《pls why is he so innocent》what


Ryūen had called out to Ayanokouji (yes, weirdly enough he did remember his name, because really it was simple to do) and had almost laughed when someone did the same.

Ryūen didn't really have a reason to call him out it was just kinda getting boring.

But he really didn't expect the "damn, double homicide," the Ayanokouji had said under his breath.

He was, admittedly, laughing, however the other kid who called out to him. A pretty girl with long black hair and red eyes. She looked annoyed and infuriated, however Ryūen ignored this and went to talked to Ayanokouji, since he was closer to him. Based on his gaze he knew who he was.

'Bastard, kukuku,' Ryūen thought has he saw Ayanokouji's gaze that seem to recognize him, however the words that came out of his mouth were probably what made him burst out laughing.

"Did the police ever find the body?" He asked face never changing, though Ryūen could hear the humor in his voice, almost making fun of him.

He going to respond when suddenly the girl they had been ignoring called out to them again, seemingly more infuriated. They turned to her, she was at the end of the steps, like she couldn't move up or something. Is she physically disabled or something?

"Why were you stating at me earlier?" She asked way to normally for this to be okay. Seeing Ayanokouji's slighty confused face it could mean she was just crazy.

'Shawty trifling she must be from dirty docks,' Ryūen thought not really caring much about the situation.

"Shawty trifling," Ayanokouji started, voicing Ryūen's thoughts, "she must be from dirty docks,"

"That's what I'm saying," he said almost solemnly. However, they weren't really talking loud so to respond to the girl's question Ayanokouji went "I'm sorry, who are you?"


This seem to embarrass the girl.

Because she started walk past them mumbling something about stupid boys or whatever.

Ryūen and Ayanokouji looked at each other for a second before blinking and shrugging. Then continued to walk into the school.


Intermission- In school Auditorium-

Ryūen: You know what it smells like in here?

Ayanokouji: What?

Ryūen: Budussy

~Timeskip to after they get to the classroom and are explained things, everything is the same lol~



Hirata Yousuke: Hey guys, I made this group chat so the class can communicate easier!

Wang Mei-Yu: OMG hey Hirata 😄

Kushida Kikyo: Hey Hirata?

Hirata Yousuke: Yeah?

Kushida Kikyo: Aren't there some people missing from our class?

Hirata Yousuke: Oh, I actually don't have everyone's number yet. So if you all see someone's number that I don't have but you do please send it to me.

Haruki Yamauchi: Oh and if any of you girls have a problem dm me 😉

Ike Kanji: Or me 😉

Haruka Hasebe: Um anyways so can everyone change their names to like nn or something, it's all so boring and bland here.

Yousuke: Haha, I dont really have a nn

Kikyo: omg I just spotted Ayanokouji, the loner, talking with some people from class C I think, he's probs not an actual loner guys

Mii-chan: Is he actually not a loner?

Maya: Did we really assume he was a loner because he didn't want to talk to any of us 💀

Kei: deadass bro

Kayano: bro I heard the long haired guy got into a bunch of fights in junior high, you think the Ayanokouji kid is a bad boy or sum

Nene: Maybe he has that 'I really dont care' vibe around him, you know

Chiaki: omg ur right lmao

Kanji: Ayo, yall talking about that one kid in seat 21??


Kei: omg "yall" 😭

Maya: yeah why?

Kanji: I literally just saw him eating ramen with that red haired thug outside the convenience store

Haruka: nah cause really ✋🤨

Kanji: I'm serious 😫

Yamauchi: bro emoji kinda sus 😳

Haruka: pics or it's fake

Kanji: damn bruh he just left😓

Haruka: mhm 🧐

Yousuke: hey maybe not call our classmates thugs, we havent talked to him enough to know, so please don't assume 🙂

Mii-chan: yeah I agree with hirata :/

Kondou: honestly yeah

Girls Group Chat

Mii-chan: hey we have all of Class D girls here right?

Haruka: yeah I think so lol

Kikyo: yeah why?

Mii-chan: If hirata is the perfect school boy, then ayanokouji is like 🤕

Kondou: like the bad boy!!🤯

Mii-chan: yeah😆

Maya: yeah I see it😶

Kei: eh he seems kinda gloomy to me🤔

Chiaki: same lol

Kikyo: Does anybody have Horikita's number?

Kei: who that?? 🤨

Kikyo: she sits next to Ayanokouji, ah but she didn't introduce herself she left 🙁

Kei: damn must suck to suck

Chiaki: couldn't she have at least introduced herself

Mii-chan: I sit in front of her and she was talking to Ayanokouji???

Mii-chan: tho lowkey he was making fun of her 😬

Haruka: how so??

Mii-chan: idk just kind of poking fun of her, something about calling to him and just running off

Kei: damn she looks so serious but then she does that maybe shes a tsundere lmao

Airi: ah, I didnt get to talk, hi guys! 😆

(I think I would drop dead if I saw her stutter over text, but like its texting so she can say stuff freely in just takes her some time to send cause she debates it)

Mii-chan: hey lol

Kei: Mii-chan you sound like you sliding into someone's dms

Chiaki: not the dms lmfao 😭

Ayanokouji and Ryūen Chat

Ayanokouji: are my ears deceiving me right now 🤨👂🖐

Ryūen: that very much depends

Ayanokouji: idk just some stuff about you harassing some kids

Ryūen: gonna have to be specific


Ryūen: I can hear you sigh from hear

Ayanokouji: good

Merry Christmas folks 😄

Damn almost forgot

Sexually headcanons??

    people are reading<pls why is he so innocent>
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