i step in, Lane close behind me and turn around to face everyone outside the door.

"Okay, your seven minutes starts... now!" The host slams the door shut, a tiny click as he locks us in. Was the locking really necassary?

I step back and face in the general direction of Lane. I say that because it's quite dark and i can just about make out where he is.

"Carter," He says and i can tell he's smirking down at me.

"If you touch me Evans, i promise you i'll scream." I say monotonously. And i'm not joking.

He laughs quietly to himself. "So, how do you wanna spend these seven minutes, Carter?"

"Preferably with you being quiet so i can think up ways i'm going to murder you." I smile sweetly as i look up at him.

Lane raises an eyebrow as he steps towards me. What the fuck is he doing? I back up until i feel a table behind me. I'm trapped.

"I swear to god Evans, i'll scream." I threaten as he closes in on me.

Just as i take a deep breath, Lane swiftly presses his hand against my mouth and my body freezes in place. I frown at him as his smirk reappears on his lips. He nears me, but doesn't over step any boundaries as if he's trying to see how i will react, leaving a short but comfortable distance between our bodies.

He takes his free hand and strokes my face slowly with the back of it. I can't make out the emotions i'm feeling right now. Mainly confusion with a slither of murderous intent. But a part of me likes it. I can't believe i just said that.

Lane continues to lift me into his arms before setting me down on the table behind us. My brain can't even process what is happening right now. I'm too confused to even form words.

He places a hand beside my head on the wall that my back is pressed against and leans down towards me, our faces only inches apart. His breath has a cool minty smell to it, mixing in with his vanilla colonge.

He finally leans in, planting a small, delicate kiss on the side of my mouth. My breath hitches as my eyes widen.

"Your time is up!" The brown haired boy says, unlocking the door.

The sound of his voice snaps me out of my state of shock and i shove Lane in the chest angrily. "I told you not to touch me." I manage, my voice weakened.

I hop down off the table and push past him as he laughs, raising his arms in question. I'm glad he finds himself so amusing.

I pull the door open and storm out. Safe to say i'm pissed. I step through all the people and their staring eyes out into the hallway. A big hand suddenly grips my bicep, making me stop in my tracks.

"Where are you going Carter?" Lane grins at me.

I pull my arm from his grip as i glare at him, continuing to walk ahead.

"I was just messing with you, Jules." I hear him laugh again and put ny middle finger up over my shoulder.

What a jerk.

I spot a rather discheveled looking Emmy sat on the arm of a sofa, swaying to the music with a red cup in her hand. I push through the crowd until i'm stood in front of her.

She beams when she sees me "Hey J! Where have you been?" She shouts over the music.

"Can we please go home Emmy?" I ask, in no mood for a party.

Em looks at me in concern, but doesnt question it and nods, putting down her cup and linking her arm through mine.


Lane has overstepped some boundaries with Jules :/

im trying to keep my chapters longer, but i probably wont update as much in order to do so.

hope you enjoyed :)


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